



serve(→ None)

Starts the global websocket server.

listen(→ Callable[[CoreRequest, WebsocketsApp], None])

Listens for application-bound broadcasts from the websocket server.

status(→ Callable[[CoreRequest, WebsocketsApp], None])

Shows the global status of the websocket server.

broadcast(→ Callable[[CoreRequest, WebsocketsApp], None])

Broadcast to all application-bound connected clients.

Module Contents

websockets.cli.serve(group_context: onegov.core.cli.core.GroupContext, host: str | None, port: int | None, token: str | None, sentry_dsn: str | None, sentry_environment: str | None, sentry_release: str | None) None[source]

Starts the global websocket server.

Takes the configuration from the first found app if missing.

onegov-websockets serve

websockets.cli.listen(group_context: onegov.core.cli.core.GroupContext, url: str | None, schema: str | None, channel: str | None, private: bool) Callable[[CoreRequest, WebsocketsApp], None][source]

Listens for application-bound broadcasts from the websocket server.

Requires either the selection of a websockets-enabled application or passing the optional parameters url and schema.

onegov-websockets –select ‘/onegov_org/govikon’ listen

websockets.cli.status(group_context: onegov.core.cli.core.GroupContext, url: str | None, token: str | None) Callable[[CoreRequest, WebsocketsApp], None][source]

Shows the global status of the websocket server.

Requires either the selection of a websockets-enabled application or passing the optional parameters.

onegov-websockets –select ‘/onegov_org/govikon’ status

websockets.cli.broadcast(group_context: onegov.core.cli.core.GroupContext, message: str, url: str | None, schema: str | None, token: str | None, channel: str | None, private: bool) Callable[[CoreRequest, WebsocketsApp], None][source]

Broadcast to all application-bound connected clients.

Requires either the selection of a websockets-enabled application or passing the optional parameters.

onegov-websockets –select ‘/onegov_org/govikon’ broadcast ‘{“event”:”refresh”,”path”:”events/abcd”}’