


Baseclass for Morepath OneGov applications.


get_template_directory(→ str)

get_static_directory(→ str)

get_theme(→ onegov.fsi.theme.FsiTheme)


get_i18n_localedirs(→ list[str])

get_js_path(→ str)

get_webasset_output(→ str)

get_common_asset(→ Iterator[str])

Module Contents

class fsi.app.FsiApp[source]

Bases: onegov.town6.TownApp

Baseclass for Morepath OneGov applications.


The class of the Request to create. Must be a subclass of morepath.Request.

By default the request class is morepath.Request

send_ticket_statistics = False[source]

Returns True if the given request is allowed to access private search results. By default every logged in user has access to those.

This method may be overwritten if this is not desired.

configure_organisation(*, enable_user_registration: bool = False, enable_yubikey: bool = False, disable_password_reset: bool = False, **cfg: Any) None[source]
on_login(request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest, user: onegov.user.User) None[source]

Called by the auth module, whenever a successful login was completed.

fsi.app.get_template_directory() str[source]
fsi.app.get_static_directory() str[source]
fsi.app.get_theme() onegov.fsi.theme.FsiTheme[source]
fsi.app.get_create_new_organisation_factory() Callable[[FsiApp, str], Organisation][source]
fsi.app.get_i18n_localedirs() list[str][source]
fsi.app.get_js_path() str[source]
fsi.app.get_webasset_output() str[source]
fsi.app.get_common_asset() Iterator[str][source]