Source code for translator_directory.utils

import json

from babel import Locale
from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError

from onegov.gis import Coordinates
from onegov.gis.utils import MapboxRequests, outside_bbox
from onegov.translator_directory import log
from onegov.translator_directory import _

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    import requests
    from wtforms.fields.choices import _Choice
    from import Collection
    from onegov.gis.models.coordinates import RealCoordinates
    from import OrgRequest
    from onegov.translator_directory.request import TranslatorAppRequest
    from onegov.translator_directory.models.translator import Translator

[docs] def to_tuple(coordinate: 'RealCoordinates') -> tuple[float, float]: return, coordinate.lon
[docs] def found_route(response: 'requests.Response') -> bool: try: found = response.status_code == 200 and response.json()['code'] == 'Ok' if not found: log.warning(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2)) except JSONDecodeError as exc: log.warning(f'Response did not contain valid JSON: {exc}') return False return found
[docs] def out_of_tolerance( old_distance: float | None, new_distance: float | None, tolerance_factor: float, max_tolerance: float | None = None ) -> bool: """Checks if distances are off by +- a factor, but returns False if a set max_tolerance is not exceeded. """ if not old_distance or not new_distance: return False too_big = new_distance > old_distance + old_distance * tolerance_factor too_sml = new_distance < old_distance - old_distance * tolerance_factor exceed_max = ( abs(new_distance - old_distance) > max_tolerance if max_tolerance is not None else False ) if exceed_max: return True elif too_big or too_sml: return False return too_big or too_sml
[docs] def validate_geocode_result( response: 'requests.Response', zip_code: str | int | None, zoom: int | None = None, bbox: 'Collection[RealCoordinates] | None' = None ) -> 'RealCoordinates | None': if response.status_code != 200: return None data = response.json() for feature in data['features']: matched_place = feature.get('matching_place_name') if not matched_place: continue place_types = feature['place_type'] if 'address' not in place_types: continue if zip_code and str(zip_code) not in matched_place: continue y, x = feature['geometry']['coordinates'] coordinates = Coordinates(lat=x, lon=y, zoom=zoom) # NOTE: outside_bbox check guarantees we return RealCoordinates if outside_bbox(coordinates, bbox=bbox): continue return coordinates return None
[docs] def parse_directions_result(response: 'requests.Response') -> float: assert response.status_code == 200 data = response.json() km = round(data['routes'][0]['distance'] / 1000, 1) return km
[docs] def same_coords(this: Coordinates, other: Coordinates) -> bool: return == and this.lon == other.lon
[docs] def update_drive_distances( request: 'TranslatorAppRequest', only_empty: bool, tolerance_factor: float = 0.1, max_tolerance: float | None = None, max_distance: float | None = None ) -> (tuple[int, int, int, list['Translator'], list[tuple['Translator', float]]]): """ Handles updating Translator.driving_distance. Can be used in a cli or view. """ from onegov.translator_directory.models.translator import Translator assert, 'Requires home coordinates to be set' no_routes = [] tol_failed = [] distance_changed = 0 routes_found = 0 total = 0 directions_api = MapboxRequests(, endpoint='directions', profile='driving' ) query = request.session.query(Translator) if only_empty: query = query.filter(Translator.drive_distance == None) for trs in query: if not trs.coordinates: continue total += 1 response = directions_api.directions([ to_tuple(, to_tuple(trs.coordinates) ]) if found_route(response): routes_found += 1 dist = parse_directions_result(response) if out_of_tolerance( trs.drive_distance, dist, tolerance_factor, max_tolerance): tol_failed.append((trs, dist)) elif max_distance and dist > max_distance: tol_failed.append((trs, dist)) else: trs.drive_distance = dist distance_changed += 1 else: no_routes.append(trs) return total, routes_found, distance_changed, no_routes, tol_failed
[docs] def geocode_translator_addresses( request: 'TranslatorAppRequest', only_empty: bool, bbox: 'Collection[RealCoordinates] | None' = None ) -> tuple[int, int, int, int, list['Translator']]: from onegov.translator_directory.models.translator import Translator api = MapboxRequests( total = 0 geocoded = 0 skipped = 0 coords_not_found = [] trs_total = request.session.query(Translator).count() for trs in request.session.query(Translator).filter( != None, Translator.address != None, Translator.zip_code != None ): total += 1 if only_empty and trs.coordinates: skipped += 1 continue # Might still be empty if not all((, trs.address, trs.zip_code)): skipped += 1 continue response = api.geocode( street=trs.address, zip_code=trs.zip_code,, ctry='Schweiz' ) coordinates = validate_geocode_result( response, trs.zip_code, trs.coordinates.zoom, bbox ) if coordinates: if same_coords(trs.coordinates, coordinates): continue trs.coordinates = coordinates request.session.flush() geocoded += 1 else: coords_not_found.append(trs) return trs_total, total, geocoded, skipped, coords_not_found
[docs] def nationality_choices(locale: str | None) -> list['_Choice']: assert locale country_names = country_code_to_name(locale) pinned = ('CH', 'DE', 'FR', 'IT', 'AT', 'LI') nationalities: list[_Choice] nationalities = [(code, name) for code, name in country_names.items() if code not in pinned] # pin common countries on top of the list nationalities.insert(0, ('', '------')) # add divider for code in reversed(pinned): nationalities.insert(0, (code, country_names.get(code, code))) nationalities.insert(0, ('', '')) # add empty choices return nationalities
[docs] def country_code_to_name(locale: str | None) -> dict[str, str]: """ Returns a dict of country codes mapped to its country names according the given locale. Example: {'CH': 'Switzerland', 'DE': 'Germany, ...} """ assert locale _locale = Locale.parse(locale) assert _locale mapping = {str(code): str(_locale.territories.get(code)) for code in _locale.territories if len(str(code)) == 2} return mapping
[docs] def get_custom_text(request: 'OrgRequest', key: str) -> str: """ Returns a custom text from the app's custom_texts dict. """ custom_texts = if not custom_texts: return _('Error: No custom texts found') return custom_texts.get( key, _(f"Error: No custom text found for '{key}'"))