fsi.layouts.course ================== .. py:module:: fsi.layouts.course Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: fsi.layouts.course.CourseInviteMailLayout fsi.layouts.course.CourseCollectionLayout fsi.layouts.course.CourseLayout fsi.layouts.course.AddCourseLayout fsi.layouts.course.EditCourseLayout fsi.layouts.course.InviteCourseLayout Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: CourseInviteMailLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.core.request.CoreRequest) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.org.layout.DefaultMailLayout`, :py:obj:`onegov.fsi.layout.FormatMixin` Takes a course as its model, not a notification template .. py:attribute:: app :type: onegov.fsi.app.FsiApp Returns the application behind the request. .. py:attribute:: request :type: onegov.fsi.request.FsiRequest .. py:attribute:: model :type: onegov.fsi.models.Course .. py:property:: event_collection :type: onegov.fsi.collections.course_event.CourseEventCollection .. py:property:: default_macros :type: onegov.core.templates.MacrosLookup .. py:property:: event_collection_url :type: str .. py:property:: course_url :type: str .. py:property:: upcoming_events_collection :type: onegov.fsi.collections.course_event.CourseEventCollection .. py:property:: open_events_url :type: str .. py:property:: notification_type :type: str .. py:class:: CourseCollectionLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.fsi.layout.DefaultLayout` The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site. .. py:property:: title :type: str .. py:property:: breadcrumbs :type: list[onegov.core.elements.Link] Returns the breadcrumbs for the current page. .. py:property:: editbar_links :type: list[onegov.core.elements.Link | onegov.org.elements.LinkGroup] A of :class:`onegov.org.elements.LinkGroup` classes. Each of them will be shown in the top editbar, with the group title being the dropdown title. .. py:method:: accordion_items(upcoming_only: bool = True) -> list[onegov.core.types.RenderData] .. py:class:: CourseLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False) Bases: :py:obj:`CourseCollectionLayout` The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site. .. py:attribute:: model :type: onegov.fsi.models.Course .. py:property:: audit_collection :type: onegov.fsi.collections.audit.AuditCollection .. py:property:: event_collection :type: onegov.fsi.collections.course_event.CourseEventCollection .. py:property:: breadcrumbs :type: list[onegov.core.elements.Link] Returns the breadcrumbs for the detail page. .. py:property:: editbar_links :type: list[onegov.core.elements.Link | onegov.org.elements.LinkGroup] A of :class:`onegov.org.elements.LinkGroup` classes. Each of them will be shown in the top editbar, with the group title being the dropdown title. .. py:class:: AddCourseLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.fsi.layout.DefaultLayout` The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site. .. py:property:: breadcrumbs :type: list[onegov.core.elements.Link] Returns the breadcrumbs for the current page. .. py:property:: title :type: str .. py:class:: EditCourseLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.fsi.layout.DefaultLayout` The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site. .. py:attribute:: model :type: onegov.fsi.models.Course .. py:property:: title :type: str .. py:property:: breadcrumbs :type: list[onegov.core.elements.Link] Returns the breadcrumbs for the current page. .. py:class:: InviteCourseLayout(model: Any, request: onegov.org.request.OrgRequest, edit_mode: bool = False) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.fsi.layout.DefaultLayout` The default layout meant for the public facing parts of the site. .. py:attribute:: model :type: onegov.fsi.models.Course .. py:property:: title :type: str .. py:property:: editbar_links :type: list[onegov.core.elements.Link | onegov.org.elements.LinkGroup] A of :class:`onegov.org.elements.LinkGroup` classes. Each of them will be shown in the top editbar, with the group title being the dropdown title. .. py:property:: breadcrumbs :type: list[onegov.core.elements.Link] Returns the breadcrumbs for the current page.