Bases: onegov.core.orm.Base
, onegov.core.orm.mixins.ContentMixin
, onegov.core.orm.mixins.TimestampMixin
Defines an official notice.
The notice follows a typcical state transition: drafted by an editor ->
submitted by and editor to a publisher -> accepted by a publisher ->
published by the publisher. It may be alternatively rejected by a publisher
when submitted.
The notice typically has a title and a text, belongs to a user and a user
group, appears in one ore more issues and belongs to one or more categories
and organizations.
You can set the date of the first issue besides setting the issues (to
allow filtering by date for example).
You can set the category and organization directly instead of using the
HSTOREs (or use both).
__tablename__ = 'official_notices'[source]
type: sqlalchemy.Column[str][source]
id: sqlalchemy.Column[uuid.UUID][source]
name: sqlalchemy.Column[str | None][source]
state: sqlalchemy.Column[NoticeState][source]
title: sqlalchemy.Column[str][source]
text: sqlalchemy.Column[markupsafe.Markup | None][source]
author_name: sqlalchemy.Column[str | None][source]
author_place: sqlalchemy.Column[str | None][source]
author_date: sqlalchemy.Column[datetime.datetime | None][source]
note: sqlalchemy.Column[str | None][source]
_issues: sqlalchemy.Column[dict[str, str | None]][source]
property issues: dict[str, str | None][source]
first_issue: sqlalchemy.Column[datetime.datetime | None][source]
expiry_date: sqlalchemy.Column[datetime.datetime | None][source]
property expired: bool[source]
Returns True, if the notice is expired.
_categories: sqlalchemy.Column[dict[str, str | None]][source]
property categories: dict[str, str | None][source]
category: sqlalchemy.Column[str | None][source]
organization: sqlalchemy.Column[str | None][source]
_organizations: sqlalchemy.Column[dict[str, str | None] | None][source]
property organizations: dict[str, str | None][source]
user_id: sqlalchemy.Column[uuid.UUID | None][source]
user: sqlalchemy.orm.relationship[onegov.user.User | None][source]
group_id: sqlalchemy.Column[uuid.UUID | None][source]
group: sqlalchemy.orm.relationship[onegov.user.UserGroup | None][source]
source: sqlalchemy.Column[str | None][source]
submit() → None[source]
Submit a drafted notice.
reject() → None[source]
Reject a submitted notice.
accept() → None[source]
Accept a submitted notice.
publish() → None[source]
Publish an accepted notice.