Source code for websockets.integration

from asyncio import run
from more.content_security.core import content_security_policy_tween_factory
from more.webassets import WebassetsApp
from onegov.websockets import log
from onegov.websockets.client import authenticate
from onegov.websockets.client import broadcast
from urllib.parse import ParseResult
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from websockets.legacy.client import connect

from typing import Any
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable
    from import Iterator
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from onegov.core.types import JSON_ro
    from webob.response import Response

[docs] class WebsocketsApp(WebassetsApp): """ Add application-bound websocket broadcast communication. To receive broadcast messages using JavaScript in the browser, include the asset 'websockets' and call ``openWebsocket``. To send broadcast messages, call ``send_websocket`` with a JSON-serializable message. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: # we forward declare the attributes from Framework we need
[docs] configuration: dict[str, Any]
schema: str def sign(self, text: str, salt: str = ...) -> str: ...
[docs] _websockets_client_url: str
[docs] websockets_manage_url: str
[docs] websockets_manage_token: str
[docs] def configure_websockets( self, *, websockets: dict[str, Any] | None = None, **cfg: Any ) -> None: """ Configures global websocket settings. """ config = websockets or {} client_url = config.get('client_url') manage_url = config.get('manage_url') manage_token = config.get('manage_token') assert ( client_url and manage_url and manage_token ), 'Missing websockets configuration' self._websockets_client_url = client_url self.websockets_manage_url = manage_url self.websockets_manage_token = manage_token not_default = ( self.websockets_manage_token != 'super-secret-token' # nosec: B105 ) assert not_default, 'Do not use the default websockets token'
[docs] def websockets_client_url(self, request: 'CoreRequest') -> str: """ Returns the public websocket endpoint that can be used with JS. Upgrades the scheme to wss if request URL is https and fills in netloc based on the request URL if missing. """ client_url = urlparse(self._websockets_client_url) scheme = client_url.scheme netloc = client_url.netloc path = client_url.path request_url = urlparse(request.url) if request_url.scheme == 'https': scheme = 'wss' netloc = netloc or request_url.netloc return ParseResult( scheme=scheme, netloc=netloc, path=path, params='', query='', fragment='' ).geturl()
[docs] def websockets_private_channel(self) -> str: """ An unguessable channel ID used for broadcasting notifications through websockets to logged-in users. This is not meant to be safe, do not broadcast sensitive information! """ # FIXME: Consider using a random salt that's stored in Redis # We will however need to be careful about what happens # when the salt rotates, so connections can stay active return self.sign(self.schema, 'ws-channel').replace(self.schema, '')
[docs] def send_websocket( self, message: 'JSON_ro', channel: str | None = None ) -> bool: """ Sends an application-bound broadcast message to all connected clients. """ async def main() -> None: async with connect(self.websockets_manage_url) as websocket: await authenticate( websocket, self.websockets_manage_token ) await broadcast( websocket, self.schema, channel, message ) try: run(main()) except Exception as exception: log.exception(exception) return False return True
[docs] def websocket_csp_tween_factory( app: WebsocketsApp, handler: 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]' ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]': def websocket_csp_tween(request: 'CoreRequest') -> 'Response': """ Adds the websocket client to the connect-src content security policy. """ result = handler(request) configuration = if 'websockets' in configuration: csp = configuration['websockets'].get('client_csp') if csp: request.content_security_policy.connect_src.add(csp) return result return websocket_csp_tween
[docs] def get_js_path() -> str: return 'assets/js'
[docs] def get_websockets_asset() -> 'Iterator[str]': yield 'websockets.js'