Source code for swissvotes.layouts.default

from babel import Locale
from decimal import Decimal
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
from functools import cached_property
from markupsafe import Markup
from numbers import Integral
from numbers import Number
from onegov.core.elements import Link
from onegov.core.elements import LinkGroup
from onegov.core.i18n import SiteLocale
from onegov.core.layout import ChameleonLayout
from onegov.core.static import StaticFile
from onegov.swissvotes import _
from onegov.swissvotes.collections import SwissVoteCollection
from onegov.swissvotes.collections import TranslatablePageCollection
from onegov.swissvotes.models import TranslatablePageMove
from onegov.user import Auth

from typing import Any
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import SwissvotesApp
    from onegov.swissvotes.models import SwissVote
    from onegov.swissvotes.request import SwissvotesRequest

[docs] class DefaultLayout(ChameleonLayout):
[docs] app: 'SwissvotesApp'
[docs] request: 'SwissvotesRequest'
[docs] day_long_format = 'skeleton:MMMMd'
[docs] date_long_format = 'long'
[docs] datetime_long_format = 'medium'
def __init__(self, model: Any, request: 'SwissvotesRequest') -> None: super().__init__(model, request) self.request.include('frameworks') self.request.include('chosen') self.request.include('common') if '' in request.url: self.request.include('stats')
[docs] self.pages = TranslatablePageCollection(self.request.session)
[docs] def title(self) -> str: return ''
[docs] def top_navigation(self) -> list[Link]: result = [ Link( page.title,,, ) for page in self.pages.query() if not in ] result.insert(0, Link(_('Votes'), self.votes_url)) return result
@cached_property @cached_property
[docs] def breadcrumbs(self) -> list[Link]: return [Link(_('Homepage'), self.homepage_url)]
[docs] def static_path(self) -> str: return, 'static')
[docs] def sentry_init_path(self) -> str: static_file = StaticFile.from_application(, 'sentry/js/sentry-init.js' ) return
[docs] def homepage_url(self) -> str: return
@cached_property @cached_property @cached_property @cached_property
[docs] def votes_url(self) -> str: return
[docs] def login_url(self) -> str | None: if not self.request.is_logged_in: return Auth.from_request(self.request, to=self.homepage_url), name='login' ) return None
[docs] def logout_url(self) -> str | None: if self.request.is_logged_in: return Auth.from_request(self.request, to=self.homepage_url), name='logout' ) return None
[docs] def move_page_url_template(self) -> str: return self.csrf_protected_url( self.request.class_link( TranslatablePageMove, { 'subject_id': '{subject_id}', 'target_id': '{target_id}', 'direction': '{direction}' } ) )
[docs] def locales(self) -> list[tuple[str, str, str, str]]: result = [] assert == {'de_CH', 'fr_CH', 'en_US'} for locale_code in ('de_CH', 'fr_CH', 'en_US'): locale = Locale.parse(locale_code) language_name = locale.get_language_name() or locale.language result.append(( locale_code, locale.language, language_name.capitalize(), SiteLocale(locale_code).link(self.request, self.request.url) )) return result
[docs] def format_policy_areas(self, vote: 'SwissVote') -> Markup: paths: dict[str, list[list[str]]] = {} for path in (area.label_path for area in vote.policy_areas): paths.setdefault(path[0], []).append(path) translate = self.request.translate return Markup(',<br>').join( Markup('<span title="{}">{}</span>').format( Markup(' &#10;&#10;').join( Markup(' &gt; ').join(translate(part) for part in title) for title in titles ), translate(value) ) for value, titles in paths.items() )
[docs] def format_bfs_number( self, number: Decimal ) -> str: """ Hide the decimal places if there are none (simple votes). """ decimal_places = 0 if number.to_integral_value() == number else 1 return self.format_number(number, decimal_places)
[docs] def format_number( self, number: Number | Decimal | float | None, decimal_places: int | None = None, padding: str = '' ) -> str: """ Takes the given numer and formats it according to locale. If the number is an integer, the default decimal places are 0, otherwise 2. Overwrites parent class to use "." instead of "," for fr_CH locale as would be returned by babel. """ if number is None: return '' if decimal_places is None: if isinstance(number, Integral): decimal_places = 0 else: decimal_places = 2 number = Decimal(number).quantize( # type:ignore[arg-type] Decimal(10) ** -decimal_places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP ) locale = self.request.locale # Fixes using "," for french locale instead of "." as for german if locale == 'fr_CH': locale = 'de_CH' decimal, group = self.number_symbols(locale) result = '{{:{},.{}f}}'.format(padding, decimal_places).format(number) return result.translate({ord(','): group, ord('.'): decimal})