from onegov.core.orm import Base
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import JSON, UUID
from onegov.core.orm.types import UTCDateTime
from import ORMSearchable
from onegov.ticket import handlers
from onegov.ticket.errors import InvalidStateChange
from onegov.user import User
from onegov.user import UserGroup
from sedate import utcnow
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, Enum, ForeignKey, Integer, Text
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, deferred, relationship
from uuid import uuid4
from typing import Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
import uuid
from import Sequence
from datetime import datetime
from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
from onegov.ticket.handler import Handler
TicketState = Literal[
class Ticket(Base, TimestampMixin, ORMSearchable):
""" Defines a ticket. """
__tablename__ = 'tickets'
#: the internal number of the ticket -> may be used as an access key
#: for anonymous users
id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column(
UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type]
#: the unique ticket number known to the end-user -> do *not* use this to
#: access the ticket as an anonymous user, the number is unique, but it's
#: not unguessable!
number: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, unique=True, nullable=False)
#: the title of the ticket
title: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the subtitle of the ticket for extra information about it's content
subtitle: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: the group this ticket belongs to. used to differentiate tickets
#: belonging to one specific handler (handler -> group -> title)
group: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the name of the handler associated with this ticket, may be used to
#: create custom polymorphic subclasses of this class. See
#: `<\
#: orm/extensions/declarative/inheritance.html>`_.
handler_code: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False, index=True)
#: a unique id for the handler record
handler_id: 'Column[str]' = Column(
#: the data associated with the handler, not meant to be loaded in a list,
#: therefore deferred.
handler_data: 'Column[dict[str, Any]]' = deferred(
Column(JSON, nullable=False, default=dict)
#: a snapshot of the ticket containing the last summary that made any sense
#: use this before deleting the model behind a ticket, lest your ticket
#: becomes nothing more than a number.
snapshot: 'Column[dict[str, Any]]' = deferred(
Column(JSON, nullable=False, default=dict)
#: a timestamp recorded every time the state changes
last_state_change: 'Column[datetime | None]' = Column(
#: the time in seconds between the ticket's creation and the time it
#: got accepted (changed from open to pending)
reaction_time: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
#: the time in seconds a ticket was in the pending state -
#: may be a moving target, so use :attr:`current_process_time` to get the
#: adjusted process_time based on the current time.
#: ``process_time`` itself is only accurate if the ticket is closed, so in
#: reports make sure to account for the ticket state.
process_time: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
#: true if the notifications for this ticket should be muted
muted: 'Column[bool]' = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
created: Column[datetime]
# override the created attribute from the timestamp mixin - we don't
# want it to be deferred by default because we usually need it
@declared_attr # type:ignore[no-redef]
def created(cls) -> 'Column[datetime]':
return Column(UTCDateTime, default=cls.timestamp)
#: the state of this ticket (open, pending, closed, archived)
state: 'Column[TicketState]' = Column(
Enum( # type:ignore[arg-type]
#: the user that owns this ticket with this ticket (optional)
user_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID | None]' = Column(
UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type]
user: 'relationship[User | None]' = relationship(User, backref='tickets')
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_on': handler_code
# limit the search to the ticket number -> the rest can be found
es_properties = {
'number': {'type': 'text'},
'title': {'type': 'text'},
'subtitle': {'type': 'text'},
'group': {'type': 'text'},
'ticket_email': {'type': 'keyword'},
'ticket_data': {'type': 'localized_html'},
'extra_localized_text': {'type': 'localized'}
def es_suggestion(self) -> list[str]:
return [
self.number.replace('-', '')
def ticket_email(self) -> str | None:
if self.handler.deleted:
return self.snapshot.get('email')
def ticket_data(self) -> 'Sequence[str] | None':
if self.handler.deleted:
return self.snapshot.get('summary')
return self.handler.extra_data
def redact_data(self) -> None:
"""Redact sensitive information from the ticket to protect personal
In scenarios where complete deletion is not feasible, this method
serves as an alternative by masking sensitive information,
like addresses, phone numbers in the form submission.
if self.state != 'archived':
raise InvalidStateChange()
redact_constant = '[redacted]'
if self.snapshot:
self.snapshot['summary'] = redact_constant
# Deactivate `message_to_submitter` for redacted tickets by
# setting to falsy value
self.snapshot['email'] = ''
for info in ('name', 'address', 'phone'):
if hasattr(self.snapshot, f'submitter_{info}'):
self.snapshot[f'submitter_{info}'] = redact_constant
submission = getattr(self.handler, 'submission', None)
if not submission or not
# redact the submission
for key, value in
if value:[key] = redact_constant = redact_constant
submission.submitter_name = redact_constant
submission.submitter_address = redact_constant
submission.submitter_phone = redact_constant
def handler(self) -> 'Handler':
""" Returns an instance of the handler associated with this ticket. """
return handlers.get(self.handler_code)(
self, self.handler_id, self.handler_data)
def current_process_time(self) -> int | None:
if self.state == 'closed':
return self.process_time
elif self.state == 'open':
return int((utcnow() - self.created).total_seconds())
elif self.state == 'pending':
# tickets created before the introduction of process time do not
# have the necessary information to be migrated
if not self.last_state_change or not self.reaction_time:
return None
running_time = (utcnow() - self.last_state_change).total_seconds()
accrued_process_time = (self.process_time or 0)
return int(accrued_process_time + running_time)
raise NotImplementedError
def accept_ticket(self, user: User) -> None:
if self.state == 'pending' and self.user == user:
if self.state != 'open':
raise InvalidStateChange()
self.last_state_change = state_change = self.timestamp()
self.reaction_time = int((state_change - self.created).total_seconds())
self.state = 'pending'
self.user = user
def close_ticket(self) -> None:
if self.state in ['closed', 'archived']:
if self.state != 'pending':
raise InvalidStateChange()
self.process_time = self.current_process_time
self.last_state_change = self.timestamp()
self.state = 'closed'
def reopen_ticket(self, user: User) -> None:
if self.state == 'pending' and self.user == user:
if self.state != 'closed':
raise InvalidStateChange()
self.last_state_change = self.timestamp()
self.state = 'pending'
self.user = user
def archive_ticket(self) -> None:
if self.state != 'closed':
raise InvalidStateChange()
self.last_state_change = self.timestamp()
self.state = 'archived'
def unarchive_ticket(self, user: User) -> None:
if self.state != 'archived':
raise InvalidStateChange()
self.last_state_change = self.timestamp()
self.state = 'closed'
self.user = user
def create_snapshot(self, request: 'CoreRequest') -> None:
""" Takes the current handler and stores the output of the summary
as a snapshot.
TODO: This doesn't support multiple langauges at this point. The
language of the user creating the snapshot will be what's stored.
In the future we might change this by iterating over all supported
languages and creating the summary for each language.
self.snapshot['summary'] = self.handler.get_summary(request)
self.snapshot['email'] =
for info in ('name', 'address', 'phone'):
data = getattr(self.handler, f'submitter_{info}')
if data:
self.snapshot[f'submitter_{info}'] = data
class TicketPermission(Base, TimestampMixin):
""" Defines a custom ticket permission.
If a ticket permission is defined for ticket handler (and optionally a
group), a user has to be in the given user group to access these tickets.
__tablename__ = 'ticket_permissions'
#: the id
id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column(
UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type]
#: the user group needed for accessing the tickets
user_group_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column(
UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type]
user_group: 'relationship[UserGroup]' = relationship(
cascade='all, delete-orphan',
#: the handler code this permission addresses
handler_code: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the group this permission addresses
group: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)