





normalize_xml(→ str)

transaction_entries(→ Iterator[etree._Element])

Yields the transaction entries from the given Camt.053 or Camt.054

get_esr(→ str | None)

Extracts the QR-bill reference number from the given text.

extract_transactions(→ Iterator[Transaction])

match_iso_20022_to_usernames(→ Iterator[Transaction])

Takes an ISO20022 camt.053 file and matches it with the invoice

Module Contents

activity.iso20022.normalize_xml(xml: str) str[source]
class activity.iso20022.Transaction(**kwargs: object)[source]
username = ''[source]
confidence = 0.0[source]
duplicate = False[source]
paid = False[source]
__repr__() str[source]
__getattr__(name: str) Any[source]
property references: set[str][source]
extract_references() Iterator[str][source]
property order: tuple[int, int] | tuple[int, int, str][source]
property state: str[source]
activity.iso20022.transaction_entries(root: lxml.etree._Element) Iterator[etree._Element][source]

Yields the transaction entries from the given Camt.053 or Camt.054 xml. This works because for our purposes the entries of those two formats are identical.

activity.iso20022.get_esr(booking_text: str) str | None[source]

Extracts the QR-bill reference number from the given text. QR-bill reference numbers are usually 26 or 27 characters long but can be of any length. The 27-character version includes a check digit at the end. The 26-character version doesn’t include the check digit. For any other length we don’t know if the check digit is included or not.

For example:

input: ‘Gutschrift QRR: 27 99029 05678 18860 27295 37059’ output: ‘269902905678188602729537059’


The extracted reference number or None if no reference number.

If the extracted reference number is only 26 characters long, the check digit is appended to the end.

activity.iso20022.extract_transactions(xml: str, invoice_schema: str) Iterator[Transaction][source]
activity.iso20022.match_iso_20022_to_usernames(xml: str, session: sqlalchemy.orm.Session, period_id: uuid.UUID, schema: str, currency: str = 'CHF') Iterator[Transaction][source]

Takes an ISO20022 camt.053 file and matches it with the invoice items in the database.

Raises an error if the given xml cannot be processed.


An iterator of transactions found in the xml file, together with the matching username and a confidence attribute indicating how certain the match is (1.0 indicating a sure match, 0.5 a possible match and 0.0 a non-match).