Source code for user.auth.second_factor

import morepath
import pyotp

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from onegov.core.utils import is_valid_yubikey
from onegov.user.collections import TANCollection
from onegov.user.i18n import _

from typing import Any, ClassVar, Literal, Self, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Mapping
    from morepath import App
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from onegov.user import User
    from onegov.user.auth import Auth
    from typing import TypeAlias, TypedDict
    from webob import Response

[docs] class YubikeyConfig(TypedDict):
[docs] yubikey_client_id: str | None
[docs] yubikey_secret_key: str | None
class MTANConfig(TypedDict): mtan_second_factor_enabled: bool mtan_automatic_setup: bool class TOTPConfig(TypedDict): totp_enabled: bool AnySecondFactor: TypeAlias = 'SingleStepSecondFactor | TwoStepSecondFactor'
[docs] SECOND_FACTORS: dict[str, type['AnySecondFactor']] = {}
[docs] class SecondFactor(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class and registry for secondary auth factors. """
[docs] __slots__ = ()
if TYPE_CHECKING: # forward declare for type checking, SecondFactor is # abstract so this attribute will always exist
[docs] type: ClassVar[str]
kind: ClassVar[Literal['single_step', 'two_step']]
[docs] self_activation: bool = False
[docs] def __init_subclass__(cls, type: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any): global SECOND_FACTORS if type is not None: assert issubclass(cls, ( SingleStepSecondFactor, TwoStepSecondFactor )) assert type not in SECOND_FACTORS SECOND_FACTORS[type] = cls cls.type = type else: assert cls.kind in ('single_step', 'two_step') super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
@classmethod @abstractmethod
[docs] def configure(cls, **cfg: Any) -> Self | None: """ Initialises the auth factor using a dictionary that may or may not contain the configuration values necessary for the auth factor. If the configuration is invalid None will be returned, otherwise a new instance is created. All used configuration values should be popped, not just read. """
@classmethod @abstractmethod
[docs] def args_from_app(cls, app: 'App') -> 'Mapping[str, Any]': """ Copies the required configuration values from the app, returning a dictionary with all keys present. The values should be either the ones from the application or None. """
[docs] def start_activation( self, request: 'CoreRequest', auth: 'Auth' ) -> 'Response | None': """ Initiates the activation of the second factor. """ return None
[docs] def complete_activation(self, user: 'User', factor: Any) -> None: """ Completes the activation of the second factor. """ assert factor user.second_factor = {'type': self.type, 'data': factor}
[docs] class SingleStepSecondFactor(SecondFactor): """ Base class for single step secondary auth factors. Second factors may be eagerly available like a TOTP, so we can ask for it in the initial login form, rather than in a second step. """
[docs] kind: ClassVar[Literal['single_step']] = 'single_step'
[docs] def is_valid( self, request: 'CoreRequest', user: 'User', factor: str ) -> bool: """ Returns true if the given factor is valid for the given user-specific configuration. This is the value stored on the user in the `second_factor` column. """
[docs] class TwoStepSecondFactor(SecondFactor): """ Base class for two step secondary auth factors. Second factors may involve a challenge response step like sending a token to a mobile device. """
[docs] kind: ClassVar[Literal['two_step']] = 'two_step'
[docs] def send_challenge( self, request: 'CoreRequest', user: 'User', auth: 'Auth' ) -> 'Response': """ Sends the authentication challenge. The response will be checked in a second step using :meth:`is_valid` """
[docs] class YubikeyFactor(SingleStepSecondFactor, type='yubikey'): """ Implements a yubikey factor for the :class:`Auth` class. """
[docs] __slots__ = ('yubikey_client_id', 'yubikey_secret_key')
def __init__( self, yubikey_client_id: str, yubikey_secret_key: str ):
[docs] self.yubikey_client_id = yubikey_client_id
[docs] self.yubikey_secret_key = yubikey_secret_key
[docs] def configure(cls, **cfg: Any) -> Self | None: yubikey_client_id = cfg.pop('yubikey_client_id', None) yubikey_secret_key = cfg.pop('yubikey_secret_key', None) if not yubikey_client_id or not yubikey_secret_key: return None return cls(yubikey_client_id, yubikey_secret_key)
[docs] def args_from_app(cls, app: 'App') -> 'YubikeyConfig': return { 'yubikey_client_id': getattr(app, 'yubikey_client_id', None), 'yubikey_secret_key': getattr(app, 'yubikey_secret_key', None) }
[docs] def is_valid( self, request: 'CoreRequest', user: 'User', factor: str ) -> bool: if not user.second_factor: return False return is_valid_yubikey( client_id=self.yubikey_client_id, secret_key=self.yubikey_secret_key, expected_yubikey_id=user.second_factor['data'], yubikey=factor )
[docs] class MTANFactor(TwoStepSecondFactor, type='mtan'): """ Implements a mTAN factor for the :class:`Auth` class. """
[docs] __slots__ = ('self_activation',)
def __init__(self, mtan_automatic_setup: bool) -> None:
[docs] self.self_activation = mtan_automatic_setup
[docs] def configure(cls, **cfg: Any) -> Self | None: if not cfg.pop('mtan_second_factor_enabled', False): return None return cls(cfg.pop('mtan_automatic_setup', False))
[docs] def args_from_app(cls, app: 'App') -> 'MTANConfig': # if we can't deliver SMS we can't do mTAN authentication if not getattr(app, 'can_deliver_sms', False): enabled = False else: enabled = getattr(app, 'mtan_second_factor_enabled', False) return { 'mtan_second_factor_enabled': enabled, 'mtan_automatic_setup': getattr(app, 'mtan_automatic_setup', False) }
[docs] def start_activation( self, request: 'CoreRequest', auth: 'Auth' ) -> 'Response | None': if not self.self_activation: return None activation_url =, name='mtan-setup') return morepath.redirect(activation_url)
[docs] def send_challenge( self, request: 'CoreRequest', user: 'User', auth: 'Auth', mobile_number: str | None = None ) -> 'Response': if mobile_number is None: assert user.second_factor mobile_number = user.second_factor['data'] assert mobile_number is not None tans = TANCollection(request.session, scope='mtan_second_factor') obj = tans.add( client=request.client_addr or 'unknown', username=user.username, mobile_number=mobile_number ) authenticate_url =, name='mtan') app = # FIXME: we should define the title on app, so each app can # define how it's defined assert hasattr(app, 'org') app.send_sms(mobile_number, request.translate(_( '${mtan} - mTAN for ${organisation}.', mapping={ 'organisation':, 'mtan': obj.tan, } ))) 'We sent an mTAN to the number linked with this account. ' 'Please enter it below.' )) return morepath.redirect(authenticate_url)
[docs] def is_valid( self, request: 'CoreRequest', username: str, mobile_number: str, factor: str ) -> bool: tans = TANCollection(request.session, scope='mtan_second_factor') tan = tans.by_tan(factor) if ( tan is not None and tan.meta.get('mobile_number') == mobile_number and tan.meta.get('username') == username ): # expire the tan we just used tan.expire() return True return False
[docs] class TOTPFactor(TwoStepSecondFactor, type='totp'): """ Implements a TOTP factor for the :class:`Auth` class. """ @classmethod
[docs] def configure(cls, **cfg: Any) -> Self | None: if not cfg.pop('totp_enabled', False): return None return cls()
[docs] def args_from_app(cls, app: 'App') -> 'TOTPConfig': return { 'totp_enabled': getattr(app, 'totp_enabled', False) }
[docs] def send_challenge( self, request: 'CoreRequest', user: 'User', auth: 'Auth', mobile_number: str | None = None ) -> 'Response': return morepath.redirect(, name='totp'))
[docs] def is_valid( self, request: 'CoreRequest', user: 'User', factor: str ) -> bool: if not user.second_factor: return False assert user.second_factor['type'] == 'totp' totp = pyotp.TOTP(user.second_factor['data']) return totp.verify(factor)