onboarding.layout ================= .. py:module:: onboarding.layout Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: onboarding.layout.Layout onboarding.layout.DefaultLayout onboarding.layout.MailLayout Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Layout(model: Any, request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.core.layout.ChameleonLayout` Extends the base layout class with methods related to chameleon template rendering. This class assumes the existance of two templates: - layout.pt -> Contains the page skeleton with headers, body and so on. - macros.pt -> Contains chameleon macros. .. py:property:: font_awesome_path :type: str .. py:property:: logo_path :type: str .. py:property:: town_names_path :type: str .. py:class:: DefaultLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest) Bases: :py:obj:`Layout` Extends the base layout class with methods related to chameleon template rendering. This class assumes the existance of two templates: - layout.pt -> Contains the page skeleton with headers, body and so on. - macros.pt -> Contains chameleon macros. .. py:class:: MailLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest) Bases: :py:obj:`Layout` Extends the base layout class with methods related to chameleon template rendering. This class assumes the existance of two templates: - layout.pt -> Contains the page skeleton with headers, body and so on. - macros.pt -> Contains chameleon macros. .. py:property:: base :type: chameleon.PageTemplateFile Returns the layout, which defines the base layout of all pages. See ``templates/layout.pt``. .. py:property:: macros :type: onegov.core.templates.MacrosLookup :abstractmethod: Returns the macros, which offer often used html constructs. See ``templates/macros.pt``.