Source code for translator_directory.collections.documents

from functools import cached_property
from itertools import groupby

from onegov.file import File, FileCollection
from onegov.translator_directory.models.translator import Translator

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from uuid import UUID

# This can be changed anytime without making further changes
# We assume - like for the Excel - that we will not add other languages in
# the future and do not use translations strings here
[docs] DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_CATEGORIES = ( 'Antrag', 'Diplome und Zertifikate', 'Abklärungen', 'Bestätigungen der Koordinationsstelle', 'Beschwerden', 'Korrespondenz', 'Diverses' )
[docs] class TranslatorDocumentCollection(FileCollection[File]):
[docs] supported_content_types = 'all'
def __init__( self, session: 'Session', translator_id: 'UUID', category: str | None ) -> None: super().__init__(session, type='*', allow_duplicates=True)
[docs] self.translator_id = translator_id
[docs] self.category = category or DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_CATEGORIES[0]
[docs] def translator(self) -> Translator | None: return self.session.query(Translator).filter_by( id=self.translator_id).first()
[docs] def unique_categories(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of the defined default categories and the ones in the database.""" q = self.session.query(File.note).filter(File.note.isnot(None)) from_files = tuple(f.note for f in q.distinct()) return sorted(set(from_files + DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_CATEGORIES))
[docs] def files_by_category(self) -> tuple[tuple[str, tuple[File, ...]], ...]: assert self.translator is not None files = sorted(self.translator.files, key=lambda f: f.note or '') return tuple( (category, tuple(files)) for category, files in groupby(files, key=lambda f: f.note) ) if files else ()