Source code for

from onegov.core import utils
from onegov.fsi.initial_content import create_new_organisation
from onegov.fsi.models.course_attendee import CourseAttendee
from onegov.fsi.request import FsiRequest
from onegov.fsi.theme import FsiTheme
from onegov.town6 import TownApp
from import get_common_asset as default_common_asset
from import get_i18n_localedirs as get_town6_i18n_localedirs

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable, Iterator
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from import Organisation
    from onegov.user import User

[docs] class FsiApp(TownApp):
[docs] request_class = FsiRequest
# FSI doesn't really deal with tickets much, so no reason to send the # ticket statistics.
[docs] send_ticket_statistics = False
[docs] def configure_organisation( self, *, enable_user_registration: bool = False, enable_yubikey: bool = False, disable_password_reset: bool = False, **cfg: Any ) -> None: super().configure_organisation( enable_user_registration=enable_user_registration, enable_yubikey=enable_yubikey, disable_password_reset=disable_password_reset, **cfg )
[docs] def on_login(self, request: 'CoreRequest', user: 'User') -> None: assert hasattr(user, 'attendee') if not user.attendee: user.attendee = CourseAttendee()
[docs] def get_template_directory() -> str: return 'templates'
[docs] def get_static_directory() -> str: return 'static'
@FsiApp.setting(section='core', name='theme')
[docs] def get_theme() -> FsiTheme: return FsiTheme()
@FsiApp.setting(section='org', name='create_new_organisation')
[docs] def get_create_new_organisation_factory( ) -> 'Callable[[FsiApp, str], Organisation]': return create_new_organisation
@FsiApp.setting(section='i18n', name='localedirs')
[docs] def get_i18n_localedirs() -> list[str]: mine = utils.module_path('onegov.fsi', 'locale') return [mine, *get_town6_i18n_localedirs()]
[docs] def get_js_path() -> str: return 'assets/js'
[docs] def get_webasset_output() -> str: return 'assets/bundles'
[docs] def get_common_asset() -> 'Iterator[str]': yield from default_common_asset() yield 'fsi.js'