Source code for user.cli

""" Provides commands used to manage users. """
from __future__ import annotations

import click
import phonenumbers
import pyotp

from getpass import getpass
from onegov.user import User, UserCollection
from onegov.core.cli import command_group, abort
from onegov.core.crypto import random_password

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable
    from onegov.core.framework import Framework
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query

[docs] cli = command_group()
@cli.command(context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('role') @click.argument('username') @click.option('--password', default=None, help='Password to give the user') @click.option('--yubikey', default=None, help='The yubikey code to use for 2fa') @click.option('--realname', default=None, help="First name and last name, for example 'Jane Doe'") @click.option('--phone_number', default=None, help='Sets the phone number') @click.option('--no-prompt', default=False, help='If no questions should be asked', is_flag=True)
[docs] def add( role: str, username: str, password: str | None, yubikey: str | None, no_prompt: bool, realname: str | None, phone_number: str | None ) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Adds a user with the given name to the database. """ def add_user(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users = UserCollection(app.session()) print('Adding {} to {}'.format(username, app.application_id)) if users.exists(username): abort('{} already exists'.format(username)) nonlocal password if not password: password = random_password(16) print() print('Using the following random password:') click.secho(password, fg='green') print() nonlocal yubikey if not yubikey and not no_prompt: yubikey = getpass( 'Optionally plug in your yubi-key and press the button: ' ) yubikey = yubikey.strip() if yubikey: second_factor = { 'type': 'yubikey', 'data': yubikey[:12] } else: second_factor = None users.add(username, password, role, second_factor=second_factor, phone_number=phone_number, realname=realname) click.secho('{} was added'.format(username), fg='green') return add_user
@cli.command(context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('username')
[docs] def delete(username: str) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Removes the given user from the database. """ def delete_user(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users = UserCollection(app.session()) if not users.exists(username): abort('{} does not exist'.format(username)) users.delete(username) click.secho('{} was deleted'.format(username), fg='green') return delete_user
@cli.command(context_settings={'default_selector': '*'}) @click.argument('username') @click.option('-r', '--recursive', is_flag=True, default=False)
[docs] def exists( username: str, recursive: bool ) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Returns 0 if the user exists, 1 if it doesn't when recursive equals to False. If the recursive flag is set, it will loop over all schemas and print the result for each schema without return value.""" def find_user(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users = UserCollection(app.session()) if users.exists(username): click.secho(f'{app.schema} {username} exists', fg='green') else: if recursive: click.secho(f'{app.schema} {username} does not exist', fg='yellow') else: abort(f'{app.schema} {username} does not exist') return find_user
@cli.command(context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('username')
[docs] def activate(username: str) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Activates the given user. """ def activate_user(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: user = UserCollection(app.session()).by_username(username) if user is None: abort('{} does not exist'.format(username)) = True click.secho('{} was activated'.format(username), fg='green') return activate_user
@cli.command(context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('username')
[docs] def deactivate(username: str) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Deactivates the given user. """ def deactivate_user(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: user = UserCollection(app.session()).by_username(username) if not user: abort('{} does not exist'.format(username)) = False user.logout_all_sessions( click.secho('{} was deactivated'.format(username), fg='green') return deactivate_user
@cli.command(context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('username')
[docs] def logout(username: str) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Logs out the given user on all sessions. """ def logout_user(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: user = UserCollection(app.session()).by_username(username) if not user: abort('{} does not exist'.format(username)) user.logout_all_sessions( click.secho('{} logged out'.format(username), fg='green') return logout_user
@cli.command(name='logout-all', context_settings={'singular': True})
[docs] def logout_all() -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Logs out all users on all sessions. """ def logout_user(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: for user in UserCollection(app.session()).query(): count = user.logout_all_sessions( if count: click.secho('{} logged out'.format(user.username), fg='green') return logout_user
@cli.command(context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.option('--active-only', help='Only show active users', is_flag=True) @click.option('--inactive-only', help='Only show inactive users', is_flag=True) @click.option('--sources', help='Display sources', is_flag=True, default=False)
[docs] def list( active_only: bool, inactive_only: bool, sources: bool ) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Lists all users. """ assert not all((active_only, inactive_only)) def list_users(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users: Query[tuple[str, str, bool, str | None]] users = UserCollection(app.session()).query().with_entities( User.username, User.role,, User.source ) users = users.order_by(User.username, User.role) for username, role, active, source in users.all(): if active_only and not active: continue if inactive_only and active: continue print( '{active} {username} [{role}]{source}'.format( active='✔︎' if active else '✘', username=username, role=role, source=f' {{{source}}}' if sources else '' ) ) return list_users
@cli.command(name='change-password', context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('username') @click.option('--password', help='Password to use', default=None)
[docs] def change_password( username: str, password: str | None ) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Changes the password of the given username. """ def change(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users = UserCollection(app.session()) user = users.by_username(username) if user is None: abort('{} does not exist'.format(username)) nonlocal password password = password or getpass('Enter password: ') user.password = password user.logout_all_sessions( click.secho("{}'s password was changed".format(username), fg='green') return change
@cli.command(name='change-yubikey', context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('username') @click.option('--yubikey', help='Yubikey to use', default=None)
[docs] def change_yubikey( username: str, yubikey: str | None ) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Changes the yubikey of the given username. """ def change(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users = UserCollection(app.session()) user = users.by_username(username) if user is None: abort('{} does not exist'.format(username)) nonlocal yubikey yubikey = (yubikey or getpass('Enter yubikey: ')).strip()[:12] yubikey = yubikey.strip() if yubikey: user.second_factor = { 'type': 'yubikey', 'data': yubikey } else: user.second_factor = None user.logout_all_sessions( click.secho("{}'s yubikey was changed".format(username), fg='green') return change
@cli.command(name='change-mtan', context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('username') @click.option('--phone-number', help='Phone number to use', default=None)
[docs] def change_mtan( username: str, phone_number: str | None ) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Changes the yubikey of the given username. """ def change(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users = UserCollection(app.session()) user = users.by_username(username) if user is None: abort(f'{username} does not exist') nonlocal phone_number phone_number = (phone_number or getpass('Enter phone number: ')) phone_number = phone_number.strip() if phone_number: try: number_obj = phonenumbers.parse(phone_number, 'CH') except Exception: abort(f'Failed to parse {phone_number} as a phone number') if not ( phonenumbers.is_valid_number(number_obj) and phonenumbers.is_possible_number(number_obj) ): abort(f'{phone_number} is not a valid phone number') phone_number = phonenumbers.format_number( number_obj, phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormat.E164 ) user.second_factor = { 'type': 'mtan', 'data': phone_number } else: user.second_factor = None user.logout_all_sessions( click.secho(f"{username}'s phone number was changed", fg='green') return change
@cli.command(name='change-totp', context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('username') @click.option('--secret', help='TOTP secret to use', default=None) @click.option( '--generate', help='Generate a new TOTP secret to use', is_flag=True, default=False )
[docs] def change_totp( username: str, secret: str | None, generate: bool ) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Changes the yubikey of the given username. """ def change(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users = UserCollection(app.session()) user = users.by_username(username) if user is None: abort(f'{username} does not exist') if generate: totp_secret = pyotp.random_base32() elif secret is None: totp_secret = getpass('Enter secret: ').strip() else: totp_secret = secret.strip() if totp_secret: user.second_factor = { 'type': 'totp', 'data': totp_secret } else: user.second_factor = None user.logout_all_sessions( click.secho(f"{username}'s TOTP secret was changed", fg='green') if generate: click.echo(f'Generated secret: {totp_secret}') return change
@cli.command(name='transfer-yubikey', context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('source') @click.argument('target')
[docs] def transfer_yubikey( source: str, target: str ) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Transfers the Yubikey from one user to another. """ def transfer(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users = UserCollection(app.session()) source_user = users.by_username(source) if source_user is None: abort('{} does not exist'.format(source)) target_user = users.by_username(target) if target_user is None: abort('{} does not exist'.format(target)) if not source_user.second_factor: abort('{} is not linked to a yubikey'.format(source)) if target_user.second_factor: abort('{} is already linked to a yubikey'.format(target)) target_user.second_factor = source_user.second_factor source_user.second_factor = None target_user.logout_all_sessions( source_user.logout_all_sessions( click.secho( 'yubikey was transferred from {} to {}'.format(source, target), fg='green' ) return transfer
@cli.command(name='change-role', context_settings={'singular': True}) @click.argument('username') @click.argument('role')
[docs] def change_role( username: str, role: str ) -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Changes the role of the given username. """ def change(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: users = UserCollection(app.session()) user = users.by_username(username) if user is None: abort('{} does not exist'.format(username)) user.role = role user.logout_all_sessions( click.secho("{}'s role was changed".format(username), fg='green') return change
@cli.command(name='list-sessions', context_settings={'singular': True})
[docs] def list_sessions() -> Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]: """ Lists all sessions of all users. """ def list_sessions(request: CoreRequest, app: Framework) -> None: for user in UserCollection(app.session()).query(): if user.sessions: click.secho('{}'.format(user.username), fg='yellow') for session in user.sessions.values(): session = session or {} # type:ignore[unreachable] print('{} [{}] "{}"'.format( session.get('address') or '?', session.get('timestamp') or '?', session.get('agent') or '?', )) return list_sessions