Source code for

from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import cached_property
from onegov.core.orm import observes
from onegov.core.orm import Base
from onegov.core.orm.abstract import associated
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import content_property
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import dict_property
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import ContentMixin
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import JSON
from onegov.file.utils import word_count
from onegov.pdf.utils import extract_pdf_info
from onegov.swissvotes import _
from import Actor
from onegov.swissvotes.models.file import FileSubCollection
from onegov.swissvotes.models.file import LocalizedFile
from onegov.swissvotes.models.file import LocalizedFiles
from onegov.swissvotes.models.file import SwissVoteFile
from onegov.swissvotes.models.policy_area import PolicyArea
from onegov.swissvotes.models.region import Region
from operator import itemgetter
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Date
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import Numeric
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import TSVECTOR
from sqlalchemy.orm import deferred
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import urlunparse

from typing import Any
from typing import Generic
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing_extensions import TypeVar
    from import Iterable
    from datetime import date as date_t
    from decimal import Decimal
    from onegov.core.orm import SessionManager
    from onegov.swissvotes.request import SwissvotesRequest
    from typing import Protocol

[docs] T = TypeVar('T')
class HasCodes(Protocol[T]): def codes(self, attribute: str, /) -> dict[int | None, T]: ... class HasSessionManager(Protocol): @property def session_manager(self) -> SessionManager | None: ...
[docs] StrT = TypeVar('StrT', bound=str | None, default=str | None)
[docs] class Poster(NamedTuple):
[docs] thumbnail: str
[docs] image: str
[docs] url: str | None
[docs] label: str
[docs] class encoded_property: # noqa: N801 """ A shorthand property to return the label of an encoded value. Requires the instance the have a `codes`-lookup function. Creates the SqlAlchemy Column (with a prefixed underline). Example: class MyClass: value = encoded_property() def codes(self, attributes): return {0: 'None', 1: 'One'} """ def __init__(self, nullable: bool = True):
[docs] self.nullable = nullable
[docs] def __set_name__(self, owner: type['HasCodes[T]'], name: str) -> None: = name assert not hasattr(owner, f'_{name}') setattr( owner, f'_{name}', Column(name, Integer, nullable=self.nullable) )
[docs] def __get__( self, instance: 'HasCodes[T]', owner: type[object] ) -> 'T | None': value = getattr(instance, f'_{}') return
[docs] class localized_property(Generic[StrT]): # noqa: N801 """ A shorthand property to return a localized attribute. Requires at least a `xxx_de` attribute and falls back to this. Example: class MyClass: value_de = Column(Text) value_fr = Column(Text) value = localized_property() """
[docs] def __set_name__( self, owner: type['HasSessionManager'], name: str ) -> None: = name
[docs] def __get__( self, instance: 'HasSessionManager', owner: type['HasSessionManager'] ) -> StrT: default: StrT = getattr(instance, f'{}_de') assert instance.session_manager is not None assert instance.session_manager.current_locale is not None lang = instance.session_manager.current_locale[:2] attribute = f'{}_{lang}' return getattr(instance, attribute, default) or default
[docs] class SwissVote(Base, TimestampMixin, LocalizedFiles, ContentMixin): """ A single vote as defined by the code book. There are a lot of columns: * Some general, ready to be used attributes (bfs_number, ...) * Encoded attributes, where the raw integer value is stored prefixed with an underline and the attribute returns a translatable label by using the ``codes`` function, e.g. ``_legal_form``, ``legal_form`` and ``codes(' _legal_form')``. * Descriptors, easily accessible by using ``policy_areas``. * A lot of lazy loaded, cantonal results only used when importing/exporting the dataset. * Recommendations from different parties and assocciations. Internally stored as JSON and easily accessible and group by slogan with ``recommendations_parties``, ``recommendations_divergent_parties`` and ``recommendations_associations``. * Different localized attachments, some of them indexed for full text search. * Metadata from external information sources such as Museum für Gestaltung can be stored in the content or meta field provided by the ``ContentMixin``. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'swissvotes'
[docs] term: str | None = None
if TYPE_CHECKING: # we declare the internal numeric coded attributes # so mypy knows about them _parliamentary_initiated: Column[int | None] _result: Column[int] _result_people_accepted: Column[int] _result_cantons_accepted: Column[int] _result_ag_accepted: Column[int] _result_ai_accepted: Column[int] _result_ar_accepted: Column[int] _result_be_accepted: Column[int] _result_bl_accepted: Column[int] _result_bs_accepted: Column[int] _result_fr_accepted: Column[int] _result_ge_accepted: Column[int] _result_gl_accepted: Column[int] _result_gr_accepted: Column[int] _result_ju_accepted: Column[int] _result_lu_accepted: Column[int] _result_ne_accepted: Column[int] _result_nw_accepted: Column[int] _result_ow_accepted: Column[int] _result_sg_accepted: Column[int] _result_sh_accepted: Column[int] _result_so_accepted: Column[int] _result_sz_accepted: Column[int] _result_tg_accepted: Column[int] _result_ti_accepted: Column[int] _result_ur_accepted: Column[int] _result_vd_accepted: Column[int] _result_vs_accepted: Column[int] _result_zg_accepted: Column[int] _result_zh_accepted: Column[int] _position_council_of_states: Column[int] _position_federal_council: Column[int] _position_national_council: Column[int] _position_parliament: Column[int] _recommendation: Column[int | None] @staticmethod
[docs] def codes(attribute: str) -> dict[int | None, str]: """ Returns the codes for the given attribute as defined in the code book. """ if attribute == 'legal_form': return OrderedDict(( (1, _('Mandatory referendum')), (2, _('Optional referendum')), (3, _('Popular initiative')), (4, _('Direct counter-proposal')), (5, _('Tie-breaker')), )) if attribute == 'parliamentary_initiated': return OrderedDict(( (0, _('No')), (1, _('Yes')), (None, _('No')), )) if attribute == 'result' or attribute.endswith('_accepted'): return OrderedDict(( (0, _('Rejected')), (1, _('Accepted')), (3, _('Majority of the cantons not necessary')), (8, _('Counter-proposal preferred')), (9, _('Popular initiative preferred')), )) if attribute in ( 'position_council_of_states', 'position_federal_council', 'position_national_council', 'position_parliament', ): return OrderedDict(( (1, _('Accepting')), (2, _('Rejecting')), (3, _('None')), (8, _('Preference for the counter-proposal')), (9, _('Preference for the popular initiative')), )) if attribute == 'recommendation': # Sorted by how it should be displayed in strengths table return OrderedDict(( (1, _('Yea')), (9, _('Preference for the popular initiative')), (2, _('Nay')), (8, _('Preference for the counter-proposal')), (4, _('Empty')), (5, _('Free vote')), (3, _('None')), (66, _('Neutral')), (9999, _('Organization no longer exists')), (None, _('unknown')) )) raise RuntimeError(f"No codes available for '{attribute}'")
[docs] def metadata_codes(attribute: str) -> dict[str, str]: if attribute == 'position': return OrderedDict(( ('yes', _('Yes')), ('mixed', _('Mixed')), ('no', _('No')), ('neutral', _('Neutral')), )) if attribute == 'language': return OrderedDict(( ('de', _('German')), ('fr', _('French')), ('it', _('Italian')), ('rm', _('Rhaeto-Romanic')), ('mixed', _('Mixed')), ('other', _('Other')), )) if attribute == 'doctype': return OrderedDict(( ('argument', _('Collection of arguments')), ('letter', _('Letter')), ('documentation', _('Documentation')), ('leaflet', _('Pamphlet')), ('release', _('Media release')), ('memberships', _('List of members')), ('article', _('Press article')), ('legal', _('Legal text')), ('lecture', _('Text of a presentation')), ('statistics', _('Statistical data')), ('other', _('Other')), ('website', _('Website')), )) raise RuntimeError(f"No codes available for '{attribute}'")
[docs] id: 'Column[int]' = Column(Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
# Formal description
[docs] bfs_number: 'Column[Decimal]' = Column(Numeric(8, 2), nullable=False)
[docs] date: 'Column[date_t]' = Column(Date, nullable=False)
[docs] title_de: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
[docs] title_fr: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
[docs] title: localized_property[str] = localized_property()
[docs] short_title_de: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
[docs] short_title_fr: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
[docs] short_title_en: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
[docs] short_title: localized_property[str] = localized_property()
[docs] brief_description_title: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] keyword: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] legal_form = encoded_property(nullable=False)
[docs] parliamentary_initiated = encoded_property()
[docs] initiator_de: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] initiator_fr: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] initiator = localized_property()
[docs] anneepolitique: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] bfs_map_de: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] bfs_map_fr: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] bfs_map_en: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] bfs_map = localized_property()
[docs] bfs_dashboard_de: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] bfs_dashboard_fr: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] bfs_dashboard_en: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] bfs_dashboard = localized_property()
[docs] def bfs_map_host(self) -> str | None: """ Returns the Host of the BFS Map link for CSP. """ if self.bfs_map is None: return None try: return urlunparse(list(urlparse(self.bfs_map)[:2]) + 4 * ['']) except ValueError: return None
# Additional links
[docs] link_post_vote_poll_de: dict_property[str | None] = content_property()
[docs] link_post_vote_poll_fr: dict_property[str | None] = content_property()
[docs] link_post_vote_poll_en: dict_property[str | None] = content_property()
[docs] link_post_vote_poll = localized_property()
@cached_property # Campaign finances
[docs] campaign_finances_yea_total: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer())
[docs] campaign_finances_nay_total: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer())
[docs] campaign_finances_yea_donors_de: dict_property[str | None]
campaign_finances_yea_donors_de = content_property()
[docs] campaign_finances_yea_donors_fr: dict_property[str | None]
campaign_finances_yea_donors_fr = content_property()
[docs] campaign_finances_yea_donors = localized_property()
[docs] campaign_finances_nay_donors_de: dict_property[str | None]
campaign_finances_nay_donors_de = content_property()
[docs] campaign_finances_nay_donors_fr: dict_property[str | None]
campaign_finances_nay_donors_fr = content_property()
[docs] campaign_finances_nay_donors = localized_property()
# space-separated poster URLs coming from the dataset
[docs] posters_mfg_yea: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] posters_mfg_nay: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] posters_sa_yea: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] posters_sa_nay: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
# Fetched list of image urls using MfG API
[docs] posters_mfg_yea_imgs: dict_property[dict[str, Any]] = content_property( default=dict )
[docs] posters_mfg_nay_imgs: dict_property[dict[str, Any]] = content_property( default=dict )
# Fetched list of image urls using SA API
[docs] posters_sa_yea_imgs: dict_property[dict[str, Any]] = content_property( default=dict )
[docs] posters_sa_nay_imgs: dict_property[dict[str, Any]] = content_property( default=dict )
[docs] def posters(self, request: 'SwissvotesRequest') -> dict[str, list[Poster]]: result: dict[str, list[Poster]] = {'yea': [], 'nay': []} for key, attribute, label in ( ('yea', 'posters_mfg_yea', _('Link')), ('nay', 'posters_mfg_nay', _('Link')), ('yea', 'posters_sa_yea', _('Link Social Archives')), ('nay', 'posters_sa_nay', _('Link Social Archives')), ): images = getattr(self, f'{attribute}_imgs') urls = (getattr(self, attribute) or '').strip().split(' ') for url in urls: image = images.get(url) if image: result[key].append( Poster( thumbnail=image, image=image, url=url, label=label ) ) for key, attribute, label in ( ('yea', 'campaign_material_yea', _('Swissvotes database')), ('nay', 'campaign_material_nay', _('Swissvotes database')), ): for image in getattr(self, attribute): result[key].append( Poster(, 'thumbnail'),, url=None, label=label ) ) return result
# Media
[docs] media_ads_total: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
[docs] media_ads_yea_p: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] media_coverage_articles_total: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
[docs] media_coverage_tonality_total: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column( Numeric(13, 10) )
# Descriptor
[docs] descriptor_1_level_1: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(8, 4))
[docs] descriptor_1_level_2: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(8, 4))
[docs] descriptor_1_level_3: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(8, 4))
[docs] descriptor_2_level_1: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(8, 4))
[docs] descriptor_2_level_2: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(8, 4))
[docs] descriptor_2_level_3: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(8, 4))
[docs] descriptor_3_level_1: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(8, 4))
[docs] descriptor_3_level_2: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(8, 4))
[docs] descriptor_3_level_3: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(8, 4))
[docs] def policy_areas(self) -> list[PolicyArea]: """ Returns the policy areas / descriptors of the vote. """ def get_level(number: int, level: int) -> PolicyArea | None: value = getattr(self, f'descriptor_{number}_level_{level}') if value is None: return None return PolicyArea(value, level) result = [] for number in (1, 2, 3): for level in (3, 2, 1): area = get_level(number, level) if area: result.append(area) break return result
# Result
[docs] result = encoded_property()
[docs] result_turnout: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] result_people_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_people_yeas_p: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] result_cantons_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_cantons_yeas: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(3, 1))
[docs] result_cantons_nays: 'Column[Decimal | None]' = Column(Numeric(3, 1))
[docs] result_ag_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_ai_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_ar_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_be_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_bl_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_bs_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_fr_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_ge_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_gl_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_gr_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_ju_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_lu_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_ne_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_nw_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_ow_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_sg_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_sh_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_so_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_sz_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_tg_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_ti_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_ur_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_vd_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_vs_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_zg_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] result_zh_accepted = encoded_property()
[docs] def number_of_cantons(self) -> int: if self.bfs_number <= 292: return 22 return 23
[docs] def results_cantons(self) -> dict[str, list[Region]]: """ Returns the results of all cantons. """ result: dict[int, list[Region]] = {} value: int | None for canton in Region.cantons(): value = getattr(self, f'_result_{canton}_accepted') if value is not None: result.setdefault(value, []).append(Region(canton)) codes ='result_accepted') return OrderedDict( (codes[key], regions) for key, regions in sorted(result.items(), key=itemgetter(0)) )
# Authorities
[docs] procedure_number: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] position_federal_council = encoded_property()
[docs] position_parliament = encoded_property()
[docs] position_national_council = encoded_property()
[docs] position_national_council_yeas: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
[docs] position_national_council_nays: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
[docs] position_council_of_states = encoded_property()
[docs] position_council_of_states_yeas: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
[docs] position_council_of_states_nays: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
# Duration
[docs] duration_federal_assembly: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
[docs] duration_initative_collection: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
[docs] duration_referendum_collection: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
[docs] signatures_valid: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
# Voting recommendations
[docs] recommendations: 'Column[dict[str, int]]' = Column( JSON, nullable=False, default=dict )
[docs] recommendations_other_yes_de: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] recommendations_other_yes_fr: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] recommendations_other_yes = localized_property()
[docs] recommendations_other_no_de: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] recommendations_other_no_fr: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] recommendations_other_no = localized_property()
[docs] recommendations_other_counter_proposal_de: 'Column[str | None]'
recommendations_other_counter_proposal_de = Column(Text)
[docs] recommendations_other_counter_proposal_fr: 'Column[str | None]'
recommendations_other_counter_proposal_fr = Column(Text)
[docs] recommendations_other_counter_proposal = localized_property()
recommendations_other_popular_initiative_de = Column(Text) recommendations_other_popular_initiative_fr = Column(Text)
[docs] recommendations_other_free_de: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] recommendations_other_free_fr: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text)
[docs] recommendations_other_free = localized_property()
[docs] recommendations_divergent: 'Column[dict[str, Any]]' = Column( JSON, nullable=False, default=dict )
[docs] def get_recommendation(self, name: str) -> str | None: """ Get the recommendations by name. """ return'recommendation').get( self.recommendations.get(name) )
[docs] def get_recommendation_of_existing_parties(self) -> dict[str, int]: """ Get only the existing parties as when this vote was conducted """ if not self.recommendations: return {} return { k: v for k, v in self.recommendations.items() if v != self.ORGANIZATION_NO_LONGER_EXISTS }
[docs] def group_recommendations( self, recommendations: 'Iterable[tuple[T, int | None]]', ignore_unknown: bool = False ) -> dict[str, list['T']]: """ Group the given recommendations by slogan. """ codes ='recommendation') recommendation_codes = list(codes.keys()) def by_recommendation(reco: tuple[int | None, list['T']]) -> int: return recommendation_codes.index(reco[0]) result: dict[int | None, list[T]] = {} for actor, recommendation in recommendations: if recommendation == self.ORGANIZATION_NO_LONGER_EXISTS: continue if ignore_unknown and recommendation is None: continue result.setdefault(recommendation, []).append(actor) return OrderedDict( (codes[key], actors) for key, actors in sorted(result.items(), key=by_recommendation) )
[docs] def get_actors_share(self, actor: str) -> int: assert isinstance(actor, str), 'Actor must be a string' attr = f'national_council_share_{actor}' return getattr(self, attr, 0) or 0
[docs] def sorted_actors_list(self) -> list[str]: """ Returns a list of actors of the current vote sorted by: 1. codes for recommendations (strength table) 2. by electoral share (descending) It filters out those parties who have no electoral share """ result = [] for actor_list in self.recommendations_parties.values(): actors = ( for d in actor_list) result.extend( sorted(actors, key=self.get_actors_share, reverse=True) ) return result
[docs] def recommendations_parties(self) -> dict[str, list[Actor]]: """ The recommendations of the parties grouped by slogans. """ recommendations = self.recommendations or {} return self.group_recommendations(( (Actor(name), recommendations.get(name)) for name in Actor.parties() ), ignore_unknown=True)
[docs] def recommendations_divergent_parties( self ) -> dict[str, list[tuple[Actor, Region]]]: """ The divergent recommendations of the parties grouped by slogans. """ recommendations = self.recommendations_divergent or {} return self.group_recommendations(( ( (Actor(name.split('_')[0]), Region(name.split('_')[1])), recommendation, ) for name, recommendation in sorted(recommendations.items()) ), ignore_unknown=True)
[docs] def recommendations_associations(self) -> dict[str, list[Actor]]: """ The recommendations of the associations grouped by slogans. """ recommendations_lookup = self.recommendations or {} recommendations = [ (Actor(name), recommendations_lookup.get(name)) for name in Actor.associations() ] recommendations.extend( (Actor(stripped), code) for attribute, code in ( ('yes', 1), ('no', 2), ('free', 5), ('counter_proposal', 8), ('popular_initiative', 9), ) if (value := getattr(self, f'recommendations_other_{attribute}')) for name in value.split(',') if (stripped := name.strip()) ) return self.group_recommendations(recommendations, ignore_unknown=True)
# Electoral strength
[docs] national_council_election_year: 'Column[int | None]' = Column(Integer)
[docs] national_council_share_fdp: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_fdp = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_cvp: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_cvp = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_sps: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_sps = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_svp: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_svp = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_lps: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_lps = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_ldu: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_ldu = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_evp: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_evp = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_csp: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_csp = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_pda: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_pda = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_poch: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_poch = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_gps: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_gps = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_sd: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_sd = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_rep: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_rep = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_edu: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_edu = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_fps: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_fps = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_lega: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_lega = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_kvp: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_kvp = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_glp: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_glp = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_bdp: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_bdp = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_mcg: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_mcg = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_mitte: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_mitte = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_ubrige: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_ubrige = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_yeas: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_yeas = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_nays: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_nays = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_none: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_none = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_empty: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_empty = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_free_vote: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_free_vote = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_neutral: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_neutral = Column(Numeric(13, 10))
[docs] national_council_share_unknown: 'Column[Decimal | None]'
national_council_share_unknown = Column(Numeric(13, 10)) @cached_property
[docs] def has_national_council_share_data(self) -> bool: """ Returns true, if the vote contains national council share data. Returns true, if a national council year is set and * any aggregated national council share data is present (yeas, nays, none, empty, free vote, neutral, unknown) * or any national council share data of parties with national council share and a recommendation regarding this vote is present """ if ( self.national_council_election_year and ( self.national_council_share_yeas or self.national_council_share_nays or self.national_council_share_none or self.national_council_share_empty or self.national_council_share_free_vote or self.national_council_share_neutral or self.national_council_share_unknown or self.sorted_actors_list ) ): return True return False
# attachments
[docs] files = associated(SwissVoteFile, 'files', 'one-to-many')
[docs] voting_text = LocalizedFile( label=_('Voting text'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'abstimmungstext-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'abstimmungstext-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] brief_description = LocalizedFile( label=_('Brief description Swissvotes'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'kurzbeschreibung-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'kurzbeschreibung-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] federal_council_message = LocalizedFile( label=_('Federal council message'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'botschaft-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'botschaft-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] parliamentary_initiative = LocalizedFile( label=_('Parliamentary initiative'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'parlamentarische-initiative-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'parlamentarische-initiative-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] parliamentary_committee_report = LocalizedFile( label=_('Report of the parliamentary committee'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'bericht-parlamentarische-kommission-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'bericht-parlamentarische-kommission-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] federal_council_opinion = LocalizedFile( label=_('Opinion of the Federal Council'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'stellungnahme-bundesrat-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'stellungnahme-bundesrat-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] parliamentary_debate = LocalizedFile( label=_('Parliamentary debate'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'parlamentsberatung.pdf', } )
[docs] voting_booklet = LocalizedFile( label=_('Voting booklet'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'brochure-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'brochure-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] easyvote_booklet = LocalizedFile( label=_('Explanatory brochure by easyvote'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'easyvote-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'easyvote-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] resolution = LocalizedFile( label=_('Resolution'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'erwahrung-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'erwahrung-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] realization = LocalizedFile( label=_('Realization'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'zustandekommen-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'zustandekommen-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] ad_analysis = LocalizedFile( label=_('Analysis of the advertising campaign by Année Politique'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'inserateanalyse.pdf', } )
[docs] results_by_domain = LocalizedFile( label=_('Result by canton, district and municipality'), extension='xlsx', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'staatsebenen-de.xlsx', 'fr_CH': 'staatsebenen-fr.xlsx', } )
[docs] foeg_analysis = LocalizedFile( label=_('Media coverage: fög analysis'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'medienanalyse.pdf', } )
[docs] post_vote_poll = LocalizedFile( label=_('Full analysis of VOX post-vote poll results'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'nachbefragung-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'nachbefragung-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] post_vote_poll_methodology = LocalizedFile( label=_('Questionnaire of the VOX poll'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'nachbefragung-methode-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'nachbefragung-methode-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] post_vote_poll_dataset = LocalizedFile( label=_('Dataset of the VOX poll'), extension='csv', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'nachbefragung.csv', } )
[docs] post_vote_poll_dataset_sav = LocalizedFile( label=_('Dataset of the VOX poll'), extension='sav', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'nachbefragung.sav', } )
[docs] post_vote_poll_dataset_dta = LocalizedFile( label=_('Dataset of the VOX poll'), extension='dta', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'nachbefragung.dta', } )
[docs] post_vote_poll_codebook = LocalizedFile( label=_('Codebook for the VOX poll'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'nachbefragung-codebuch-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'nachbefragung-codebuch-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] post_vote_poll_codebook_xlsx = LocalizedFile( label=_('Codebook for the VOX poll'), extension='xlsx', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'nachbefragung-codebuch-de.xlsx', 'fr_CH': 'nachbefragung-codebuch-fr.xlsx', } )
[docs] post_vote_poll_report = LocalizedFile( label=_('Technical report on the VOX poll'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'nachbefragung-technischer-bericht.pdf', } )
[docs] leewas_post_vote_poll_results = LocalizedFile( label=_('Results of the LeeWas post-vote poll'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'ergebnisse-der-leewas-nachbefragung.pdf', } )
[docs] preliminary_examination = LocalizedFile( label=_('Preliminary examination'), extension='pdf', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'vorpruefung-de.pdf', 'fr_CH': 'vorpruefung-fr.pdf', } )
[docs] campaign_finances_xlsx = LocalizedFile( label=_('Campaign finances'), extension='xlsx', static_views={ 'de_CH': 'kampagnenfinanzierung-de.xlsx', 'fr_CH': 'kampagnenfinanzierung-fr.xlsx', } )
[docs] campaign_material_yea = FileSubCollection()
[docs] campaign_material_nay = FileSubCollection()
[docs] campaign_material_other = FileSubCollection()
[docs] campaign_material_metadata: 'Column[dict[str, Any]]' = Column( JSON, nullable=False, default=dict )
# searchable attachment texts
[docs] searchable_text_de_CH = deferred(Column(TSVECTOR)) # noqa: N815
[docs] searchable_text_fr_CH = deferred(Column(TSVECTOR)) # noqa: N815
[docs] searchable_text_it_CH = deferred(Column(TSVECTOR)) # noqa: N815
[docs] searchable_text_en_US = deferred(Column(TSVECTOR)) # noqa: N815
[docs] indexed_files = { 'voting_text', 'brief_description', 'federal_council_message', 'parliamentary_debate', # we don't include the voting booklet, resolution, ad analysis and # easyvote booklet - they might contain other votes from the same day! 'realization', 'preliminary_examination', }
[docs] def reindex_files(self) -> None: """ Extract the text from the localized files and the campaign material and save it together with the language. Store the text of the **indexed only** localized files and **all** campaign material in the search indexes. The language is determined as follows: * For the localized files, the language is determined by the locale, e.g. `de_CH` -> `german`. * For the campaign material, the campaign metadata is used. If a document is (amongst others) `de` --> `german`. If (amongst others,) `fr` but not `de` --> `french`. If (amongst others) `it` but not `de` or `fr` --> `italian`. In all other cases `english`. """ file: SwissVoteFile | None locales = { 'de_CH': 'german', 'fr_CH': 'french', 'it_CH': 'italian', 'en_US': 'english' } files: dict[str, list[tuple[SwissVoteFile, bool]]] files = {locale: [] for locale in locales} # Localized files for locale in locales: for name, attribute in self.localized_files().items(): if attribute.extension == 'pdf': file = SwissVote.__dict__[name].__get_by_locale__( self, locale ) if file: index = name in self.indexed_files files[locale].append((file, index)) # Campaign material for file in self.campaign_material_other: name = file.filename.replace('.pdf', '') metadata = (self.campaign_material_metadata or {}).get(name) languages = set((metadata or {}).get('language', [])) if 'de' in languages: files['de_CH'].append((file, True)) elif 'fr' in languages: files['fr_CH'].append((file, True)) elif 'it' in languages: files['it_CH'].append((file, True)) else: files['en_US'].append((file, True)) # Extract content and index for locale in files: text = '' for file, index in files[locale]: pages, extract = extract_pdf_info(file.reference.file) file.extract = (extract or '').strip() file.stats = { 'pages': pages, 'words': word_count(file.extract) } file.language = locales[locale] if file.extract and index: text += '\n\n' + file.extract setattr( self, f'searchable_text_{locale}', func.to_tsvector(locales[locale], text) )
@observes('files', scope='')
[docs] def files_observer(self, files: list[SwissVoteFile]) -> None: self.reindex_files()
[docs] def get_file( self, name: str, locale: str | None = None, fallback: bool = True ) -> SwissVoteFile | None: """ Returns the requested localized file. Uses the current locale if no locale is given. Falls back to the default locale if the file is not available in the requested locale. """ get = SwissVote.__dict__[name].__get_by_locale__ assert self.session_manager is not None default_locale = self.session_manager.default_locale fallback_file = get(self, default_locale) if fallback else None result = get(self, locale) if locale else getattr(self, name, None) return result or fallback_file
[docs] def search_term_expression(term: str | None) -> str: """ Returns the given search term transformed to use within Postgres ``to_tsquery`` function. Removes all unwanted characters, replaces prefix matching, joins word together using FOLLOWED BY. """ def cleanup(text: str) -> str: wildcard = text.endswith('*') result = ''.join(c for c in text if c.isalnum() or c in ',.') if not result: return result if wildcard: return f'{result}:*' return result return ' <-> '.join( cleaned_part for part in (term or '').strip().split() if (cleaned_part := cleanup(part)) )
[docs] def search(self, term: str | None = None) -> list[SwissVoteFile]: """ Searches for the given term in the indexed attachments. Returns a tuple of attribute name and locale which can be used with ``get_file``. """ term = self.term if term is None else term term = self.search_term_expression(term) if not term: return [] from onegov.swissvotes.models.file import SwissVoteFile from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session from sqlalchemy import func, and_, or_ query = object_session(self).query(SwissVoteFile) query = query.filter( or_(*( and_([ for file in self.files]), SwissVoteFile.language == language, func.to_tsvector(language, SwissVoteFile.extract).op('@@')( func.to_tsquery(language, term) ) ) for language in ('german', 'french', 'italian', 'english') )) ) return query.all()