Source code for winterthur.daycare

import textwrap
import yaml

from babel.numbers import format_decimal
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from functools import cached_property
from decimal import Decimal, localcontext
from markupsafe import Markup
from onegov.core.templates import PageTemplate
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from import DirectoryCollection
from onegov.form import Form
from import Organisation
from import ExtendedDirectoryEntryCollection
from onegov.winterthur import _
from ordered_set import OrderedSet
from wtforms.fields import BooleanField, DecimalField, Field, SelectField
from wtforms.validators import NumberRange, InputRequired, ValidationError

from typing import Any, Literal, NamedTuple, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable, Iterator
    from import ExtendedDirectory, ExtendedDirectoryEntry
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from typing import Self
    from uuid import UUID
    from wtforms.form import BaseForm

[docs] SERVICE_DAYS = { 'mo': 0, 'di': 1, 'mi': 2, 'do': 3, 'fr': 4, 'sa': 5, 'so': 6, }
[docs] SERVICE_DAYS_LABELS = { 0: _('Monday'), 1: _('Tuesday'), 2: _('Wednesday'), 3: _('Thursday'), 4: _('Friday'), 5: _('Saturday'), 6: _('Sunday'), }
[docs] FORMAT = '#,##0.00########'
[docs] def round_to(n: Decimal, precision: str) -> Decimal: assert isinstance(precision, str) precision_dec = Decimal(precision) correction = Decimal('0.5') if n >= 0 else Decimal('-0.5') return int(n / precision_dec + correction) * precision_dec
[docs] def format_precise(amount: Decimal | None) -> str: if not amount: return '0.00' with localcontext() as ctx: ctx.prec = 28 return format_decimal(amount, format=FORMAT, locale='de_CH')
[docs] def format_1_cent(amount: Decimal) -> str: return format_precise(round_to(amount, '0.01'))
[docs] def format_5_cents(amount: Decimal) -> str: return format_precise(round_to(amount, '0.05'))
[docs] class Daycare: def __init__( self, id: 'UUID', title: str, rate: Decimal | float | str, weeks: int ) -> None:
[docs] = id
[docs] self.title = title
[docs] self.rate = Decimal(rate)
[docs] self.weeks = weeks
[docs] def factor(self) -> Decimal: return Decimal(self.weeks) / Decimal('12')
[docs] class Service(NamedTuple):
[docs] id: str
[docs] title: str
[docs] percentage: Decimal
[docs] days: OrderedSet[int]
[docs] class Services:
[docs] selected: dict[str, set[int]]
def __init__(self, definition: str | None) -> None: if definition: self.available = OrderedDict(self.parse_definition(definition)) else: self.available = OrderedDict() self.selected = defaultdict(set) @classmethod
[docs] def from_org(cls, org: Organisation) -> 'Self': if 'daycare_settings' not in org.meta: return cls(None) if 'services' not in org.meta['daycare_settings']: return cls(None) return cls(org.meta['daycare_settings']['services'])
[docs] def from_session(cls, session: 'Session') -> 'Self': return cls.from_org(session.query(Organisation).one())
[docs] def parse_definition(definition: str) -> 'Iterator[tuple[str, Service]]': for service in yaml.safe_load(definition): service_id = normalize_for_url(service['titel']) days = (d.strip() for d in service['tage'].split(',')) yield service_id, Service( id=service_id, title=service['titel'], percentage=Decimal(service['prozent']), days=OrderedSet(SERVICE_DAYS[d.lower()[:2]] for d in days), )
[docs] def select(self, service_id: str, day: int) -> None: self.selected[service_id].add(day)
[docs] def deselect(self, service_id: str, day: int) -> None: self.selected[service_id].remove(day)
[docs] def is_selected(self, service_id: str, day: int) -> bool: if service_id not in self.selected: return False return day in self.selected[service_id]
[docs] def total(self) -> Decimal | Literal[0]: """ Returns the total percentage of used services. """ return sum( self.available[s].percentage * len(self.selected[s]) for s in self.selected )
[docs] class Result: def __init__( self, title: str, amount: Decimal | None = None, note: str | None = None, operation: str | None = None, important: bool = False, currency: str | None = 'CHF', output_format: 'Callable[[Decimal], str] | None' = None ) -> None:
[docs] self.title = title
[docs] self.amount = amount
[docs] self.note = textwrap.dedent(note or '').strip(' \n')
[docs] self.operation = operation
[docs] self.important = important
[docs] self.currency = currency
[docs] self.output_format = output_format or format_1_cent
[docs] def __bool__(self) -> bool: return bool(self.amount)
[docs] def readable_amount(self) -> str: assert self.amount is not None return self.output_format(self.amount)
[docs] class Block:
[docs] results: list[Result]
def __init__(self, id: str, title: str) -> None:
[docs] = id
[docs] self.title = title
self.results = []
[docs] = Decimal(0)
[docs] def op( self, title: str, amount: Decimal | None = None, note: str | None = None, operation: str | None = None, important: bool = False, currency: str | None = 'CHF', output_format: 'Callable[[Decimal], str] | None' = None, total_places: int = 2, amount_places: int = 2 ) -> Decimal: if amount == 0: amount = Decimal('0') def limit_total(total: Decimal) -> Decimal: return total.quantize(Decimal(f'0.{"0" * (total_places - 1)}1')) def limit_amount(amount: Decimal) -> Decimal: return amount.quantize(Decimal(f'0.{"0" * (amount_places - 1)}1')) if operation is None: assert amount is not None = amount elif operation == '+': assert amount is not None += amount elif operation == '=': amount = if amount is None else amount = max(amount, Decimal('0')) elif operation == '-': assert amount is not None -= amount elif operation in ('*', 'x', '×', '⋅'): assert amount is not None *= amount elif operation in ('/', '÷'): assert amount is not None /= amount # limit the amount and the total after the operation, not before = limit_total( assert amount is not None amount = limit_amount(amount) self.results.append(Result( title=title, amount=amount, note=note, operation=operation, important=important, currency=currency, output_format=output_format, )) return
[docs] class DirectoryDaycareAdapter: def __init__(self, directory: 'ExtendedDirectory') -> None:
[docs] = directory
[docs] def fieldmap(self) -> dict[str, str | None]: fieldmap: dict[str, str | None] = { 'daycare_rate': None, 'daycare_weeks': None, 'daycare_url': None, } for field in if 'tarif' in field.label.lower(): fieldmap['daycare_rate'] = continue if 'woche' in field.label.lower(): fieldmap['daycare_weeks'] = continue if 'web' in field.label.lower(): fieldmap['daycare_url'] = continue return fieldmap
[docs] def as_daycare(self, entry: 'ExtendedDirectoryEntry') -> Daycare: assert self.fieldmap['daycare_rate'] is not None assert self.fieldmap['daycare_weeks'] is not None return Daycare(, title=entry.title, rate=entry.values[self.fieldmap['daycare_rate']], weeks=entry.values[self.fieldmap['daycare_weeks']], )
[docs] class Settings:
[docs] directory: str
[docs] max_income: Decimal
[docs] max_rate: Decimal
[docs] max_subsidy: Decimal
[docs] max_wealth: Decimal
[docs] min_income: Decimal
[docs] min_rate: Decimal
[docs] rebate: Decimal
[docs] services: str
[docs] wealth_premium: Decimal
# NOTE: This attribute is optional
[docs] explanation: Markup
def __init__(self, organisation: Organisation) -> None:
[docs] settings = organisation.meta.get('daycare_settings', {})
for key, value in settings.items(): if key == 'explanation': # NOTE: We need to treat this as Markup, it would # be cleaner if this proxy object used # dict_property/dict_markup_property, we would # need to do something special for is_valid # however value = Markup(value) # noqa: MS001 setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def is_valid(self) -> bool: keys = ( 'directory', 'max_income', 'max_rate', 'max_subsidy', 'max_wealth', 'min_income', 'min_rate', 'rebate', 'services', 'wealth_premium', ) for key in keys: if not hasattr(self, key): return False return True
[docs] def factor(self, daycare: Daycare) -> Decimal: min_day_rate = daycare.rate - self.min_rate min_day_rate = min(min_day_rate, self.max_subsidy) factor = min_day_rate / (self.max_income - self.min_income) factor = factor.quantize(Decimal('0.000000001')) return factor
[docs] class SubsidyResult(NamedTuple):
[docs] blocks: tuple[Block, ...]
[docs] parent_share_per_month: str
[docs] city_share_per_month: str
[docs] total_per_month: str
[docs] agenda: tuple[tuple[str, str | None, str], ...]
[docs] class DaycareSubsidyCalculator: def __init__(self, session: 'Session') -> None:
[docs] self.session = session
[docs] def organisation(self) -> Organisation: return self.session.query(Organisation).one()
[docs] def settings(self) -> Settings: return Settings(self.organisation)
[docs] def directory(self) -> 'ExtendedDirectory': directory: ExtendedDirectory | None = ( DirectoryCollection(self.session, type='extended') .by_id( ) assert directory is not None return directory
[docs] def daycares(self) -> dict[str, Daycare]: adapter = DirectoryDaycareAdapter( items = ExtendedDirectoryEntryCollection( return { adapter.as_daycare(item) for item in items if item.access == 'public' }
[docs] def daycare_by_title(self, title: str) -> Daycare: return next(d for d in self.daycares.values() if d.title == title)
[docs] def calculate_precisely( self, daycare: Daycare, services: Services, income: Decimal, wealth: Decimal, rebate: bool ) -> SubsidyResult: """ Creates a detailed calculation of the subsidy paid by Winterthur. The reslt is a list of tables with explanations. :param daycare: The selected daycare (a :class:`Daycare` instance). :param services: Services used (a :class:`Services` instance) :param income: The income as a decimal. :param wealth: The wealth as decimal. :param rebate: True if a rebate is applied Note, due to the specific nature of the content here, which is probably not going to be translated, we use German. For consistency we want to limit this, but with Winterthur these kinds of things crop up as the wording is quite specific and adding translations would just make this a lot harder. """ cfg = self.settings fmt = format_precise # Base Rate # --------- base = Block('base', 'Berechnungsgrundlage für die Elternbeiträge') base.op( title='Steuerbares Einkommen', amount=income, note=""" Steuerbares Einkommen gemäss letzter Veranlagung. """) base.op( title='Vermögenszuschlag', amount=max( (wealth - cfg.max_wealth) * cfg.wealth_premium / Decimal('100'), Decimal(0)), operation='+', note=f""" Der Vermögenszuschlag beträgt {fmt(cfg.wealth_premium).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')}% des Vermögens, für das tatsächlich Steuern anfallen (ab {fmt(cfg.max_wealth)} CHF). """) base.op( title='Massgebendes Gesamteinkommen', operation='=') base.op( title='Abzüglich Minimaleinkommen', operation='-', amount=cfg.min_income) base.op( title='Berechnungsgrundlage', operation='=') # Gross Contribution # ------------------ gross = Block('gross', 'Berechnung des Brutto-Elternbeitrags') gross.op( title='Übertrag', gross.op( title='Faktor', amount=cfg.factor(daycare), currency=None, operation='×', note=""" Ihr Elternbeitrag wird aufgrund eines Faktors berechnet (Kita-Reglement Art. 20 Abs 3). """, output_format=format_precise, amount_places=10) gross.op( title='Einkommensabhängiger Elternbeitragsbestandteil', operation='=') gross.op( title='Mindestbeitrag Eltern', amount=cfg.min_rate, operation='+') gross.op( title='Elternbeitrag brutto', operation='=', amount=min(, daycare.rate)) # Actual contribution # ------------------- rebate_amount = ( * cfg.rebate / 100 if rebate else Decimal(0) ) actual = Block('actual', ( 'Berechnung des Elternbeitrags und des ' 'städtischen Beitrags pro Tag' )) actual.op( title='Übertrag', actual.op( title='Zusatzbeitrag Eltern', amount=max( daycare.rate - cfg.max_subsidy - cfg.min_rate, Decimal(0) ), operation='+', note=f""" Zusatzbeitrag für Kitas, deren Tagestarif über {cfg.max_rate} CHF liegt. """) if >= rebate_amount and rebate_amount > 0: actual.op( title='Rabatt', amount=rebate_amount, operation='-', note=f""" Bei einem Betreuungsumfang von insgesamt mehr als 2 ganzen Tagen pro Woche gilt ein Rabatt von {fmt(cfg.rebate).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')}%. """) parent_share_per_day = actual.op( title='Elternbeitrag pro Tag', operation='=', note=""" Ihr Beitrag pro Tag (100%) und Kind. """, important=True) city_share_per_day = actual.op( title='Städtischer Beitrag pro Tag', amount=max(daycare.rate - parent_share_per_day, Decimal('0.00')), important=True, note=""" Städtischer Beitrag für Ihr Kind pro Tag. """) # Monthly contribution # -------------------- monthly = Block( 'monthly', ( 'Berechnung des Elternbeitrags und des städtischen ' 'Beitrags pro Monat' ) ) monthly.op( title='Wochentarif', amount=parent_share_per_day * / 100, note=""" Wochentarif: Elternbeiträge der gewählten Betreuungstage. """) monthly.op( title='Faktor', amount=daycare.factor, currency=None, operation='×', note=""" Faktor für jährliche Öffnungswochen Ihrer Kita. """, output_format=format_precise, amount_places=4) parent_share_per_month = monthly.op( title='Elternbeitrag pro Monat', operation='=', important=True, output_format=format_5_cents) city_share_per_month = monthly.op( title='Städtischer Beitrag pro Monat', amount=city_share_per_day * / 100 * daycare.factor, important=True, output_format=format_5_cents) # Services table # -------------- def services_table() -> 'Iterator[tuple[str, str | None, str]]': total = Decimal(0) total_percentage = Decimal(0) for day in SERVICE_DAYS.values(): for service_id in services.selected: if day in services.selected[service_id]: service = services.available[service_id] cost = parent_share_per_day * service.percentage / 100 total += cost total_percentage += service.percentage label = SERVICE_DAYS_LABELS[day] yield (label, service.title, format_5_cents(cost)) yield (_('Total'), None, format_5_cents(total)) total = ( round_to(parent_share_per_month, '0.05') + round_to(city_share_per_month, '0.05') ) return SubsidyResult( blocks=(base, gross, actual, monthly), parent_share_per_month=format_5_cents(parent_share_per_month), city_share_per_month=format_5_cents(city_share_per_month), total_per_month=format_5_cents(total), agenda=tuple(services_table()), )
# FIXME: What is this alias for? Do we actually need it? if TYPE_CHECKING:
[docs] calculate = calculate_precisely
else: def calculate(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.calculate_precisely(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class DaycareServicesWidget:
[docs] template = PageTemplate(""" <table class="daycare-services"> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <th tal:repeat="service"> <div class="daycare-services-title"> ${service.title} </div> <div class="daycare-services-percentage"> ${service.percentage}% </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr tal:repeat="day this.days"> <th> <strong class="show-for-small-only"> ${this.day_label(day)[:2]} </strong> <strong class="show-for-medium-up"> ${this.day_label(day)} </strong> </th> <td tal:repeat="svc"> <label> <input type="checkbox" id="${}-${day}" name="${}" value="${}-${day}" tal:attributes=" checked this.is_selected(svc, day) " /> </label> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table """)
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'DaycareServicesField', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: self.field = field = return Markup(self.template.render(this=self)) # noqa: MS001
[docs] def is_selected(self, service: Service, day: int) -> bool: return, day)
[docs] def day_label(self, day: int) -> str: return self.field.meta.request.translate(SERVICE_DAYS_LABELS[day])
[docs] def days(self) -> OrderedSet[int]: days: OrderedSet[int] = OrderedSet() for service in for day in service.days: days.add(day) return days
[docs] class DaycareServicesField(Field):
[docs] widget = DaycareServicesWidget()
[docs] def services(self) -> Services: return Services.from_session(self.meta.request.session)
[docs] def process_formdata(self, valuelist: list[Any]) -> None: for value in valuelist: service_id, day = value.rsplit('-', maxsplit=1), int(day))
[docs] def pre_validate(self, form: 'BaseForm') -> None: for day in SERVICE_DAYS.values(): days = sum( 1 for id in if, day) ) if days > 1: raise ValidationError(_('Each day may only be selected once.'))
[docs] class DaycareSubsidyCalculatorForm(Form):
[docs] model: DaycareSubsidyCalculator
[docs] daycare = SelectField( label=_('Select Daycare'), validators=(InputRequired(), ), choices=())
[docs] services = DaycareServicesField( label=_('Care'), validators=(InputRequired(), ))
[docs] income = DecimalField( label=_('Definite Taxable income'), validators=(InputRequired(), NumberRange(min=0)))
[docs] wealth = DecimalField( label=_('Definite Taxable wealth'), validators=(InputRequired(), NumberRange(min=0)))
[docs] rebate = BooleanField( label=_('Rebate'), description=_( 'Does at least one child in your household attend the same ' 'daycare for more than two whole days a week?' ))
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: self.daycare.choices = list(self.daycare_choices)
[docs] def daycare_choices(self) -> 'Iterator[tuple[str, str]]': def choice(daycare: Daycare) -> tuple[str, str]: label = _(( '${title} / day rate CHF ${rate} / ' '${weeks} weeks open per year' ), mapping={ 'title': daycare.title, 'rate': daycare.rate, 'weeks': daycare.weeks }) return (, self.request.translate(label)) for daycare in self.model.daycares.values(): yield choice(daycare)
[docs] def selected_daycare(self) -> Daycare | None: for daycare in self.model.daycares.values(): if == return daycare return None