Source code for swissvotes.collections.pages

from onegov.core.collection import GenericCollection
from onegov.core.orm.abstract import MoveDirection
from import get_i18n_used_locales
from onegov.swissvotes.models import TranslatablePage

from typing import Any
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterator
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query

[docs] class TranslatablePageCollection(GenericCollection[TranslatablePage]): """ A collection of translatable content pages. """ @property
[docs] def model_class(self) -> type[TranslatablePage]: return TranslatablePage
[docs] def setdefault(self, id: str) -> TranslatablePage: locales = get_i18n_used_locales() return self.by_id(id) or self.add( id=id, title_translations={locale: id for locale in locales}, content_translations={locale: id for locale in locales}, order=-1 )
[docs] def query(self) -> 'Query[TranslatablePage]': return super().query().order_by(TranslatablePage.order)
[docs] def add(self, **kwargs: Any) -> TranslatablePage: """ Adds a new page. """ page = super().add(**kwargs) for order, sibling in enumerate(page.siblings): sibling.order = order return page
[docs] def move( self, subject: TranslatablePage, target: TranslatablePage, direction: MoveDirection ) -> None: """ Takes the given subject and moves it somehwere in relation to the target. :subject: The page to be moved. :target: The page above which or below which the subject is moved. :direction: The direction relative to the target. Either :attr:`MoveDirection.above` if the subject should be moved above the target, or :attr:`MoveDirection.below` if the subject should be moved below the target. """ assert direction in MoveDirection assert subject != target siblings = target.siblings.all() def new_order() -> 'Iterator[TranslatablePage]': for sibling in siblings: if sibling == subject: continue if sibling != target: yield sibling elif direction == MoveDirection.above: yield subject yield target elif direction == MoveDirection.below: yield target yield subject for order, sibling in enumerate(new_order()): sibling.order = order