Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime

import pytz
from sedate import replace_timezone

from onegov.api import ApiApp
from onegov.core import utils
from onegov.core.i18n import default_locale_negotiator
from onegov.core.utils import module_path
from onegov.foundation6.integration import FoundationApp
from import OrgApp
from import get_i18n_localedirs as get_org_i18n_localedirs
from onegov.town6.api import EventApiEndpoint, NewsApiEndpoint
from onegov.town6.custom import get_global_tools
from onegov.town6.initial_content import create_new_organisation
from onegov.town6.theme import TownTheme

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable, Iterator, Sequence
    from onegov.api import ApiEndpoint
    from onegov.core.types import RenderData
    from import Organisation
    from onegov.town6.request import TownRequest

[docs] class TownApp(OrgApp, FoundationApp, ApiApp):
[docs] def configure_organisation( self, *, enable_user_registration: bool = False, enable_yubikey: bool = True, disable_password_reset: bool = False, **cfg: Any ) -> None: super().configure_organisation( enable_user_registration=enable_user_registration, enable_yubikey=enable_yubikey, disable_password_reset=disable_password_reset, **cfg )
[docs] def font_family(self) -> str | None: return self.theme_options.get('body-font-family-ui')
[docs] def chat_open(self, request: TownRequest) -> bool: if not return True opening_hours = tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Zurich') now = if opening_hours: for day, start, end in opening_hours: if str(now.weekday()) == day: open = replace_timezone( datetime(now.year, now.month,, int(start.split(':')[0]), int(start.split(':')[1])), tz) close = replace_timezone( datetime(now.year, now.month,, int(end.split(':')[0]), int(end.split(':')[1])), tz) if now > open and now < close: return True return False
[docs] def get_shared_assets_path() -> str: return utils.module_path('onegov.shared', 'assets/js')
[docs] def get_static_directory() -> str: return 'static'
[docs] def get_template_directory() -> str: return 'templates'
[docs] def get_template_variables(request: TownRequest) -> RenderData: return { 'global_tools': tuple(get_global_tools(request)) }
@TownApp.setting(section='core', name='theme')
[docs] def get_theme() -> TownTheme: return TownTheme()
@TownApp.setting(section='i18n', name='locales')
[docs] def get_i18n_used_locales() -> set[str]: return {'de_CH', 'fr_CH'}
@TownApp.setting(section='i18n', name='localedirs')
[docs] def get_i18n_localedirs() -> list[str]: return [ module_path('onegov.town6', 'locale'), *get_org_i18n_localedirs() ]
@TownApp.setting(section='i18n', name='default_locale')
[docs] def get_i18n_default_locale() -> str: return 'de_CH'
@TownApp.setting(section='i18n', name='locale_negotiator')
[docs] def get_locale_negotiator( ) -> Callable[[Sequence[str], TownRequest], str | None]: def locale_negotiator( locales: Sequence[str], request: TownRequest ) -> str | None: if locales = or get_i18n_default_locale() if isinstance(locales, str): locales = (locales, ) return default_locale_negotiator(locales, request) or locales[0] else: return default_locale_negotiator(locales, request) return locale_negotiator
@TownApp.setting(section='org', name='create_new_organisation')
[docs] def get_create_new_organisation_factory( ) -> Callable[[TownApp, str], Organisation]: return create_new_organisation
@TownApp.setting(section='org', name='status_mail_roles')
[docs] def get_status_mail_roles() -> tuple[str, ...]: return ('admin', 'editor')
@TownApp.setting(section='org', name='ticket_manager_roles')
[docs] def get_ticket_manager_roles() -> tuple[str, ...]: return ('admin', 'editor')
@TownApp.setting(section='org', name='require_complete_userprofile')
[docs] def get_require_complete_userprofile() -> bool: return False
@TownApp.setting(section='org', name='is_complete_userprofile')
[docs] def get_is_complete_userprofile_handler( ) -> Callable[[TownRequest, str], bool]: def is_complete_userprofile(request: TownRequest, username: str) -> bool: return True return is_complete_userprofile
@TownApp.setting(section='org', name='default_directory_search_widget')
[docs] def get_default_directory_search_widget() -> None: return None
@TownApp.setting(section='org', name='default_event_search_widget')
[docs] def get_default_event_search_widget() -> None: return None
@TownApp.setting(section='org', name='public_ticket_messages')
[docs] def get_public_ticket_messages() -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Returns a list of message types which are availble on the ticket status page, visible to anyone that knows the unguessable url. """ # do *not* add ticket_note here, those are private! return ( 'directory', 'event', 'payment', 'reservation', 'submission', 'ticket', 'ticket_chat', )
@TownApp.setting(section='api', name='endpoints')
[docs] def get_api_endpoints() -> list[type[ApiEndpoint[Any]]]: return [ EventApiEndpoint, NewsApiEndpoint ]
[docs] def get_js_path() -> str: return 'assets/js'
[docs] def get_css_path() -> str: return 'assets/css'
[docs] def get_webasset_output() -> str: return 'assets/bundles'
[docs] def get_common_asset() -> Iterator[str]: yield 'global.js' yield 'polyfills.js' yield 'jquery.datetimepicker.css' yield 'locale.js' yield 'modernizr.js' yield 'clipboard.js' yield 'intercooler.js' yield 'underscore.js' yield 'react.js' yield 'react-dom.js' yield 'form_dependencies.js' yield 'confirm.jsx' yield 'typeahead.jsx' yield 'many.jsx' yield 'pay' yield 'moment.js' yield '' yield '' yield 'jquery.datetimepicker.js' yield 'jquery.mousewheel.js' yield 'jquery.popupoverlay.js' yield 'jquery.load.js' yield 'videoframe.js' yield 'datetimepicker.js' yield 'url.js' yield 'date-range-selector.js' yield 'lazyalttext.js' yield 'lazysizes.js' yield 'common.js' yield '_blank.js' yield 'homepage_video_or_slider.js' yield 'file-table-row-toggler.js' yield 'animate.js' yield 'forms.js' yield 'internal_link_check.js' yield 'tickets.js' yield 'items_selectable.js' yield 'aos.js' yield 'aos-init.js' yield 'aos.css' yield 'notifications.js' yield 'sidebar_mobile.js' yield 'sidebar_fixed.js' yield 'ResizeSensor.js' yield 'theia-sticky-sidebar.js'
[docs] def get_editor_asset() -> Iterator[str]: yield 'bufferbuttons.js' yield 'definedlinks.js' yield 'filemanager.js' yield 'imagemanager.js' yield 'table.js' yield '' yield '' yield '' yield 'input_with_button.js' yield 'editor.js'
[docs] def get_fullcalendar_asset() -> Iterator[str]: yield 'fullcalendar.css' yield 'fullcalendar.js' yield '' yield 'reservationcalendar.jsx' yield 'reservationcalendar_custom.js'
[docs] def get_staff_chat_asset() -> Iterator[str]: yield 'chat-shared.js' yield 'chat-staff.js'
[docs] def get_staff_client_asset() -> Iterator[str]: yield 'chat-shared.js' yield 'chat-client.js'