Source code for server.tracker

import gc
import os
import tracemalloc
from collections import deque
from operator import itemgetter

[docs] def current_memory_usage() -> int: import psutil # only installed in development return psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss
[docs] class ResourceTracker: """ An object to track memory and other resources during development. """
[docs] tracking_tools = ( '', '', '', 'server/' )
[docs] memory_snapshots: deque[int]
[docs] non_monotonic: set[str]
[docs] tracebacks: dict[str, tuple[int, int]]
def __init__(self, enable_tracemalloc: bool): self.memory_snapshots = deque(maxlen=10) self.non_monotonic = set() self.tracebacks = {}
[docs] self.enable_tracemalloc = enable_tracemalloc
[docs] self.started = False
# get a baseline for memory, but not for the other things self.track_memory()
[docs] def start(self) -> None: self.started = True if self.enable_tracemalloc: tracemalloc.start()
[docs] def memory_snapshots_count(self) -> int: return self.memory_snapshots.maxlen # type:ignore[return-value]
@memory_snapshots_count.setter def memory_snapshots_count(self, value: int) -> None: # NOTE: We need to create a new deque to modify its size self.memory_snapshots = deque(self.memory_snapshots, maxlen=value) @property
[docs] def memory_usage(self) -> int: return self.memory_snapshots[-1]
[docs] def memory_usage_delta(self) -> int: if len(self.memory_snapshots) > 1: return self.memory_snapshots[-1] - self.memory_snapshots[-2] else: return self.memory_snapshots[-1]
[docs] def track(self) -> None: if not self.started: self.start() self.track_memory() if tracemalloc.is_tracing(): self.track_tracemalloc()
[docs] def track_memory(self) -> None: self.memory_snapshots.append(current_memory_usage())
[docs] def condense_name(self, name: str) -> str: if 'site-packages/' in name: return name.split('site-packages/', 1)[1] if 'src/' in name: return name.split('src/', 1)[1] return name
[docs] def track_tracemalloc(self) -> None: # exclude debugging tools filters = tuple( tracemalloc.Filter( inclusive=False, filename_pattern=f'*{ex}*', all_frames=False ) for ex in ( '', '', '', 'server/' ) ) # removes noise gc.collect() snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot().filter_traces(filters) statistics = snapshot.statistics('lineno') updated = set() for stat in statistics: name = f'{stat.traceback[0].filename}:{stat.traceback[0].lineno}' if name in self.non_monotonic: continue if name not in self.tracebacks: self.tracebacks[name] = (stat.size, 0) updated.add(name) continue size, stable_for = self.tracebacks[name] if size == stat.size: self.tracebacks[name] = (size, stable_for + 1) updated.add(name) continue if size > stat.size: self.non_monotonic.add(name) del self.tracebacks[name] continue if stat.size > size: self.tracebacks[name] = (stat.size, 0) updated.add(name) for name in self.tracebacks: if name not in updated: size, stable_for = self.tracebacks[name] self.tracebacks[name] = size, stable_for + 1
[docs] def show_memory_usage(self) -> None: total = self.memory_usage / 1024 / 1024 delta = self.memory_usage_delta / 1024 / 1024 print(f'Total memory used: {total:.3f}MiB ({delta:+.3f})') print()
[docs] def show_monotonically_increasing_traces(self) -> None: traces = [ (n, info[0], info[1]) for n, info in self.tracebacks.items() if info[1] < 3 # unstable values only ] traces.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if not traces: print('No montonically increasing traces') return print(f'Monotonically increasing traces ({len(traces)}):') for name, size, stable_for in traces: if stable_for >= 3: continue name = self.condense_name(name) kib_size = size / 1024 print(f'{kib_size: >8.3f} KiB | {stable_for} | {name}') print()