Provides user integration. |
We contact the provider that the user wants to log out and redirecting |
Module Contents
- user.integration._AuthenticationProvider: TypeAlias = SeparateAuthenticationProvider | IntegratedAuthenticationProvider[source]
- class user.integration.UserApp[source]
Provides user integration.
Historically it was not necessary to use this app for user integration, and most features are still possible without it. However, third-party authentication providers only work if the UserApp is integrated.
The following configuration options are accepted:
- Authentication_providers:
A dictionary of provider-specific configuration settings, see
for more information.
- property providers: Mapping[str, _AuthenticationProvider][source]
Returns a mapping of availabe providers.
- on_login(request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest, user: onegov.user.User) None [source]
Called by the auth module, whenever a successful login was completed.
- user.integration.authentication_provider(app: UserApp, name: str, to: str = '/') onegov.user.auth.provider.AuthenticationProvider | None [source]
- user.integration.handle_authentication(self: onegov.user.auth.provider.SeparateAuthenticationProvider, request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest) webob.response.Response [source]
- user.integration.handle_provider_authorisation(self: onegov.user.auth.provider.OauthProvider, request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest) webob.response.Response [source]
- user.integration.handle_provider_logout(self: onegov.user.auth.provider.AuthenticationProvider, request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest) webob.response.Response [source]
We contact the provider that the user wants to log out and redirecting him to our main logout view.
- user.integration.auto_login_tween_factory(app: UserApp, handler: Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]) Callable[[CoreRequest], Response] [source]