Source code for town6.forms.settings

import json
from wtforms.fields import BooleanField, RadioField
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired

from onegov.form import Form
from onegov.form.fields import ChosenSelectField, ChosenSelectMultipleField
from onegov.form.fields import TagsField
from import (
    GeneralSettingsForm as OrgGeneralSettingsForm)
from onegov.town6 import _
from onegov.user import UserCollection, User
from onegov.town6.theme import user_options
from wtforms.fields import StringField

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Organisation
    from webob import Response

[docs] class GeneralSettingsForm(OrgGeneralSettingsForm): """ Defines the settings form for onegov org. """
[docs] page_image_position = RadioField( fieldset=_('Images'), description=_( 'Choose the position of the page images on the content pages'), label=_('Page image position'), choices=( ('as_content', _('As a content image (between the title and text ' 'of a content page)')), ('header', _('As header image (wide above the page content)')) ), )
[docs] body_font_family_ui = ChosenSelectField( fieldset=_('Fonts'), label=_('Font family serif'), description=_('Used for text in html body'), choices=[], validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] header_font_family_ui = ChosenSelectField( fieldset=_('Fonts'), label=_('Font family sans-serif'), description=_('Used for all the headings'), choices=[], validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] def theme_options(self) -> dict[str, Any]: options = self.model.theme_options if is None: options['primary-color-ui'] = user_options['primary-color-ui'] else: options['primary-color-ui'] = if is None: options['page-image-position'] = user_options[ 'page-image-position'] else: options['page-image-position'] = body_family = if body_family not in self.theme.font_families.values(): options['body-font-family-ui'] = self.default_font_family else: options['body-font-family-ui'] = body_family header_family = if header_family not in self.theme.font_families.values(): options['header-font-family-ui'] = self.default_font_family else: options['header-font-family-ui'] = header_family # override the options using the default values if no value was given for key in options: if not options[key]: options[key] = user_options[key] return options
@theme_options.setter def theme_options(self, options: dict[str, Any]) -> None: = options.get('primary-color-ui') = options.get('page-image-position') = options.get( 'body-font-family-ui') or self.default_font_family = options.get( 'header-font-family-ui') or self.default_font_family @property
[docs] def default_font_family(self) -> str | None: return self.theme.default_options.get('body-font-family-ui')
[docs] def header_font_family(self) -> str | None: return self.theme.default_options.get('header-font-family-ui')
[docs] def populate_font_families(self) -> None: self.body_font_family_ui.choices = [ (value, label) for label, value in self.theme.font_families.items() ] self.header_font_family_ui.choices = [ (value, label) for label, value in self.theme.font_families.items() ]
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: self.populate_font_families() # We delete this from the org form self.delete_field('font_family_sans_serif') @self.request.after def clear_locale(response: 'Response') -> None: response.delete_cookie('locale')
[docs] class ChatSettingsForm(Form):
[docs] enable_chat = BooleanField( label=_('Enable the chat'), default=False )
[docs] chat_staff = ChosenSelectMultipleField( label=_('Show chat for chosen people'), choices=[] )
[docs] chat_topics = TagsField( label=_('Chat Topics'), description=_( "The topics can be chosen on the form at the start of the chat. " "Example topics are 'Social', 'Clubs' or 'Planning & Construction'" ". If left empty, all Chats get the topic 'General'."), )
[docs] specific_opening_hours = BooleanField( label=_('Specific Opening Hours'), description=_('If unchecked, the chat is open 24/7.'), fieldset=_('Opening Hours'), )
[docs] opening_hours_chat = StringField( label=_('Opening Hours'), fieldset=_('Opening Hours'), depends_on=('specific_opening_hours', 'y'), render_kw={'class_': 'many many-opening-hours'} )
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] self.time_errors: dict[int, str] = {}
[docs] def process_obj( self, obj: 'Organisation' # type:ignore[override] ) -> None: super().process_obj(obj) = obj.chat_staff or [] = obj.enable_chat or False = obj.chat_topics or [] = obj.specific_opening_hours if not obj.opening_hours_chat: = self.time_to_json(None) else: = self.time_to_json( obj.opening_hours_chat )
[docs] def populate_obj( # type:ignore[override] self, obj: 'Organisation', # type:ignore[override] *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: super().populate_obj(obj, *args, **kwargs) obj.chat_staff = obj.enable_chat = obj.chat_topics = # type:ignore[assignment] obj.specific_opening_hours = obj.opening_hours_chat = self.json_to_time( or None
[docs] def populate_chat_staff(self) -> None: people = UserCollection(self.request.session).query().filter( User.role.in_(['editor', 'admin'])) staff_members = [( (, p.username) ) for p in people] self.chat_staff.choices = list(staff_members)
[docs] def ensure_valid_opening_hours(self) -> bool: if not return True opening_times = self.json_to_time( if not opening_times: assert isinstance(self.opening_hours_chat.errors, list) self.opening_hours_chat.errors.append( _('Please add a day and times to each opening hour ' 'entry or deactivate specific opening hours.') ) return False result = True for day, start, end in opening_times: # FIXME: shouldn't this use time_errors? if not (day and start and end): assert isinstance(self.opening_hours_chat.errors, list) self.opening_hours_chat.errors.append( _('Please add a day and times to each opening hour ' 'entry or deactivate specific opening hours.') ) result = False if start > end: assert isinstance(self.opening_hours_chat.errors, list) self.opening_hours_chat.errors.append( _('Start time cannot be later than end time.') ) result = False return result
[docs] def json_to_time(self, text: str | None = None) -> list[list[str]]: if not text: return [] return [ [ value.get('day', ''), value.get('start', ''), value.get('end', '') ] for value in json.loads(text).get('values', []) ]
[docs] def time_to_json( self, opening_hours: list[list[str]] | None = None ) -> str: opening_hours = opening_hours or [] return json.dumps({ 'labels': { 'day': self.request.translate(_('day')), 'start': self.request.translate(_('Start')), 'end': self.request.translate(_('End')), 'add': self.request.translate(_('Add')), 'remove': self.request.translate(_('Remove')), }, 'values': [ { 'day': o[0], 'start': o[1], 'end': o[2], 'error': self.time_errors.get(ix, '') } for ix, o in enumerate(opening_hours) ], 'days': { 0: self.request.translate(_('Mo')), 1: self.request.translate(_('Tu')), 2: self.request.translate(_('We')), 3: self.request.translate(_('Th')), 4: self.request.translate(_('Fr')), 5: self.request.translate(_('Sa')), 6: self.request.translate(_('Su')) } })
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: self.populate_chat_staff()