Source code for user.auth.clients.oidc

from __future__ import annotations

import requests
from attr import attrs, attrib
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode
from jwt import PyJWKClient, decode_complete, get_algorithm_by_name
from jwt.exceptions import InvalidIssuerError, InvalidSignatureError
from oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.endpoints import AuthorizationEndpoint
from oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.endpoints import MetadataEndpoint
from oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.endpoints import TokenEndpoint
from oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.grant_types import AuthorizationCodeGrant
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from secrets import compare_digest

from typing import Any, Self, TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from onegov.user.auth.provider import (
        HasApplicationIdAndNamespace, OIDCProvider)

[docs] class OIDCAttributes: """ Holds the expected OIDC claims. These claims may either be included in the JWT id token or in the response to the user endpoint """ # the unique id in the OIDC provider
[docs] source_id: str
# The username (should be an email), use for User.username
[docs] username: str
# The users first name if available, use for User.realname
[docs] first_name: str
# The users last name if available, use for User.realname
[docs] last_name: str
# the name of the group
[docs] group: str
# Can be used if first / last name are not available to fill User.realname
[docs] preferred_username: str
[docs] def from_cfg(cls, cfg: dict[str, Any]) -> Self: return cls( source_id=cfg.get('source_id', 'sub'), username=cfg.get('username', 'email'), group=cfg.get('group', 'group'), first_name=cfg.get('first_name', 'given_name'), last_name=cfg.get('last_name', 'family_name'), preferred_username='preferred_username' )
[docs] class OIDCClient:
[docs] issuer: str = attrib()
[docs] client_id: str = attrib()
[docs] client_secret: str = attrib()
[docs] button_text: str = attrib()
# Needed attributes in the jwt token
[docs] attributes: OIDCAttributes = attrib()
[docs] primary: bool = attrib()
# Required OAuth scope in addition to "openid"
[docs] scope: list[str] = attrib(factory=list)
# Override/amend discovered metadata
[docs] fixed_metadata: dict[str, Any] = attrib(factory=dict)
[docs] _provider_metadata: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = {}
[docs] def session( self, provider: OIDCProvider, request: CoreRequest, *, with_openid_scope: bool = False, ) -> OAuth2Session: """ Returns a requests session tied to a OAuth2 client """ assert isinstance(self.scope, list), 'Invalid scope, expected list' provider_cls = type(provider) redirect_url = request.class_link( provider_cls, {'name':}, name='redirect') return OAuth2Session( self.client_id, scope=['openid', *self.scope] if with_openid_scope else self.scope, redirect_uri=redirect_url, )
[docs] def metadata(self, request: CoreRequest) -> dict[str, Any]: metadata = self._provider_metadata.get( if metadata is None: # try to discover the metadata metadata_url = (self.issuer.rstrip('/') + '/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server') try: response = requests.get(metadata_url, timeout=(5, 10)) response.raise_for_status() claims = response.json() assert isinstance(claims, dict) except Exception: claims = {} claims.update(self.fixed_metadata) # The only endpoints we need our server to support for sure # are the authorization and token endpoints, so we pretend the # server only implements those, so that's the only thing we # validate # NOTE: Technically MetadataEndpoint will pull default values # for these two endpoints, but since we don't currently # use the affected properties, this should be fine. # If we ever do end up using them, we may want to create # a subclass so we only run the validation step. # That should also allow us to get away without having # to create these dummy endpoints endpoints = [AuthorizationEndpoint( 'code', None, {'code': AuthorizationCodeGrant(None)} ), TokenEndpoint( 'authorization_code', None, {'authorization_code': AuthorizationCodeGrant(None)} )] metadata = MetadataEndpoint(endpoints, claims).claims if 'jwks_uri' not in metadata: # TODO: Support manually specifying a static signing key? raise ValueError('key jwks_uri is a mandatory metadata.') if metadata['issuer'] != self.issuer: raise InvalidIssuerError(metadata['issuer']) # TODO: Should we make our own subclass that caches the JWK # key set in redis rather than just in RAM? metadata['jwks_client'] = PyJWKClient(metadata['jwks_uri']) self._provider_metadata[] = metadata return metadata
[docs] def validate_token( self, request: CoreRequest, token: dict[str, Any] ) -> dict[str, Any]: metadata = self.metadata(request) access_token = token.get('access_token') id_token = token['id_token'] jwks_client = metadata['jwks_client'] signing_key = jwks_client.get_signing_key_from_jwt(id_token) # TODO: Should we provide some configurable leeway for exp? data = decode_complete( id_token, key=signing_key, audience=self.client_id, issuer=self.issuer, algorithms=metadata.get( 'id_token_signing_alg_values_supported', ['RS256'] ), # the following claims are required for OIDC options={'require': [ 'iss', 'sub', 'aud', 'exp', 'iat' ]} ) header = data['header'] payload = data['payload'] if access_token and (given_at_hash := payload.get('at_hash')): # validate the access_token using at_hash alg = get_algorithm_by_name(header['alg']) digest = alg.compute_hash_digest(access_token.encode('utf-8')) at_hash = urlsafe_b64encode(digest[:len(digest) // 2]) if not compare_digest(at_hash, given_at_hash.encode('utf-8')): raise InvalidSignatureError('given at_hash was incorrect') return payload
[docs] class OIDCConnections: # instantiated connections for every tenant
[docs] connections: dict[str, OIDCClient] = attrib()
[docs] def client(self, app: HasApplicationIdAndNamespace) -> OIDCClient | None: if app.application_id in self.connections: return self.connections[app.application_id] if app.namespace in self.connections: return self.connections[app.namespace] return None
[docs] def from_cfg(cls, config: dict[str, Any]) -> Self: clients = { app_id: OIDCClient( issuer=cfg['issuer'], client_id=cfg['client_id'], client_secret=cfg['client_secret'], scope=cfg.get('scope', []), attributes=OIDCAttributes.from_cfg( cfg.get('attributes', {}) ), button_text=cfg['button_text'], primary=cfg.get('primary', False), fixed_metadata=cfg.get('fixed_metadata', {}), ) for app_id, cfg in config.items() } return cls(connections=clients)