Displays the list of attendees filtered by a course and organisation |
Module Contents
- class fsi.collections.audit.AuditCollection(session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session, course_id: uuid.UUID | None, auth_attendee: onegov.fsi.models.CourseAttendee, organisations: list[str] | None = None, letter: str | None = None, page: int = 0, exclude_inactive: bool = True)[source]
]Displays the list of attendees filtered by a course and organisation for evaluation if they subscribed and completed a course event.
The organisation filter should also be exact and not fuzzy.
- subset() sqlalchemy.orm.Query[AuditRow] [source]
Returns an SQLAlchemy query containing all records that should be considered for pagination.
- page_by_index(index: int) Self [source]
Returns the page at the given index. A page here means an instance of the class inheriting from the
base class.
- __eq__(other: object) bool [source]
Returns True if the current and the other Pagination instance are equal. Used to find the current page in a list of pages.
- ranked_subscription_query(past_only: bool = True) sqlalchemy.orm.Query[RankedSubscriptionRow] [source]
Ranks all subscriptions of all events of a course windowed over the attendee_id and ranked after completed, most recent Use this query to make a join with any collection of attendees.
- last_subscriptions() sqlalchemy.orm.Query[LastSubscriptionRow] [source]
Retrieve the last completed subscription by attemdee for a given the course_id.
- filter_attendees_by_role(query: sqlalchemy.orm.Query[T]) sqlalchemy.orm.Query[T] [source]
Filter permissions of editor, exclude external,
- next_subscriptions(request: onegov.fsi.request.FsiRequest) dict[uuid.UUID, tuple[str, datetime.datetime]] [source]