Source code for swissvotes.cli

import click
import os
import transaction

from decimal import Decimal
from decimal import InvalidOperation
from onegov.core.cli import abort
from onegov.core.cli import command_group
from onegov.core.cli import pass_group_context
from onegov.core.crypto import random_token
from onegov.file.utils import as_fileintent
from onegov.swissvotes.collections import SwissVoteCollection
from onegov.swissvotes.external_resources import MfgPosters
from onegov.swissvotes.external_resources import SaPosters
from onegov.swissvotes.models import SwissVote
from onegov.swissvotes.models import SwissVoteFile
from onegov.swissvotes.models.file import LocalizedFile

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable
    from onegov.core.cli.core import GroupContext
    from import SwissvotesApp
    from onegov.swissvotes.request import SwissvotesRequest

[docs] cli = command_group()
@cli.command(context_settings={'creates_path': True}) @pass_group_context
[docs] def add( group_context: 'GroupContext' ) -> 'Callable[[SwissvotesRequest, SwissvotesApp], None]': """ Adds an instance to the database. For example: .. code-block:: bash onegov-swissvotes --select '/onegov_swissvotes/swissvotes' add """ def add_instance( request: 'SwissvotesRequest', app: 'SwissvotesApp' ) -> None: app.cache.flush() click.echo('Instance was created successfully') return add_instance
@cli.command('import-attachments') @click.argument('folder', type=click.Path(exists=True)) @pass_group_context
[docs] def import_attachments( group_context: 'GroupContext', folder: str ) -> 'Callable[[SwissvotesRequest, SwissvotesApp], None]': r""" Import a attachments from the given folder. For example: .. code-block:: bash onegov-swissvotes \ --select '/onegov_swissvotes/swissvotes' \ import-attachments data_folder Expects a data folder structure with the first level representing an attachment and the second level a locale. The PDFs have to be named by BFS number (single number or range). For example: data/voting_text/de_CH/001.pdf data/voting_text/de_CH/038.1.pdf data/voting_text/de_CH/622-625.pdf """ def _import(request: 'SwissvotesRequest', app: 'SwissvotesApp') -> None: votes = SwissVoteCollection(app) attachments = {} for name in os.listdir(folder): if ( os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, name)) and isinstance(SwissVote.__dict__.get(name), LocalizedFile) ): attachments[name] = os.path.join(folder, name) else: click.secho(f'Ignoring /{name}', fg='yellow') for attachment, attachment_folder in attachments.items(): locales = {} for name in os.listdir(attachment_folder): if ( os.path.isdir(os.path.join(attachment_folder, name)) and name in app.locales ): locales[name] = os.path.join(attachment_folder, name) else: click.secho(f'Ignoring /{attachment}/{name}', fg='yellow') for locale, locale_folder in locales.items(): for name in sorted(os.listdir(locale_folder)): numbers_str, _, ext = name.rpartition('.') if ext not in ('pdf', 'xlsx'): click.secho( f'Ignoring {attachment}/{locale}/{name}', fg='yellow' ) continue try: numbers = [Decimal(x) for x in numbers_str.split('-')] assert 1 <= len(numbers) <= 2 if len(numbers) == 2: numbers = [ Decimal(x) for x in range(int(numbers[0]), int(numbers[1]) + 1) ] except (AssertionError, InvalidOperation): click.secho( f'Invalid name {attachment}/{locale}/{name}', fg='red' ) continue for bfs_number in numbers: vote = votes.by_bfs_number(bfs_number) if not vote: click.secho( f'No matching vote {bfs_number} for ' f'{attachment}/{locale}/{name}', fg='red' ) continue file = SwissVoteFile(id=random_token()) with open( os.path.join(locale_folder, name), 'rb' ) as f: file.reference = as_fileintent( f, f'{attachment}-{locale}' ) vote.__class__.__dict__[attachment].__set_by_locale__( vote, file, locale ) click.secho( f'Added {attachment}/{locale}/{name}' f' to {bfs_number}', fg='green' ) return _import
@cli.command('import-campaign-material') @click.argument('folder', type=click.Path(exists=True)) @pass_group_context
[docs] def import_campaign_material( group_context: 'GroupContext', folder: str ) -> 'Callable[[SwissvotesRequest, SwissvotesApp], None]': r""" Import a campaign material from the given folder. For example: .. code-block:: bash onegov-swissvotes \ --select '/onegov_swissvotes/swissvotes' \ import-campaign-material data_folder Expects all files within this folder and filenames starting with the BFS number. For example: 229_Ja-PB_Argumentarium-Gründe-der-Trennung.pdf 232-1_Nein_PB_Referentenführer.pdf """ def _import(request: 'SwissvotesRequest', app: 'SwissvotesApp') -> None: attachments: dict[Decimal, list[str]] = {} votes = SwissVoteCollection(app) bfs_numbers = { bfs_number for bfs_number, in votes.query().with_entities( SwissVote.bfs_number ) } for name in os.listdir(folder): if not name.endswith('.pdf'): click.secho(f'Ignoring {name}', fg='yellow') continue try: bfs_number = Decimal( name.split('_', 1)[0].replace('-', '.') ) except InvalidOperation: click.secho(f'Invalid name {name}', fg='red') continue if bfs_number in bfs_numbers: attachments.setdefault(bfs_number, []).append(name) else: click.secho(f'No matching vote for {name}', fg='red') for bfs_number in sorted(attachments): vote = app.session().query(SwissVote).filter_by( bfs_number=bfs_number ).one() existing = [file.filename for file in vote.campaign_material_other] names = sorted(attachments[bfs_number]) for name in names: if name in existing: click.secho(f'{name} already exists', fg='yellow') continue file = SwissVoteFile(id=random_token()) = f'campaign_material_other-{name}' with open(os.path.join(folder, name), 'rb') as content: file.reference = as_fileintent(content, name) vote.files.append(file) click.secho(f'Added {name}', fg='green') transaction.commit() return _import
@cli.command('reindex') @pass_group_context
[docs] def reindex_attachments( group_context: 'GroupContext' ) -> 'Callable[[SwissvotesRequest, SwissvotesApp], None]': """ Reindexes the attachments. """ def _reindex(request: 'SwissvotesRequest', app: 'SwissvotesApp') -> None: bfs_numbers = sorted(app.session().query(SwissVote.bfs_number)) for bfs_number, in bfs_numbers: click.secho(f'Reindexing vote {bfs_number}', fg='green') app.session().query(SwissVote).filter_by( bfs_number=bfs_number ).one().reindex_files() transaction.commit() return _reindex
@cli.command('update-resources') @click.option('--details', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--mfg', is_flag=True, default=False) @click.option('--sa', is_flag=True, default=False) @pass_group_context
[docs] def update_resources( group_context: 'GroupContext', details: bool, sa: bool, mfg: bool ) -> 'Callable[[SwissvotesRequest, SwissvotesApp], None]': """ Updates external resources. """ def _update_sources( request: 'SwissvotesRequest', app: 'SwissvotesApp' ) -> None: posters: MfgPosters | SaPosters if mfg: click.echo('Updating MfG posters') if not app.mfg_api_token: abort('No token configured, aborting') posters = MfgPosters(app.mfg_api_token) added, updated, removed, failed = posters.fetch(app.session()) click.secho( f'{added} added, {updated} updated, {removed} removed, ' f'{len(failed)} failed', fg='green' if not failed else 'yellow' ) if failed and details: failed_str = ', '.join(str(item) for item in sorted(failed)) click.secho(f'Failed: {failed_str}', fg='yellow') if sa: click.echo('Updating SA posters') posters = SaPosters() added, updated, removed, failed = posters.fetch(app.session()) click.secho( f'{added} added, {updated} updated, {removed} removed, ' f'{len(failed)} failed', fg='green' if not failed else 'yellow' ) if failed and details: failed_str = ', '.join(str(item) for item in sorted(failed)) click.secho(f'Failed: {failed_str}', fg='yellow') return _update_sources