


Defines a text module that can be selected and inserted at the

Module Contents

class chat.models.text_module.TextModule[source]

Bases: onegov.core.orm.Base, onegov.core.orm.mixins.TimestampMixin

Defines a text module that can be selected and inserted at the cursor position when composing a message in text areas.

These text modules can either be private or be shared across the entire organization to help standardize ticket responses.

__tablename__ = 'text_modules'[source]
id: Column[uuid.UUID][source]
name: Column[str][source]
text: Column[str][source]
message_type: Column[str | None][source]
handler_code: Column[str | None][source]
user_id: Column[uuid.UUID | None][source]
user: relationship[User | None][source]
property private: bool[source]
property formatted_text: markupsafe.Markup[source]
property preview_text: str[source]