pdf.flowables ============= .. py:module:: pdf.flowables Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: pdf.flowables.InlinePDF Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: InlinePDF(pdf_file: _typeshed.StrOrBytesPath | _typeshed.SupportsRead[bytes], width: float) Bases: :py:obj:`reportlab.platypus.Flowable` A flowable containing a PDF. .. py:attribute:: page .. py:attribute:: scale .. py:attribute:: width .. py:attribute:: height .. py:attribute:: hAlign :value: 'CENTER' .. py:method:: wrap(*args: object) -> tuple[float, float] This will be called by the enclosing frame before objects are asked their size, drawn or whatever. It returns the size actually used. .. py:method:: draw() -> None