election_day.layouts.archive ============================ .. py:module:: election_day.layouts.archive Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: election_day.layouts.archive.ArchiveLayout Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: ArchiveLayout(model: onegov.election_day.collections.SearchableArchivedResultCollection, request: onegov.election_day.request.ElectionDayRequest) Bases: :py:obj:`onegov.election_day.layouts.DefaultLayout` Extends the base layout class with methods related to chameleon template rendering. This class assumes the existance of two templates: - layout.pt -> Contains the page skeleton with headers, body and so on. - macros.pt -> Contains chameleon macros. .. py:attribute:: model :type: onegov.election_day.collections.SearchableArchivedResultCollection .. py:property:: menu :type: list[tuple[str, str, bool]] .. py:property:: tab_menu_title :type: str .. py:method:: link_for(item_type: str | None) -> str