websockets.client ================= .. py:module:: websockets.client Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: websockets.client.acknowledged websockets.client.register websockets.client.authenticate websockets.client.broadcast websockets.client.status Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: acknowledged(websocket: websockets.asyncio.client.ClientConnection) -> None :async: Wait for an OK from the server. .. py:function:: register(websocket: websockets.asyncio.client.ClientConnection, schema: str, channel: str | None) -> None :async: Registers for broadcast messages. .. py:function:: authenticate(websocket: websockets.asyncio.client.ClientConnection, token: str) -> None :async: Authenticates with the given token. .. py:function:: broadcast(websocket: websockets.asyncio.client.ClientConnection, schema: str, channel: str | None, message: onegov.core.types.JSON_ro) -> None :async: Broadcasts the given message to all connected clients. Assumes prior authentication. .. py:function:: status(websocket: websockets.asyncio.client.ClientConnection) -> str | None :async: Receives the status of the server. Assumes prior authentication.