Source code for fsi.layouts.audit
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import cached_property
from onegov.core.elements import Link, LinkGroup
from onegov.fsi.layout import DefaultLayout
from onegov.fsi import _
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from datetime import datetime
from onegov.fsi.collections.audit import AuditCollection
class AuditLayout(DefaultLayout):
def breadcrumbs(self) -> list[Link]:
links = super().breadcrumbs
assert isinstance(links, list)
return links
def editbar_links(self) -> list[Link | LinkGroup]:
if not self.model.course_id or not self.model.subset_count:
return []
return [
text=_('PDF'),, name='pdf'),
attrs={'class': 'print-icon', 'target': '_blank'}
def render_start_end(
start: datetime | None,
end: datetime | None
) -> str:
if not start:
return '-'
date_str = self.format_date(start, 'date')
start_str = self.format_date(start, 'time')
end_str = self.format_date(end, 'time')
return f'{date_str} {start_str} - {end_str}'
def format_refresh_interval(self, num_years: int) -> str:
assert isinstance(num_years, int)
return self.format_timedelta(
# NOTE: Even though 365.25 would be more accurate, babel itself
# uses 365 to count the number of years, so this is the
# most reliable way to not encounter any drift (not that
# we'd expect to see num_years high enough for this to
# matter)
timedelta(days=num_years * 365)
def next_event_date(
start: datetime | None,
refresh_interval: int | None
) -> datetime | None:
if not start:
return None
if refresh_interval is None:
return None
assert isinstance(refresh_interval, int)
return start.replace(year=start.year + refresh_interval)
def audit_table_headers(self) -> list[str]:
if not self.model.course:
# FIXME: Maybe it would be better to assert this? It doesn't
# look like we expect to be able to deal with this case
# anywhere
return []
# FIXME: Does this mean this should actually not be nullable?
assert self.model.course.refresh_interval is not None
due_in = self.format_refresh_interval(
titles = (
_('Last Event'),
_('Due by (every ${refresh_interval})', mapping={
'refresh_interval': due_in}
return [self.request.translate(head) for head in titles]