View the list of issues. |
Create a new issue. |
Edit a issue. |
Delete a issue. |
Publish an issue. |
Creates the PDF with all the print only notices of an issue. |
Export all issues as XLSX. The exported file can be re-imported |
Module Contents
- gazette.views.issues.view_issues(self: onegov.gazette.collections.IssueCollection, request: onegov.gazette.request.GazetteRequest) onegov.core.types.RenderData [source]
View the list of issues.
This view is only visible by a publisher.
- gazette.views.issues.create_issue(self: onegov.gazette.collections.IssueCollection, request: onegov.gazette.request.GazetteRequest, form: onegov.gazette.forms.IssueForm) onegov.core.types.RenderData | webob.Response [source]
Create a new issue.
This view is only visible by a publisher.
- gazette.views.issues.edit_issue(self: onegov.gazette.models.Issue, request: onegov.gazette.request.GazetteRequest, form: onegov.gazette.forms.IssueForm) onegov.core.types.RenderData | webob.Response [source]
Edit a issue.
This view is only visible by a publisher.
- gazette.views.issues.delete_issue(self: onegov.gazette.models.Issue, request: onegov.gazette.request.GazetteRequest, form: onegov.gazette.forms.EmptyForm) onegov.core.types.RenderData | webob.Response [source]
Delete a issue.
Only unused issues may be deleted.
This view is only visible by a publisher.
- gazette.views.issues.publish_issue(self: onegov.gazette.models.Issue, request: onegov.gazette.request.GazetteRequest, form: onegov.gazette.forms.EmptyForm) onegov.core.types.RenderData | webob.Response [source]
Publish an issue.
This moves all accepted notices related to this issue to the published state (if not already) and generates the PDF. The publication numbers are assigned during PDF creation.
This view is only visible by a publisher.