feriennet.sponsors ================== .. py:module:: feriennet.sponsors Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: feriennet.sponsors.Sponsor Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: feriennet.sponsors.load_sponsors Package Contents ---------------- .. py:function:: load_sponsors(sponsors_path: str) -> list[Sponsor] .. py:class:: Sponsor(**kwargs: Any) .. py:attribute:: __slots__ :value: ('name', 'logo', 'logo_url', 'mail_url', 'background', 'height', 'width', 'top', 'banners') .. py:attribute:: banners :type: dict[str, str] .. py:method:: url_for(request: onegov.feriennet.request.FeriennetRequest, path: str) -> str .. py:method:: compiled(request: onegov.feriennet.request.FeriennetRequest, data: None = None) -> Self compiled(request: onegov.feriennet.request.FeriennetRequest, data: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any] Returns an instance of the sponsor with all data localized and all variables replaced with the related values. This turns the following sponsor:: url: de: Ja {timestamp} fr: Oui {timestamp} it: Si {timestamp} Into this:: url: Ja