


Represents a pair of coordinates.


Represents a pair of coordinates.


Extends any class that has a content dictionary field with a single

Module Contents

class gis.models.coordinates.Coordinates[source]

Bases: onegov.core.custom.json.Serializable

Represents a pair of coordinates.

May contain zoom factor and other information like marker icon and color. Note that only latitude and longitude really matter, the rest may or may not be used.

__slots__ = ('lon', 'lat', 'zoom')[source]
lat: float | None[source]
lon: float | None[source]
zoom: int | None[source]
__bool__() bool[source]
__eq__(other: object) bool[source]
class gis.models.coordinates.NullCoordinates[source]

Bases: Coordinates

Represents a pair of coordinates.

May contain zoom factor and other information like marker icon and color. Note that only latitude and longitude really matter, the rest may or may not be used.

lat: None[source]
lon: None[source]
zoom: None[source]
__bool__() Literal[False][source]
class gis.models.coordinates.CoordinatesMixin[source]

Extends any class that has a content dictionary field with a single coordinates pair.

content: sqlalchemy.schema.Column[dict[str, Any]][source]
property coordinates: AnyCoordinates[source]