
.. py:module:: pas.models.attendence


.. autoapisummary::



.. autoapisummary::


Module Contents

.. py:type:: AttendenceType
   :canonical: Literal['plenary', 'commission', 'study', 'shortest']

.. py:data:: TYPES
   :type:  dict[AttendenceType, str]

.. py:class:: Attendence

   Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.core.orm.Base`, :py:obj:`onegov.core.orm.mixins.TimestampMixin`

   Mixin providing created/modified timestamps for all records.

   The columns are deferred loaded as this is primarily for logging and future

   .. py:attribute:: __tablename__
      :value: 'pas_attendence'

   .. py:attribute:: id
      :type:  sqlalchemy.Column[uuid.UUID]

   .. py:attribute:: date
      :type:  sqlalchemy.Column[]

   .. py:attribute:: duration
      :type:  sqlalchemy.Column[int]

   .. py:attribute:: type
      :type:  sqlalchemy.Column[AttendenceType]

   .. py:property:: type_label
      :type: str

   .. py:attribute:: parliamentarian_id
      :type:  sqlalchemy.Column[uuid.UUID]

   .. py:attribute:: parliamentarian
      :type:  sqlalchemy.orm.relationship[onegov.pas.models.parliamentarian.Parliamentarian]

   .. py:attribute:: commission_id
      :type:  sqlalchemy.Column[uuid.UUID | None]

   .. py:attribute:: commission
      :type:  sqlalchemy.orm.relationship[onegov.pas.models.commission.Commission | None]

   .. py:method:: calculate_value() -> decimal.Decimal

      Calculate the value (in hours) for an attendance record.

      The calculation follows these business rules:
      - Plenary sessions:
          * Always counted as 0.5 (half day), regardless of actual duration
          This is the special case!

      - Everything else is counted as actual hours:
          * First 2 hours are counted as given
          * After 2 hours, time is rounded to nearest 30-minute increment,
          * and there is another rate applied for the additional time
          * Example: 2h 40min would be calculated as 2.5 hours

          >>> # Plenary session
          >>> attendence.type = 'plenary'
          >>> calculate_value(attendence)

          >>> # Commission meeting, 2 hours
          >>> attendence.type = 'commission'
          >>> attendence.duration = 120  # minutes
          >>> calculate_value(attendence)

          >>> # Study session, 2h 40min
          >>> attendence.type = 'study'
          >>> attendence.duration = 160  # minutes
          >>> calculate_value(attendence)

   .. py:method:: __repr__() -> str