import morepath
from attr import attrs, attrib
from dogpile.cache.api import NO_VALUE
from hashlib import blake2b
from onegov.user import log
from onegov.user.auth import Auth
from saml2.cache import Cache
from saml2.client import Saml2Client as Connection
from saml2.config import Config
from saml2.ident import code, decode
from saml2.mdstore import locations
from saml2.saml import NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT
from saml2.s_utils import status_message_factory
from saml2.s_utils import success_status_factory
from saml2.samlp import STATUS_REQUEST_DENIED
from saml2.samlp import STATUS_UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL
from typing import overload, Any, Self, TYPE_CHECKING
from onegov.core.cache import RedisCacheRegion
from onegov.core.framework import Framework
from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
from onegov.user import User, UserApp
from onegov.user.auth.provider import (
HasApplicationIdAndNamespace, SAML2Provider)
from webob import Response
def handle_logout_request(
conn: Connection,
name_id: str | None,
logout_req: Any,
relay_state: str | None
) -> tuple[bool, Any]:
# we re-implement conn.handle_logout_request so we can handle
# error states more gracefully and so we can always force a
# redirect binding to be used
supported_bindings = [BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT]
success = False
if logout_req.message.name_id == name_id:
if conn.local_logout(name_id):
status = success_status_factory()
success = True
status = status_message_factory(
except KeyError:
status = status_message_factory(
status = status_message_factory(
# construct the LogoutResponse
args = conn.response_args(logout_req.message, supported_bindings)
response = conn.create_logout_response(
logout_req.message, bindings=supported_bindings, status=status)
request_info = conn.apply_binding(
args['binding'], response, args['destination'], relay_state,
return success, request_info
def finish_logout(
request: 'CoreRequest',
user: 'User',
to: str,
local: bool = True
) -> 'Response':
# this always finishes the SAML2 logout, but it may delay
# the local logout and make it the regular logout view's
# responsibility
assert user
# remove the saml2 session data'saml2_transient_id', None)'saml2_not_on_or_after', None)
if local:
response = morepath.redirect(to)
if local:, request)
return response
class SAML2Attributes:
""" Holds the required SAML2 Attributes """
# the globally unique id
# name for the username in User
# The users first name if available, use for User.realname
# The users last name if available, use for User.realname
# the name of the groups per tenant id, groups roles or scp
def from_cfg(cls, cfg: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
return cls(
source_id=cfg.get('source_id', 'uid'),
username=cfg.get('username', 'email'),
first_name=cfg.get('first_name', 'givenName'),
last_name=cfg.get('last_name', 'sn'),
groups=cfg.get('groups', 'member'),
class SAML2Client:
""" Paths to the relevant idp metadata XML files """
button_text: str = attrib()
""" Text to show on login button """
treat_as_ldap: bool = attrib()
""" Whether or not users created by this provider should show up
as being created by LDAP instead. Necessary when using LDAP to
sync the users periodically and deactivate old accounts. """
want_response_signed: bool = attrib()
""" Whether the response from the IdP should be signed """
attributes: SAML2Attributes = attrib()
""" Mapping of attribute names """
primary: bool = attrib()
""" Whether or not this is the primary login provider """
slo_enabled: bool = attrib(default=True)
""" Whether or not to enable the SLO service """
_connections: dict[str, Connection] = {}
def get_binding(self, request: 'CoreRequest') -> str:
if request.method == 'GET':
elif request.method == 'POST':
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_sessions(self, app: 'UserApp | Framework') -> 'Mangled':
# this can use our short-lived cache, it will likely
# be deleted before it can expire anyways
return Mangled(app.cache, 'saml2_sessions')
def get_redirects(self, app: 'UserApp | Framework') -> 'Mangled':
# same here
return Mangled(app.cache, 'saml2_redirects')
def connection(
provider: 'SAML2Provider',
request: 'CoreRequest'
) -> Connection:
""" Returns the SAML2 instance """
# NOTE: Unfortunately we can't create all the connections
# at application start up so we won't know about
# configuration errors until a login attempt is made
# Maybe we try to create a dummy configuration first
# to make sure the IdP XML is fine?
conn = self._connections.get(
if conn is None:
# create connection
base_url = request.application_url.rstrip('/')
provider_cls = type(provider)
acs_url = request.class_link(
provider_cls, {'name':}, name='redirect')
slo_url = request.class_link(
provider_cls, {'name':}, name='logout')
saml_settings: dict[str, Any] = {
# TODO: Support metadata via remote/mdq, multiple idp?
'entityid': base_url,
'metadata': {'local': [self.metadata]},
'service': {
'sp': {
'endpoints': {
'assertion_consumer_service': [
'name_id_format': [NAMEID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT],
'required_attributes': [
'optional_attributes': [
'want_response_signed': self.want_response_signed,
'allow_unsolicited': False,
if self.slo_enabled:
] = [
config = Config()
identity_cache = IdentityCache(
# the state cache can be short-lived
state_cache = Mangled(, 'saml2_state')
conn = Connection(
self._connections[] = conn
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError(
f'SAML2 config error: {exception!s}'
) from exception
return conn
def get_name_id(self, user: 'User | None') -> str | None:
if user and
return None
def create_logout_request(
provider: 'SAML2Provider',
request: 'CoreRequest',
user: 'User | None'
) -> tuple[str | None, Any | None]:
transient_id = self.get_name_id(user)
if not transient_id:
return None, None
# FIXME: Unfortunately the convenience method `global_logout`
# does not return the request_id for the responses it
# generates, so theres no way to store any locale state
# that should belong to that request, like e.g. the
# `to` clause from the logout, so we have to re-implement
# global logout. This is not a full implementation, as it
# always attempts a redirect, regardless of what may be
# configured. It also assumes that there is only one IdP
conn = self.connection(provider, request)
name_id = decode(transient_id)
entity_ids = conn.users.issuers_of_info(name_id)
if not entity_ids:
# nothing to do
return None, None
# disregard any IdP beyond the first one
entity_id = entity_ids[0]
bindings = conn.metadata.single_logout_service(
entity_id=entity_id, typ='idpsso')
# we only support redirects for now
if BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT not in bindings:
return None, None
service_info = bindings[BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT]
service_location = next(locations(service_info), None)
if not service_location:
# we can't redirect without a location
log.warning('SAML2: No location configured for IdP SSO')
return None, None
session_info = conn.users.get_info_from(name_id, entity_id, False)
session_index = session_info.get('session_index')
session_indexes = [session_index] if session_index else None
except KeyError:
session_indexes = None
# TODO: This would need to change to support signed requests
session_id, logout_req = conn.create_logout_request(
relay_state = conn._relay_state(session_id)
request_info = conn.apply_binding(
# remember this logout request
conn.state[session_id] = {
'entity_id': entity_id,
'operation': 'SLO',
'entity_ids': entity_ids,
'name_id': code(name_id),
'reason': '',
'not_on_or_after': None,
'sign': False,
return session_id, request_info
def handle_slo(
provider: 'SAML2Provider',
request: 'CoreRequest'
) -> 'Response':
# this could be either a request or a response
saml_request = request.params.get('SAMLRequest')
saml_response = request.params.get('SAMLResponse')
# FIXME: This depends on OrgRequest, we should refactor this
user = request.current_user # type:ignore
to = request.browser_session.pop('logout_to', or '/')
if saml_request:
# this should be a LogoutRequest
conn = self.connection(provider, request)
transient_id = self.get_name_id(user)
binding = self.get_binding(request)
_relay_state = request.params.get('RelayState')
if isinstance(_relay_state, str):
relay_state = _relay_state
relay_state = None
logout_req = conn.parse_logout_request(saml_request, binding)
success, request_info = handle_logout_request(
conn, transient_id, logout_req, relay_state)
# all we care about is the location header
headers = {k.lower(): v for k, v in request_info['headers']}
if success:
# we need to finish the local logout
return finish_logout(request, user, headers['location'])
# in this case we only need to redirect
return morepath.redirect(headers['location'])
elif saml_response:
# this should be a LogoutResponse, either way we finish
# the local logout
conn = self.connection(provider, request)
binding = self.get_binding(request)
logout_res = conn.parse_logout_request_response(
saml_response, binding)
# recover redirect target
session_id = logout_res.in_response_to
redirects = self.get_redirects(
to = redirects.get(session_id, to)
# TODO: If we want to support multiple IdP's this may
# result in further redirects to the next IdP
# for now we assume this doesn't happen, if we
# ever do we need to implement this method our-
# selves because the method won't properly remove
# the IdP from the list of IdPs to disconnect from
except Exception as exc:
# We ignore any exceptions in handling the LogoutResponse
# because we want to finish the logout either way!
log.warning(f'Error in handling LogoutResponse: {exc}')
# if we got neither a response nor a request we just logout
# the same way we would if we got a response, i.e. we terminate
# the SAML2 session and redirect back to the logout view to
# finish local logout
if user:
# first we terminate the SAML2 session and then we redirect
# to the normal logout view to finish the local logout
logout_url = request.class_link(Auth, {'to': to}, name='logout')
return finish_logout(request, user, logout_url, local=False)
# if we're not logged in we just redirect to the logout_to
# because we're already logged out, so we're not allowed to
# access the logout view.
return morepath.redirect(request.transform(to))
class SAML2Connections:
# instantiated connections for every tenant
connections: dict[str, SAML2Client] = attrib()
def client(
app: 'HasApplicationIdAndNamespace'
) -> SAML2Client | None:
if app.application_id in self.connections:
return self.connections[app.application_id]
if app.namespace in self.connections:
return self.connections[app.namespace]
return None
def from_cfg(cls, config: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
clients = {
app_id: SAML2Client(
treat_as_ldap=cfg.get('treat_as_ldap', False),
want_response_signed=cfg.get('want_resonse_signed', True),
cfg.get('attributes', {})),
primary=cfg.get('primary', False),
slo_enabled=cfg.get('slo_enabled', True),
) for app_id, cfg in config.items()
return cls(connections=clients)
class Mangled:
Dict like interface that mangles the name_id that gets passed into the
cache, so valid name_ids cannot be discovered through key listing
def __init__(self, cache: 'RedisCacheRegion', prefix: str = ''):
def mangle(self, name_id: str) -> str:
return blake2b(
(self._prefix + name_id).encode('utf-8'),
def get(self, name_id: str, default: None = None) -> Any | None: ...
def get(self, name_id: str, default: Any) -> Any: ...
def get(self, name_id: str, default: Any = None) -> Any | None:
value = self._cache.get(self.mangle(name_id))
if value is NO_VALUE:
return default
return value
def pop(self, name_id: str) -> Any: ...
def pop(self, name_id: str, default: None) -> Any | None: ...
def pop(self, name_id: str, default: Any) -> Any: ...
def pop(self, name_id: str, default: Any = NO_VALUE) -> Any | None:
key = self.mangle(name_id)
value = self._cache.get(key)
if value is NO_VALUE:
if default is NO_VALUE:
raise KeyError
return default
# delete the value from the cache
return value
def __getitem__(self, name_id: str) -> Any:
value = self._cache.get(self.mangle(name_id))
if value is NO_VALUE:
raise KeyError
return value
def __setitem__(self, name_id: str, value: Any) -> None:
self._cache.set(self.mangle(name_id), value)
def __delitem__(self, name_id: str) -> None:
def __contains__(self, name_id: str) -> bool:
return self._cache.get(self.mangle(name_id)) is not NO_VALUE
class IdentityCache(Cache):
Extension to the dict/shelve based default cache to use our
redis based dogpile cache instead
def __init__(self, app: 'Framework'):
# for now we use the same expiration time as our session cache
# we want to be able to initiate a SLO as long as the user is
# logged in, so we need the identity to remain cached for at
# least that long
# TODO: Does the expiration time of browser session get reset
# every time a value changes? If so, maybe this cache
# should live even longer? Is the absolute lifetime of
# a user session defined somewhere?
cache = app.get_cache('saml2', expiration_time=7 * 60 * 60 * 24)
self._db = Mangled(cache)
def set(
name_id: str,
entity_id: str,
info: dict[str, Any],
not_on_or_after: int = 0
) -> None:
# We need to re-implement due to how dogpile handles mutable objects
info = dict(info)
cni = code(name_id)
if 'name_id' in info:
# make friendly to serialization
info['name_id'] = cni
entities = self._db.get(cni, {})
entities[entity_id] = (not_on_or_after, info)
self._db[cni] = entities