Source code for user.forms.registration

from onegov.form import Form
from onegov.user import _
from onegov.user.collections import MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH
from wtforms.fields import PasswordField
from wtforms.fields import StringField
from wtforms.validators import Email
from wtforms.validators import EqualTo
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired
from wtforms.validators import Length

[docs] class RegistrationForm(Form): """ A generic registration form for onegov.user """
[docs] username = StringField( label=_('E-Mail Address'), validators=[InputRequired(), Email()] )
[docs] password = PasswordField( label=_('Password'), validators=[ InputRequired(), Length(min=MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH, message=_( 'The password must be at least eight characters long' )) ] )
[docs] confirm = PasswordField( label=_('Password Confirmation'), validators=[InputRequired(), EqualTo( 'password', message=_('Passwords must match') )] )
# To avoid the most basic spam bots we present a field which the user # should not fill. We'll actually hide this field from the user. Bots # tend to fill out all fields. If they do they won't succeed. # # This however won't deterr a targeted attack. We'll have to see if we # need a more sophisticated approach in the future.
[docs] roboter_falle = StringField( label=_('Please leave this field empty'), validators=[Length(max=0, message=_( 'The field is not empty' ))] )