Source code for websockets.cli

from asyncio import run
from json import loads
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import click
from sentry_sdk import init as init_sentry
from websockets.legacy.client import connect

from onegov.core.cli import command_group, pass_group_context
from onegov.websockets.client import authenticate
from onegov.websockets.client import broadcast as broadast_message
from onegov.websockets.client import register
from onegov.websockets.client import status as get_status
from onegov.websockets.server import main

    from import Callable

    from onegov.core.cli.core import GroupContext
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from onegov.websockets import WebsocketsApp

[docs] cli = command_group() invoke_without_command=True, context_settings={ 'matches_required': False, 'default_selector': '*' } ) @click.option('--host') @click.option('--port', type=int) @click.option('--token') @click.option('--sentry-dsn') @click.option('--sentry-environment', default='testing') @click.option('--sentry-release') @pass_group_context
[docs] def serve( group_context: 'GroupContext', host: str | None, port: int | None, token: str | None, sentry_dsn: str | None, sentry_environment: str | None, sentry_release: str | None ) -> None: """ Starts the global websocket server. Takes the configuration from the first found app if missing. onegov-websockets serve """ if not all((host, port, token)) and group_context.config.applications: app = group_context.config.applications[0] config = app.configuration.get('websockets', {}) url = config.get('manage_url') if url: url = urlparse(url) host = host or url.hostname port = port or url.port token = token or config.get('manage_token') assert host and port and token, 'invalid configuration' if sentry_dsn: init_sentry( dsn=sentry_dsn, release=sentry_release, environment=sentry_environment, ) run(main(host, port, token, group_context.config))
@cli.command('listen') @click.option('--url') @click.option('--schema') @click.option('--channel') @click.option('--private', is_flag=True, default=False) @pass_group_context
[docs] def listen( group_context: 'GroupContext', url: str | None, schema: str | None, channel: str | None, private: bool ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest, WebsocketsApp], None]': """ Listens for application-bound broadcasts from the websocket server. Requires either the selection of a websockets-enabled application or passing the optional parameters url and schema. onegov-websockets --select '/onegov_org/govikon' listen """ def _listen(request: 'CoreRequest', app: 'WebsocketsApp') -> None: nonlocal url, schema, channel if private and channel: raise click.UsageError('Use either channel or private, not both') if private and not app.configuration.get('identity_secret'): raise click.UsageError('identity_secret not set') url = url or app.websockets_client_url(request) schema = schema or app.schema channel = app.websockets_private_channel if private else channel schema_channel = f'{schema}-{channel}' if channel else schema async def main() -> None: async with connect(url) as websocket: await register(websocket, schema, channel) click.echo(f'Listing on {url} @ {schema_channel}') async for message in websocket: click.echo(message) run(main()) return _listen
@cli.command('status') @click.option('--url') @click.option('--token') @pass_group_context
[docs] def status( group_context: 'GroupContext', url: str | None, token: str | None ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest, WebsocketsApp], None]': """ Shows the global status of the websocket server. Requires either the selection of a websockets-enabled application or passing the optional parameters. onegov-websockets --select '/onegov_org/govikon' status """ def _status(request: 'CoreRequest', app: 'WebsocketsApp') -> None: nonlocal url, token url = url or app.websockets_manage_url token = token or app.websockets_manage_token async def main() -> None: async with connect(url) as websocket: await authenticate(websocket, token) response = await get_status(websocket) click.echo(response) run(main()) return _status
@cli.command('broadcast') @click.argument('message') @click.option('--url') @click.option('--schema') @click.option('--token') @click.option('--channel') @click.option('--private', is_flag=True, default=False) @pass_group_context
[docs] def broadcast( group_context: 'GroupContext', message: str, url: str | None, schema: str | None, token: str | None, channel: str | None, private: bool ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest, WebsocketsApp], None]': """ Broadcast to all application-bound connected clients. Requires either the selection of a websockets-enabled application or passing the optional parameters. onegov-websockets --select '/onegov_org/govikon' \ broadcast '{"event":"refresh","path":"events/abcd"}' """ def _broadcast(request: 'CoreRequest', app: 'WebsocketsApp') -> None: nonlocal url, schema, token, channel, private if private and channel: raise click.UsageError('Use either channel or private, not both') if private and not app.configuration.get('identity_secret'): raise click.UsageError('identity_secret not set') url = url or app.websockets_manage_url schema = schema or app.schema token = token or app.websockets_manage_token channel = app.websockets_private_channel if private else channel schema_channel = f'{schema}-{channel}' if channel else schema async def main() -> None: async with connect(url) as websocket: await authenticate(websocket, token) await broadast_message( websocket, schema, channel, loads(message), ) click.echo(f'{message} sent to {schema_channel}') run(main()) return _broadcast