gazette.collections.categories ============================== .. py:module:: gazette.collections.categories Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: gazette.collections.categories.CategoryCollection Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: CategoryCollection(session: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.core.orm.abstract.AdjacencyListCollection`\ [\ :py:obj:`onegov.gazette.models.Category`\ ] Manage a list of categories. The list is ordered by the title, unless the ordering is set manually (which should never occure in our case). .. py:attribute:: __listclass__ The list class this collection handles. Must inherit from :class:`AdjacencyList`. .. py:method:: get_unique_child_name(name: str, parent: onegov.gazette.models.Category | None) -> str Returns a unique name by treating the names as unique integers and returning the next value.