Source code for server.collection

import inspect

from onegov.server import errors

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterable, Iterator

    from .application import Application
    from .config import ApplicationConfig

[docs] class CachedApplication: """ Wraps an application class with a configuration, returning a new instance the first time `get()` is called and the same instance very time after that. """
[docs] instance: 'Application | None'
def __init__( self, application_class: type['Application'], namespace: str, configuration: dict[str, Any] | None = None ):
[docs] self.application_class = application_class
[docs] self.configuration = configuration or {}
[docs] self.namespace = namespace
self.instance = None
[docs] def get(self) -> 'Application': if self.instance is None: self.instance = self.application_class() self.instance.namespace = self.namespace self.instance.configure_application(**self.configuration) return self.instance
[docs] class ApplicationCollection: """ Keeps a list of applications and their roots. The applications are registered lazily and only instantiated/configured once the `get()` is called. """
[docs] applications: dict[str, CachedApplication]
def __init__( self, applications: 'Iterable[ApplicationConfig] | None' = None ): self.applications = {} for a in applications or (): self.register( a.root, a.application_class, a.namespace, a.configuration)
[docs] def register( self, root: str, application_class: type['Application'], namespace: str, configuration: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> None: """ Registers the given path for the given application_class and configuration. """ if root in self.applications: raise errors.ApplicationConflictError( "tried to register '{}' twice".format(root)) self.applications[root] = CachedApplication( application_class, namespace, configuration )
[docs] def get(self, root: str) -> 'Application | None': """ Returns the applicaton for the given path, creating a new instance if none exists already. """ application = self.applications.get(root) if application is None: return None else: return application.get()
[docs] def morepath_applications(self) -> 'Iterator[CachedApplication]': """ Iterates through the applications that depend on morepath. """ for app in self.applications.values(): for base in inspect.getmro(app.application_class): if base.__module__.startswith('morepath.'): yield app break