


Describes a timespan within which one or many timeslots can be

Module Contents

class reservation.models.custom_allocation.CustomAllocation[source]

Bases: libres.db.models.Allocation, onegov.core.orm.ModelBase

Describes a timespan within which one or many timeslots can be reserved.

There’s an important concept to understand before working with allocations. The resource uuid of an alloction is not always pointing to the actual resource.

A resource may in fact be a real resource, or an imaginary resource with a uuid derived from the real resource. This is a somewhat historical artifact.

If you need to know which allocations belong to a real resource, the mirror_of field is what’s relevant. The originally created allocation with the real_resource is also called the master-allocation and it is the one allocation with mirror_of and resource being equal.

When in doubt look at the managed_* functions of the scheduler.Scheduler class.

property resource_obj: onegov.reservation.models.resource.Resource[source]
property access: str[source]