Source code for user.integration

import morepath
from more.webassets import WebassetsApp
from more.webassets.core import webassets_injector_tween
from import Public
from onegov.user.auth.core import Auth
from onegov.user.auth.provider import (
    AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDERS, AuthenticationProvider,
    AzureADProvider, SAML2Provider, Conclusion)
from webob.exc import HTTPUnauthorized
from webob.response import Response

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable, Iterator, Mapping
    from functools import cached_property
    from onegov.core.cache import RedisCacheRegion
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from onegov.user import User
    from onegov.user.auth.provider import (
        IntegratedAuthenticationProvider, OauthProvider,
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from typing import TypeAlias

    # NOTE: In order for mypy to be able to type narrow to these more
    #       specific authentication providers we return a type union
    #       instead of the base type
[docs] _AuthenticationProvider: TypeAlias = ( SeparateAuthenticationProvider | IntegratedAuthenticationProvider)
[docs] class UserApp(WebassetsApp): """ Provides user integration. Historically it was not necessary to use this app for user integration, and most features are still possible without it. However, third-party authentication providers only work if the UserApp is integrated. The following configuration options are accepted: :authentication_providers: A dictionary of provider-specific configuration settings, see :mod:`onegov.user.auth.provider` for more information. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: # we forward declare the Framework attributes we depend on
[docs] application_id: str
namespace: str @cached_property def session(self) -> Callable[[], Session]: ... @property def cache(self) -> RedisCacheRegion: ...
[docs] auto_login_provider: AuthenticationProvider | None
[docs] def providers(self) -> 'Mapping[str, _AuthenticationProvider]': """ Returns a mapping of availabe providers. """ return getattr(self, 'available_providers', {})
[docs] def provider(self, name: str) -> AuthenticationProvider | None: return self.providers.get(name)
[docs] def on_login(self, request: 'CoreRequest', user: 'User') -> None: """ Called by the auth module, whenever a successful login was completed. """
[docs] def redirect_after_login( self, identity: morepath.Identity, request: 'CoreRequest', default: str ) -> str | None: """ Returns the path to redirect after login, given the received identity, the request and the default path. Returns a path, or None if the default path should be used. """ return None
[docs] def configure_authentication_providers(self, **cfg: Any) -> None: providers_cfg = cfg.get('authentication_providers', {}) self.available_providers = { name: provider for name, provider_cfg in providers_cfg.items() if (cls := AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDERS.get( provider_cfg.get('provider', name) )) is not None if ( provider := cls.configure(name=name, **provider_cfg) ) is not None } # enable auto login for the first provider that has it configured, and # only the first (others are ignored) for name, provider in self.available_providers.items(): config = providers_cfg.get(name, {}) if config.get('auto_login'): self.auto_login_provider = provider break else: self.auto_login_provider = None
@UserApp.path( model=AuthenticationProvider, path='/auth/provider/{name}')
[docs] def authentication_provider( app: UserApp, name: str, to: str = '/' ) -> AuthenticationProvider | None: if name == 'auto': provider = app.auto_login_provider else: provider = app.provider(name) if not provider: return None # the 'to' is just held here to be able to reuse it in the view = to return provider
@UserApp.view( model=AuthenticationProvider, permission=Public)
[docs] def handle_authentication( # FIXME: We should ensure this is true self: 'SeparateAuthenticationProvider', request: 'CoreRequest' ) -> Response: response = self.authenticate_request(request) # the provider returned its own HTTP response if isinstance(response, Response): return response # the provider reached a conclusion if isinstance(response, Conclusion): assert request.path_info is not None ajax_request = request.path_info.endswith('/auto') if response: if not ajax_request: request.success(request.translate(response.note)) return Auth.from_request(request, user=response.user, request=request) else: if not ajax_request: request.alert(request.translate(response.note)) # Answering with a plain 403 would be more correct, but some # frontend-web-servers will not show our content in this case and # that means we cannot help the user much. # # So we deliberately chose to be less correct, but more user # friendly here. Unfortunately we do not always control the # frontend-web-servers to mitigate this (on-premise deployments). if not ajax_request: return request.redirect(request.class_link(Auth, name='login')) return HTTPUnauthorized() # the provider returned something illegal raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid response from {}: {response}')
@UserApp.view( model=AuthenticationProvider, permission=Public, name='redirect' ) # saml2 idp's may require POST on authorisation @UserApp.view( model=AuthenticationProvider, permission=Public, name='redirect', request_method='POST'
[docs] ) def handle_provider_authorisation( # FIXME: We should ensure this is true self: 'OauthProvider', request: 'CoreRequest' ) -> Response: response = self.request_authorisation(request) if isinstance(response, Response): return response if isinstance(response, Conclusion): # catching the success conclusion with the ensured user if response: return Auth.from_request(request, user=response.user, request=request) else: request.alert(request.translate(response.note)) login_to = request.browser_session.pop('login_to') # On failure we take `to` and bring the user to the url where he # started his authentication process. return request.redirect( request.class_link(Auth, {'to': login_to}, name='login') ) raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid response from {}: {response}')
@UserApp.view( model=AuthenticationProvider, permission=Public, name='logout' ) # same here @UserApp.view( model=AuthenticationProvider, permission=Public, name='logout', request_method='POST'
[docs] ) def handle_provider_logout( self: AuthenticationProvider, request: 'CoreRequest' ) -> Response: """ We contact the provider that the user wants to log out and redirecting him to our main logout view. """ if isinstance(self, AzureADProvider): request.browser_session['logout_to'] = return morepath.redirect(self.logout_url(request)) elif isinstance(self, SAML2Provider): client = self.tenants.client( assert client is not None return client.handle_slo(self, request) raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_js_path() -> str: return 'assets/js'
[docs] def get_preview_widget_asset() -> 'Iterator[str]': yield 'auto-login.js'
[docs] def auto_login_tween_factory( app: UserApp, handler: 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]' ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]': def auto_login_tween(request: 'CoreRequest') -> Response: """ Optionally injects an auto-login javascript asset. The auto-login javascript will call the auto-login provider and redirect the user if successful. This requires that the login provider can do the login without user interaction. """ if getattr(app, 'auto_login_provider', False): request.include('auto-login') return handler(request) return auto_login_tween