election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound ============================================= .. py:module:: election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound Attributes ---------- .. autoapisummary:: election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundWidget Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundSeatAllocationTableWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundCandidatesTableWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundListGroupsTableWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundPartyStrengthsTableWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundDistrictsTableWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundDistrictsMapWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundSuperregionsTableWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundSuperregionsMapWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundListGroupsChartWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundSeatAllocationChartWidget election_day.screen_widgets.election_compound.ElectionCompoundPartyStrengthsChartWidget Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: ElectionCompoundWidget .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundSeatAllocationTableWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ElectionCompoundWidget` Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-seat-allocation-table' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:method:: get_variables(layout: onegov.election_day.layouts.DefaultLayout) -> dict[str, Any] .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundCandidatesTableWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ElectionCompoundWidget` Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-candidates-table' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:method:: get_variables(layout: onegov.election_day.layouts.DefaultLayout) -> dict[str, Any] .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundListGroupsTableWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ElectionCompoundWidget` Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-list-groups-table' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:method:: get_variables(layout: onegov.election_day.layouts.DefaultLayout) -> dict[str, Any] .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundPartyStrengthsTableWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ElectionCompoundWidget` Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-party-strengths-table' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:method:: get_variables(layout: onegov.election_day.layouts.DefaultLayout) -> dict[str, Any] .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundDistrictsTableWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ElectionCompoundWidget` Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-districts-table' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:method:: get_variables(layout: onegov.election_day.layouts.DefaultLayout) -> dict[str, Any] .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundDistrictsMapWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ElectionCompoundWidget` Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-districts-map' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:method:: get_variables(layout: onegov.election_day.layouts.DefaultLayout) -> dict[str, Any] .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundSuperregionsTableWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ElectionCompoundWidget` Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-superregions-table' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:method:: get_variables(layout: onegov.election_day.layouts.DefaultLayout) -> dict[str, Any] .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundSuperregionsMapWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ElectionCompoundWidget` Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-superregions-map' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:method:: get_variables(layout: onegov.election_day.layouts.DefaultLayout) -> dict[str, Any] .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundListGroupsChartWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.election_day.screen_widgets.generic.ChartWidget`\ [\ :py:obj:`onegov.election_day.models.ElectionCompound`\ ] Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-list-groups-chart' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundSeatAllocationChartWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.election_day.screen_widgets.generic.ChartWidget`\ [\ :py:obj:`onegov.election_day.models.ElectionCompound`\ ] Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-seat-allocation-chart' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: '' .. py:class:: ElectionCompoundPartyStrengthsChartWidget(model: _E | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.election_day.screen_widgets.generic.ChartWidget`\ [\ :py:obj:`onegov.election_day.models.ElectionCompound`\ ] Abstract base class for generic types. A generic type is typically declared by inheriting from this class parameterized with one or more type variables. For example, a generic mapping type might be defined as:: class Mapping(Generic[KT, VT]): def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: ... # Etc. This class can then be used as follows:: def lookup_name(mapping: Mapping[KT, VT], key: KT, default: VT) -> VT: try: return mapping[key] except KeyError: return default .. py:attribute:: tag :value: 'election-compound-party-strengths-chart' .. py:attribute:: template :value: Multiline-String .. raw:: html
Show Value .. code-block:: python """
""" .. raw:: html
.. py:attribute:: usage :value: ''