


The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.

Module Contents

class fsi.layouts.audit.AuditLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False)[source]

Bases: onegov.fsi.layout.DefaultLayout

The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.

model: onegov.fsi.collections.audit.AuditCollection[source]
property title: str[source]
property breadcrumbs: list[onegov.core.elements.Link][source]

Returns the breadcrumbs for the current page.

A of onegov.org.elements.LinkGroup classes. Each of them will be shown in the top editbar, with the group title being the dropdown title.

render_start_end(start: datetime | None, end: datetime | None) str[source]
format_refresh_interval(num_years: int) str[source]
static next_event_date(start: datetime | None, refresh_interval: int | None) datetime | None[source]
property audit_table_headers: list[str][source]