gazette.models.principal ======================== .. py:module:: gazette.models.principal Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: gazette.models.principal.Principal Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Principal(name: str = '', logo: str = '', logo_for_pdf: str = '', color: str = '', canton: str | None = None, on_accept: dict[str, Any] | None = None, time_zone: str = 'Europe/Zurich', help_link: str = '', publishing: bool = False, frontend: bool = False, sogc_import: dict[str, Any] | None = None, links: dict[str, str] | None = None, **kwargs: Never) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.core.custom.msgpack.Serializable` The principal is the political entity running the gazette app. .. py:attribute:: CANTONS .. py:attribute:: canton :value: None .. py:attribute:: name :value: '' .. py:attribute:: logo :value: '' .. py:attribute:: logo_for_pdf :value: '' .. py:attribute:: color :value: '' .. py:attribute:: on_accept .. py:attribute:: time_zone :value: 'Europe/Zurich' .. py:attribute:: help_link :value: '' .. py:attribute:: publishing :value: False .. py:attribute:: frontend :value: False .. py:attribute:: sogc_import .. py:attribute:: links :value: None .. py:method:: from_yaml(yaml_source: str) -> Self :classmethod: