Source code for user.auth.clients.msal

import msal  # type:ignore[import-untyped]
from attr import attrs, attrib
from functools import cached_property

from onegov.user import log

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.user.auth.provider import HasApplicationIdAndNamespace
    from typing import Self

[docs] class AzureADAttributes: """ Holds the expected AzureAD id_token_claims used to ensure the user """ # the unique id in Azure per Application if sub is used # or globally in AzureAd if oid is used.
[docs] source_id: str
# name for the username in User, can also be `preferred_username`
[docs] username: str
# The users first name if available, use for User.realname
[docs] first_name: str
# The users last name if available, use for User.realname
[docs] last_name: str
# the name of the groups per tenant id, groups roles or scp
[docs] groups: str
# A field from Azure designating a display name, can be anything # Can be used if first / last name are not available to fill User.realname
[docs] preferred_username: str
[docs] def from_cfg(cls, cfg: dict[str, Any]) -> 'Self': return cls( source_id=cfg.get('source_id', 'sub'), username=cfg.get('username', 'email'), groups=cfg.get('groups', 'groups'), first_name=cfg.get('first_name', 'given_name'), last_name=cfg.get('last_name', 'family_name'), preferred_username='preferred_username' )
[docs] class MSALClient:
[docs] AUTHORITY_BASE = ''
[docs] SIGN_OUT_ENDPOINT = '/oauth2/v2.0/logout'
[docs] client_id: str = attrib()
[docs] client_secret: str = attrib()
[docs] tenant_id: str = attrib()
# this is useful for testing
[docs] validate_authority: bool = attrib()
# Needed attributes in id_token_claim
[docs] attributes: AzureADAttributes = attrib()
[docs] primary: bool = attrib()
[docs] def connection(self) -> msal.ConfidentialClientApplication: """ Returns the msal instance. Upon initiation, the client tries to connect to the authority endpoint. msal always validate the the tenant with an tenant discovery, `validate_authority` will additionally check the host/instance. """ try: client = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication( self.client_id, authority=self.authority, # is tenant specific! client_credential=self.client_secret, token_cache=None, validate_authority=self.validate_authority ) except Exception as exception: raise ValueError( f'MSAL config error in tenant {self.tenant_id}: ' '{str(exception)}' ) from exception return client
[docs] def authority(self) -> str: return f'{self.AUTHORITY_BASE}/{self.tenant_id}'
[docs] def logout_url(self, logout_redirect: str) -> str: url_param = f'?post_logout_redirect_uri={logout_redirect}' return f'{self.authority}{self.SIGN_OUT_ENDPOINT}{url_param}'
[docs] class MSALConnections: # instantiated connections for every tenant
[docs] connections: dict[str, MSALClient] = attrib()
[docs] def client(self, app: 'HasApplicationIdAndNamespace') -> MSALClient | None: if app.application_id in self.connections: return self.connections[app.application_id] if app.namespace in self.connections: return self.connections[app.namespace] return None
[docs] def from_cfg(cls, config: dict[str, Any]) -> 'Self': clients = { app_id: MSALClient( client_id=cfg['client_id'], client_secret=cfg['client_secret'], tenant_id=cfg['tenant_id'], validate_authority=cfg.get('validate_authority', True), attributes=AzureADAttributes.from_cfg( cfg.get('attributes', {}) ), primary=cfg.get('primary', False), ) for app_id, cfg in config.items() } for app_id, client in clients.items(): # instantiate and cache the connection on app startup success = client.connection if success and client.validate_authority:'MSAL connection successfull: {app_id}') return cls(connections=clients)