Source code for search.integration

import certifi
import morepath
import ssl

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from elasticsearch import ConnectionError  # shadows a python builtin!
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch import Transport
from elasticsearch import TransportError
from elasticsearch.connection import create_ssl_context
from more.transaction.main import transaction_tween_factory

from import Search, log, index_log
from import SearchOfflineError
from import Indexer, PostgresIndexer
from import ORMEventTranslator
from import TypeMappingRegistry
from import searchable_sqlalchemy_models
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
from sedate import utcnow
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.orm import undefer
from urllib3.exceptions import HTTPError

from typing import Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable, Iterable
    from datetime import datetime
    from onegov.core.orm import Base, SessionManager
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from import Searchable
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from webob import Response

[docs] class TolerantTransport(Transport): """ A transport class that is less eager to rejoin connections when there's a failure. Additionally logs all Elasticsearch transport errors in one location. """
[docs] failure_time: 'datetime | None'
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.failure_time = None
[docs] self.failures = 0
[docs] def skip_request(self) -> bool: """ Returns True if the request should be skipped. """ if not self.failures: return False if not self.seconds_remaining: return False return True
[docs] def seconds_remaining(self) -> int: """ Returns the seconds remaining until the next try or 0. For each failure we wait an additional 10s (10s, then 20s, 30s, etc), up to a maximum of 300s (5 minutes). """ assert self.failure_time is not None timeout = min((self.failures * 10), 300) elapsed = (utcnow() - self.failure_time).total_seconds() return int(max(timeout - elapsed, 0))
[docs] def perform_request(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if self.skip_request:'Elasticsearch down, retry in {self.seconds_remaining}s') raise SearchOfflineError() try: response = super().perform_request(*args, **kwargs) except (TransportError, HTTPError) as exception: # transport errors might be caused by bugs (for example, when we # refer to a non-existant index) -> we are only tolerant of # connection errors if ( isinstance(exception, TransportError) and not isinstance(exception, ConnectionError) and not is_5xx_error(exception) ): raise self.failures += 1 self.failure_time = utcnow() log.exception('Elasticsearch cluster is offline') raise SearchOfflineError() from exception else: self.failures = 0 return response
[docs] def is_5xx_error(error: TransportError) -> bool: if error.status_code: return str(error.status_code).startswith('5') return False
# TODO rename to SearchApp
[docs] class ElasticsearchApp(morepath.App): """ Provides elasticsearch integration for :class:`onegov.core.framework.Framework` based applications. The application must be connected to a database. Usage:: from onegov.core import Framework class MyApp(Framework, ESIntegration): pass """ if TYPE_CHECKING: # forward declare required attributes
[docs] schema: str
session_manager: SessionManager @property def session(self) -> 'Callable[[], Session]': ... @property def has_database_connection(self) -> bool: ...
[docs] es_client: Elasticsearch | None
[docs] def es_configure_client( self, usage: Literal['default', 'reindex'] = 'default' ) -> None: usages = { 'default': { 'timeout': 3, 'max_retries': 1 }, 'reindex': { 'timeout': 10, 'max_retries': 3 } } self.es_client = Elasticsearch( hosts=self.es_hosts, transport_class=TolerantTransport, **usages[usage], **self.es_extra_params )
[docs] def es_indices( self, languages: 'Iterable[str]' = '*', types: 'Iterable[str]' = '*' ) -> str: return self.es_indexer.ixmgr.get_external_index_names( schema=self.schema, languages=languages, types=types )
[docs] def es_search_by_request( self, request: 'CoreRequest', types: 'Iterable[str]' = '*', explain: bool = False, limit_to_request_language: bool = False ) -> Search: """ Takes the current :class:`~onegov.core.request.CoreRequest` and returns an elastic search scoped to the current application, the requests language and it's access rights. """ languages: Iterable[str] if limit_to_request_language: assert request.locale is not None languages = [request.locale.split('_')[0]] else: languages = '*' return self.es_search( languages=languages, types=types, include_private=self.es_may_use_private_search(request), explain=explain )
[docs] def es_suggestions( self, query: str, languages: 'Iterable[str]' = '*', types: 'Iterable[str]' = '*', include_private: bool = False ) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Returns suggestions for the given query. """ if not query: return () if include_private: context = ['public', 'private'] else: context = ['public'] search = self.es_search( languages=languages, types=types, include_private=include_private ) search = search.suggest( name='es_suggestion', text=query, completion={ 'field': 'es_suggestion', 'skip_duplicates': True, 'contexts': { 'es_suggestion_context': context } } ) result = search.execute() # if there's no matching index, no suggestions are returned, which # happens if the Elasticsearch cluster is being rebuilt if not hasattr(result, 'suggest'): return () suggestions: SortedSet[str] = SortedSet() for suggestion in getattr(result.suggest, 'es_suggestion', []): for item in suggestion['options']: suggestions.add(item['text'].strip()) return tuple(suggestions)
[docs] def es_suggestions_by_request( self, request: 'CoreRequest', query: str, types: 'Iterable[str]' = '*', limit_to_request_language: bool = False ) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Returns suggestions for the given query, scoped to the language and the login status of the given requst. """ languages: Iterable[str] if limit_to_request_language: assert request.locale is not None languages = [request.locale.split('_')[0]] else: languages = '*' return self.es_suggestions( query, languages=languages, types=types, include_private=self.es_may_use_private_search(request) )
[docs] def get_searchable_models(self) -> list[type['Searchable']]: return [ model for base in self.session_manager.bases for model in searchable_sqlalchemy_models(base) ]
[docs] def es_perform_reindex(self, fail: bool = False) -> None: """ Re-indexes all content. This is a heavy operation and should be run with consideration. By default, all exceptions during reindex are silently ignored. """ # prevent tables get re-indexed twice index_done = [] schema = self.schema'Indexing schema {schema}..') self.es_configure_client(usage='reindex') self.es_indexer.ixmgr.created_indices = set() # es delete all existing indices assert self.es_client is not None ixs = self.es_indexer.ixmgr.get_managed_indices_wildcard(schema) self.es_client.indices.delete(index=ixs) # have no queue limit for reindexing (that we're able to change # this here is a bit of a CPython implementation detail) - we can't # necessarily always rely on being able to change this property self.es_orm_events.es_queue.maxsize = 0 self.es_orm_events.psql_queue.maxsize = 0 def reindex_model(model: type['Base']) -> None: """ Load all database objects and index them. """ if model.__name__ in index_done: return index_done.append(model.__name__) session = self.session() try: q = session.query(model).options(undefer('*')) i = inspect(model) if i.polymorphic_on is not None: q = q.filter(i.polymorphic_on == i.polymorphic_identity) for obj in q: self.es_orm_events.index(schema, obj) except Exception as e: print(f"Error psql indexing model '{model}': {e}") finally: session.invalidate() session.bind.dispose() models = self.get_searchable_models()'Number of models to be indexed: {len(models)}') with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: results = reindex_model, (model for model in models) ) if fail: print(tuple(results)) self.es_indexer.bulk_process() self.psql_indexer.bulk_process()
[docs] def process_indexer_tween_factory( app: ElasticsearchApp, handler: 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]' ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]': def process_indexer_tween(request: 'CoreRequest') -> 'Response': app: ElasticsearchApp = # type:ignore[assignment] if not app.es_client: return handler(request) result = handler(request) app.es_indexer.process() # FIXME: This should work even without the es_client although # we may want to be able to toggle it on or off, just # like with `enable_elasticsearch` so we don't waste # CPU cycles on applications that don't use this search # NOTE: Since we install ourselves over the transaction tween # the transaction has already been comitted at this point # so we don't need to pass in the current session app.psql_indexer.bulk_process() return result return process_indexer_tween