


Layout for emails expecting the model to be a subscription object.


The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.


The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.


The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.


The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.

Module Contents

class fsi.layouts.notification.MailLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest)[source]

Bases: onegov.org.layout.DefaultMailLayout, onegov.fsi.layout.FormatMixin

Layout for emails expecting the model to be a subscription object. Takes in a notification template linked to a course_event.

app: onegov.fsi.app.FsiApp[source]

Returns the application behind the request.

request: onegov.fsi.request.FsiRequest[source]
model: onegov.fsi.models.CourseNotificationTemplate[source]
property title: str[source]
property default_macros: onegov.core.templates.MacrosLookup[source]
property base: chameleon.PageTemplateFile[source]

Returns the layout, which defines the base layout of all pages.

See templates/layout.pt.

property event_start: str[source]
property event_end: str[source]
property event_date: str[source]
property course_name: str[source]
property course_description: str[source]
property reservation_name: str[source]
property event_url: str[source]
property course_url: str[source]
property upcoming_events_collection: onegov.fsi.collections.course_event.CourseEventCollection[source]
property open_events_url: str[source]
property events_list: list[onegov.fsi.models.CourseEvent][source]
property notification_type: str[source]
class fsi.layouts.notification.NotificationTemplateCollectionLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False)[source]

Bases: onegov.fsi.layout.DefaultLayout

The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.

model: onegov.fsi.collections.notification_template.CourseNotificationTemplateCollection[source]
property title: str[source]
property breadcrumbs: list[onegov.core.elements.Link][source]

Returns the breadcrumbs for the current page.

class AccordionItem[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

subject: str | None[source]
text: str | None[source]
url: str[source]
edit_url: str[source]
accordion_items() tuple[AccordionItem, Ellipsis][source]
class fsi.layouts.notification.NotificationTemplateLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False)[source]

Bases: onegov.fsi.layout.DefaultLayout

The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.

model: onegov.fsi.models.CourseNotificationTemplate[source]
property title: str[source]
property collection: onegov.fsi.collections.notification_template.CourseNotificationTemplateCollection[source]
property breadcrumbs: list[onegov.core.elements.Link][source]

Returns the breadcrumbs for the current page.

A of onegov.org.elements.LinkGroup classes. Each of them will be shown in the top editbar, with the group title being the dropdown title.

class fsi.layouts.notification.EditNotificationTemplateLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False)[source]

Bases: NotificationTemplateLayout

The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.

property title: str[source]
property breadcrumbs: list[onegov.core.elements.Link][source]

Returns the breadcrumbs for the current page.

class fsi.layouts.notification.SendNotificationTemplateLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False)[source]

Bases: NotificationTemplateLayout

The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site.

property title: str[source]
property breadcrumbs: list[onegov.core.elements.Link][source]

Returns the breadcrumbs for the current page.