
Elements are mini chameleon macros, usually used to render a single element. Sometimes it is useful to not just apply a macro, but to have an actual object representing that code snippet. The prime example being links.

Elements are rendered in chameleon templates by calling them with the layout object:

<tal:b replace="structure element(layout)" />

Note that no matter how quick the elements rendering is, using chameleon templates directly is faster.

This module should eventually replace the module.



Provides a way to define elements trough multiple variables. These


Hidden links point to views which are not available to the public


A generic link.


A generic button.


A button that goes back in the history.


Represents a list of links.


Base class for all traits.


Links with a confirm link will only be triggered after a question has


A block trait is a confirm variation with no way to say yes.


Turns the link into an intercooler request. As a result, the link

Module Contents

class core.elements.Element(text: str | None = None, attrs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, traits: Iterable[Trait] | Trait = (), **props: Any)[source]

Provides a way to define elements trough multiple variables. These elements may then be rendered by the templates.

Elements are simple, they render whatever text and attributes the get. They also carry a dictionary with properties on them, so any kind of value may be attached to an element. For example this works:

user = object()
element = Element(model=user)
assert element.user == user

Since we might use a complex set of attributes which need to be set in a certain way we use a traits system to avoid having to rely too heavily on class inheritance.

Basically traits are callables called with attributes which they may manipulate. For example, a trait might turn a simple argument into a set of attributes:

Element(traits=[Editor(buttons=['new', 'edit', 'delete'])])

See the link traits further down to see examples.

id: ClassVar[str | None] = None[source]
__slots__ = ('text', 'attrs', 'props')[source]
normalize_attrs(attrs: dict[str, Any] | None) dict[str, Any][source]

Before we do anything with attributes we make sure we can easily add/remove classes from them, so we use a set.

__eq__(other: object) bool[source]
__getattr__(name: str) Any[source]
__call__(layout: core.layout.ChameleonLayout, extra_classes: Iterable[str] | None = None) markupsafe.Markup[source]
class core.elements.AccessMixin[source]

Hidden links point to views which are not available to the public (usually through a publication mechanism).

We mark those links with an icon. This mixin automatically does that for links which bear a model property.

__slots__ = ()[source]
property access: str[source]

Wraps model.access, ensuring it is always available, even if the model does not use it.

Bases: Element, AccessMixin

A generic link.

id = 'link'[source]
__slots__ = ()[source]
__repr__() str[source]
class core.elements.Button(text: str | None, url: str = '#', attrs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, traits: Iterable[Trait] | Trait = (), **props: Any)[source]

Bases: Link

A generic button.

id = 'button'[source]
__slots__ = ()[source]
__repr__() str[source]

Bases: Link

A button that goes back in the history.

id = 'back_link'[source]
__slots__ = ()[source]
__repr__() str[source]
class core.elements.LinkGroup(title: str, links: Sequence[Link], model: Any | None = None, right_side: bool = True, classes: Collection[str] | None = None, attributes: dict[str, Any] | None = None)[source]

Bases: AccessMixin

Represents a list of links.

__slots__ = ['title', 'links', 'model', 'right_side', 'classes', 'attributes'][source]
class core.elements.Trait[source]

Base class for all traits.

__slots__ = ('apply',)[source]
apply: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]][source]
__call__(attrs: dict[str, Any], **ignored: Any) dict[str, Any][source]
class core.elements.Confirm(confirm: str, extra: str | None = None, yes: str | None = 'Yes', no: str = 'Cancel', **ignored: Any)[source]

Bases: Trait

Links with a confirm link will only be triggered after a question has been answered with a yes:

link = Link(_("Continue"), '/last-step', traits=(
        _("Do you really want to continue?"),
        _("This cannot be undone"),
        _("Yes"), _("No")
__slots__ = ()[source]
class core.elements.Block(message: str, extra: str | None = None, no: str = 'Cancel', **ignored: Any)[source]

Bases: Confirm

A block trait is a confirm variation with no way to say yes.

__slots__ = ()[source]
class core.elements.Intercooler(request_method: Literal['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'], target: str | None = None, redirect_after: str | None = None, **ignored: Any)[source]

Bases: Trait

Turns the link into an intercooler request. As a result, the link will be exeucted as an ajax request.


__slots__ = ()[source]