Source code for wtfs.upgrade

""" Contains upgrade tasks that are executed when the application is being
upgraded on the server. See :class:`onegov.core.upgrade.upgrade_task`.

from onegov.core.upgrade import upgrade_task

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.upgrade import UpgradeContext

@upgrade_task('Add payment types')
[docs] def add_payment_types(context: 'UpgradeContext') -> None: session = context.session if context.has_table('wtfs_payment_type'): query = session.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM wtfs_payment_type') if not query.scalar(): session.execute(""" INSERT INTO wtfs_payment_type ("name", "price_per_quantity") VALUES ('normal', 700), ('spezial', 850); """) query = session.execute(""" UPDATE groups SET meta = CASE WHEN meta @> '{"_price_per_quantity"\\:850}'::jsonb THEN jsonb_set(meta, '{payment_type}', '"spezial"') ELSE jsonb_set(meta, '{payment_type}', '"normal"') END WHERE groups.meta ? '_price_per_quantity'; """)