Source code for user.collections.user

from import Iterable
from onegov.core.crypto import random_token
from onegov.core.utils import toggle
from onegov.user import log
from onegov.user.models import User
from onegov.user.errors import (
from sqlalchemy import sql, or_

from typing import overload, Any, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection, Mapping
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from onegov.user import UserGroup
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query, Session
    from typing import Self
    from uuid import UUID

[docs] _T = TypeVar('_T')
[docs] def as_set(value: Iterable[_T]) -> set[_T]: ...
@overload def as_set(value: _T) -> set[_T]: ... def as_set(value: Any) -> set[Any]: if isinstance(value, set): return value if isinstance(value, str): return {value} if isinstance(value, Iterable): return set(value) return {value} @overload
[docs] def as_dictionary_of_sets( d: 'Mapping[str, _T | Iterable[_T] | None]' ) -> dict[str, set[_T]]: ...
@overload def as_dictionary_of_sets(d: 'Mapping[str, Any]') -> dict[str, set[Any]]: ... def as_dictionary_of_sets(d: 'Mapping[str, Any]') -> dict[str, set[Any]]: return { k: (set() if v is None else as_set(v)) for k, v in d.items() }
[docs] class UserCollection: """ Manages a list of users. Use it like this:: from onegov.user import UserCollection users = UserCollection(session) """ def __init__(self, session: 'Session', **filters: Any):
[docs] self.session = session
[docs] self.filters = as_dictionary_of_sets(filters)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> set[Any] | None: if name not in self.filters: raise AttributeError(name) return self.filters[name]
[docs] def for_filter(self, **filters: Any) -> 'Self': toggled = { key: toggle(self.filters.get(key, set()), value) for key, value in filters.items() } for key in self.filters: if key not in toggled: toggled[key] = self.filters[key] return self.__class__(self.session, **toggled)
[docs] def query(self) -> 'Query[User]': """ Returns a query using :class:`onegov.user.models.User`. With the current filters applied. """ query = self.session.query(User) for key, values in self.filters.items(): if values: apply = getattr(self, f'apply_{key}_filter', self.apply_filter) query = apply(query, key, values) return query
[docs] def apply_filter( self, query: 'Query[User]', key: str, values: 'Collection[Any]' ) -> 'Query[User]': if '' in values: return query.filter( or_( getattr(User, key).in_(values), getattr(User, key).is_(None) ) ) return query.filter(getattr(User, key).in_(values))
[docs] def apply_tag_filter( self, query: 'Query[User]', key: str, values: Iterable[str] ) -> 'Query[User]': return query.filter(or_( *(['tags'].contains((v, )) for v in values) ))
[docs] def add( self, username: str, password: str, role: str, data: dict[str, Any] | None = None, second_factor: dict[str, Any] | None = None, active: bool = True, realname: str | None = None, phone_number: str | None = None, signup_token: str | None = None, group: 'UserGroup | None' = None ) -> User: """ Add a user to the collection. The arguments given to this function are the attributes of the :class:`~onegov.user.models.User` class with the same name. """ assert username assert password assert role if self.exists(username): raise ExistingUserError(username) # FIXME: __init__ should probably be explicit with data_properties # like phone_number, for SQLAlchemy 2.0 we will probably do # that transformation anyways unless we want to switch all # the models to being dataclasses user = User( # type:ignore[misc] username=username, password=password, role=role, data=data, second_factor=second_factor, active=active, realname=realname, signup_token=signup_token, if group else None, phone_number=phone_number ) self.session.add(user) self.session.flush() return user
[docs] def tags(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ All available tags. """ records = self.session.execute(""" SELECT DISTINCT tags FROM ( SELECT jsonb_array_elements(data->'tags') AS tags FROM users ) AS elements ORDER BY tags """) return tuple(r[0] for r in records)
[docs] def sources(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ All available sources. """ records = self.session.query(User.source) records = records.filter(User.source.isnot(None)) records = records.order_by(User.source).distinct() # NOTE: We are doing the None check in SQL. So mypy # doesn't know about it. return tuple(r[0] for r in records) # type:ignore[misc]
[docs] def usernames(self) -> tuple[tuple[str, str], ...]: """ All available usernames. """ records = self.session.execute(""" SELECT username, initcap(realname) FROM users ORDER BY COALESCE(initcap(realname), username) """) return tuple((r[0], r[1]) for r in records)
[docs] def usernames_by_tags(self, tags: list[str]) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ All usernames where the user's tags match at least one tag from the given list. """ records = self.session.execute(""" SELECT username FROM users WHERE data->'tags' ?| :tags """, {'tags': tags}) return tuple(r.username for r in records)
[docs] def exists(self, username: str) -> bool: """ Returns True if the given username exists. This function does not actually load a user, so it is the quickest way to find out if a user exists. It should be used if you don't care about finding out anything about the user. """ query = self.session.query(sql.exists().where( User.username == username)) return query.scalar()
[docs] def by_id(self, id: 'UUID') -> User | None: """ Returns the user by the internal id. Use this if you need to refer to a user by path. Usernames are not the correct way, since they allow for user enumeration. """ return self.query().filter( == id).first()
[docs] def by_username(self, username: str) -> User | None: """ Returns the user by username. """ return self.query().filter(User.username == username).first()
[docs] def by_source_id(self, source: str, source_id: str) -> User | None: """ Returns the user by source and source_id. """ return self.query().filter_by( source=source, source_id=source_id).first()
[docs] def by_username_and_password( self, username: str, password: str ) -> User | None: """ Returns the user by username and password. Note that although the password can be empty on the user, this function will not query for empty passwords as an added security measure. Apart from that everything is fair game though, as it is not the job of onegov.user to enforce a password policy. """ user = self.by_username(username) if user and password and user.is_matching_password(password): return user else: return None
[docs] def by_roles(self, role: str, *roles: str) -> 'Query[User]': """ Queries the users by roles. """ roles_list = [role, *list(roles)] return self.query().filter(User.role.in_(roles_list))
[docs] def by_signup_token(self, signup_token: str) -> 'Query[User]': return self.query().filter_by(signup_token=signup_token)
[docs] def register( self, username: str, password: str, request: 'CoreRequest', role: str = 'member', signup_token: str | None = None ) -> User: """ Registers a new user. The so created user needs to activated with a token before it becomes active. Use the activation_token in the data dictionary together with the :meth:`activate_with_token` function. You probably want to use the provided :class:`~onegov.user.forms.registration_form.RegistrationForm` in conjunction with :class:`~onegov.user.auth.Auth` as it includes a lot of extras like signup links and robots protection. """ assert username # we could implement a proper password policy, but a min-length of # of eight characters is a good start. What we don't want is someone # registering a user with a password of one character. if len(password) < MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH: raise InsecurePasswordError() if self.by_username(username): raise ExistingUserError('{} already exists'.format(username))'Registration by {} ({})'.format( request.client_addr, username)) return self.add( username=username, password=password, role=role, data={ 'activation_token': random_token() }, active=False, signup_token=signup_token )
[docs] def activate_with_token(self, username: str, token: object) -> None: """ Activates the user if the given token matches the verification token stored in the data dictionary. """ user = self.by_username(username) if not user: raise UnknownUserError(f'{username} does not exist') if raise AlreadyActivatedError(f'{username} already active') if'activation_token', object()) != token: raise InvalidActivationTokenError(f'{token} is invalid') del['activation_token'] = True self.session.flush()
[docs] def by_yubikey(self, token: str, active_only: bool = True) -> User | None: """ Returns the user with the given yubikey token. Only considers active users by default. """ token = token[:12] query = self.query().filter( == True) # TODO: We could implement this in postgres using the JSON # operators, which should be a lot faster for user in query.all(): if not user.second_factor: continue if user.second_factor.get('type') != 'yubikey': continue if user.second_factor.get('data') == token: return user return None
[docs] def delete(self, username: str) -> None: """ Deletes the user if it exists. If the user does not exist, an :class:`onegov.user.errors.UnknownUserError` is raised. """ user = self.by_username(username) if not user: raise UnknownUserError('user {} does not exist'.format(username)) self.session.delete(user) self.session.flush()