Source code for search.indexer

import platform
import re
import sqlalchemy

from copy import deepcopy
from elasticsearch.exceptions import NotFoundError
from elasticsearch.helpers import streaming_bulk
from langdetect.lang_detect_exception import LangDetectException
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter
from queue import Queue, Empty, Full

from onegov.core.utils import is_non_string_iterable
from import index_log, log, Searchable, utils
from import SearchOfflineError

from typing import Any, Literal, NamedTuple, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
    from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from typing import TypeAlias
    from typing import TypedDict
    from uuid import UUID

[docs] class IndexTask(TypedDict):
[docs] action: Literal['index']
[docs] id: UUID | str | int
[docs] id_key: str
[docs] schema: str
[docs] type_name: str # FIXME: not needed for fts
[docs] tablename: str
[docs] language: str
[docs] properties: dict[str, Any]
class DeleteTask(TypedDict): # FIXME: not needed for fts action: Literal['delete'] id: UUID | str | int schema: str type_name: str tablename: str Task: TypeAlias = IndexTask | DeleteTask
[docs] ES_ANALYZER_MAP = { 'en': 'english', 'de': 'german', 'fr': 'french', 'en_html': 'english_html', 'de_html': 'german_html', 'fr_html': 'french_html', }
[docs] ANALYSIS_CONFIG = { 'filter': { 'english_stop': { 'type': 'stop', 'stopwords': '_english_' }, 'english_stemmer': { 'type': 'stemmer', 'language': 'english' }, 'english_possessive_stemmer': { 'type': 'stemmer', 'language': 'possessive_english' }, 'german_stop': { 'type': 'stop', 'stopwords': '_german_' }, 'german_stemmer': { 'type': 'stemmer', 'language': 'light_german' }, 'french_elision': { 'type': 'elision', 'articles_case': True, 'articles': [ 'l', 'm', 't', 'qu', 'n', 's', 'j', 'd', 'c', 'jusqu', 'quoiqu', 'lorsqu', 'puisqu' ] }, 'french_stop': { 'type': 'stop', 'stopwords': '_french_' }, 'french_keywords': { 'type': 'keyword_marker', 'keywords': ['Exemple'] }, 'french_stemmer': { 'type': 'stemmer', 'language': 'light_french' } }, 'analyzer': { 'english_html': { 'tokenizer': 'standard', 'char_filter': [ 'html_strip' ], 'filter': [ 'english_possessive_stemmer', 'lowercase', 'english_stop', 'english_stemmer' ] }, 'german_html': { 'tokenizer': 'standard', 'char_filter': [ 'html_strip' ], 'filter': [ 'lowercase', 'german_stop', 'german_normalization', 'german_stemmer' ] }, 'french_html': { 'tokenizer': 'standard', 'char_filter': [ 'html_strip' ], 'filter': [ 'french_elision', 'lowercase', 'french_stop', 'french_keywords', 'french_stemmer' ] }, 'autocomplete': { 'type': 'custom', 'char_filter': ['html_strip'], 'tokenizer': 'standard', 'filter': ['lowercase'] }, 'tags': { 'type': 'custom', 'tokenizer': 'keyword', 'filter': ['lowercase'] }, } }
[docs] class IndexParts(NamedTuple):
[docs] hostname: str | None
[docs] schema: str | None
[docs] language: str | None
[docs] type_name: str | None
[docs] version: str | None
[docs] def parse_index_name(index_name: str) -> IndexParts: """ Takes the given index name and returns the hostname, schema, language and type_name in a dictionary. * If the index_name doesn't match the pattern, all values are None. * If the index_name has no version, the version is None. """ parts = index_name.split('-') if len(parts) == 4: hostname, schema, language, type_name = parts version = None elif len(parts) == 5: hostname, schema, language, type_name, version = parts else: hostname = None schema = None language = None type_name = None version = None return IndexParts( hostname=hostname, schema=schema, language=language, type_name=type_name, version=version )
[docs] class IndexerBase:
[docs] queue: 'Queue[Any]'
[docs] failed_task: 'Task | None' = None
[docs] def process( self, block: bool = False, timeout: float | None = None ) -> int: """ Processes the queue until it is empty or until there's an error. If there's an error, the next call to this function will try to execute the failed task again. This is mainly meant for elasticsearch outages. :block: If True, the process waits for the queue to be available. Useful if you run this in a separate thread. :timeout: How long the blocking call should block. Has no effect if ``block`` is False. :return: The number of successfully processed items """ try: processed = 0 while True: # get the previously failed task or a new one task = self.failed_task or self.queue.get(block, timeout) self.failed_task = None if self.process_task(task): processed += 1 else: # if the task failed, keep it for the next run and give up self.failed_task = task return processed except Empty: pass return processed
[docs] def process_task(self, task: 'Task') -> bool: try: getattr(self, task['action'])(task) except SearchOfflineError: return False self.queue.task_done() return True
[docs] class Indexer(IndexerBase): """ Takes actions from a queue and executes them on the elasticsearch cluster. Depends on :class:`IndexManager` for index management and expects to have the same :class:`TypeRegistry` as :class:`ORMEventTranslator`. The idea is that this class does the indexing/deindexing, the index manager sets up the indices and the orm event translator listens for changes in the ORM. A queue is used so the indexer can be run in a separate thread. """
[docs] queue: 'Queue[Task]'
def __init__( self, mappings: 'TypeMappingRegistry', queue: 'Queue[Task]', es_client: 'Elasticsearch', hostname: str | None = None ) -> None:
[docs] self.es_client = es_client
self.queue = queue
[docs] self.hostname = hostname or platform.node()
[docs] self.ixmgr = IndexManager(self.hostname, es_client=self.es_client)
[docs] self.mappings = mappings
[docs] def bulk_process(self) -> None: """ Processes the queue in bulk. This offers better performance but it is less safe at the moment and should only be used as part of reindexing. """ def actions() -> 'Iterator[dict[str, Any]]': try: task = self.queue.get(block=False, timeout=None) if task['action'] == 'index': yield { '_op_type': 'index', '_index': self.ensure_index(task), '_id': task['id'], 'doc': task['properties'] } elif task['action'] == 'delete': # FIXME: I'm unsure about how this ever worked... yield { '_op_type': 'delete', '_index': self.ensure_index(task), # type:ignore '_id': task['id'], 'doc': task['properties'] # type:ignore } else: raise NotImplementedError except Empty: pass for success, info in streaming_bulk(self.es_client, actions()): if success: self.queue.task_done()
[docs] def ensure_index(self, task: 'IndexTask') -> str: return self.ixmgr.ensure_index( task['schema'], task['language'], self.mappings[task['type_name']], return_index='internal' )
[docs] def index(self, task: 'IndexTask') -> None: index = self.ensure_index(task) self.es_client.index( index=index, id=task['id'], # type:ignore[arg-type] document=task['properties'] )
[docs] def delete(self, task: 'DeleteTask') -> None: # get all the types this model could be stored in (with polymorphic) # identites, this could be many mapping = self.mappings[task['type_name']] if mapping.model: types = utils.related_types(mapping.model) else: types = {} # delete the document from all languages (because we don't know # which one anymore) - and delete from all related types (polymorphic) for type in types: ix = self.ixmgr.get_external_index_name( schema=task['schema'], language='*', type_name=type ) # for the delete operation we need the internal index names for internal in self.es_client.indices.get_alias(index=ix).keys(): try: self.es_client.delete( index=internal, id=task['id'] # type:ignore[arg-type] ) except NotFoundError: pass
[docs] class PostgresIndexer(IndexerBase):
[docs] TEXT_SEARCH_COLUMN_NAME = 'fts_idx'
[docs] idx_language_mapping = { 'de': 'german', 'fr': 'french', 'it': 'italian', 'en': 'english', }
[docs] queue: 'Queue[IndexTask]'
def __init__( self, queue: 'Queue[IndexTask]', engine: 'Engine', ) -> None: self.queue = queue
[docs] self.engine = engine
[docs] def index( self, tasks: 'list[IndexTask] | IndexTask', session: 'Session | None' = None ) -> bool: """ Update the 'fts_idx' column (full text search index) of the given object(s)/task(s). In case of a bunch of tasks we are assuming they are all from the same schema and table in order to optimize the indexing process. When a session is passed we use that session's transaction context and use a savepoint instead of our own transaction to perform the action. :param tasks: A list of tasks to index :param session: Supply an active session :return: True if the indexing was successful, False otherwise """ content = [] if not isinstance(tasks, list): tasks = [tasks] try: for task in tasks: language = ( self.idx_language_mapping.get(task['language'], 'simple')) data = { k: str(v) for k, v in task['properties'].items() if not k.startswith('es_')} _id = task['id'] content.append( {'language': language, 'data': data, '_id': _id}) schema = tasks[0]['schema'] tablename = tasks[0]['tablename'] id_key = tasks[0]['id_key'] table = sqlalchemy.table( tablename, (id_col := sqlalchemy .column(id_key)), # type: ignore[var-annotated] sqlalchemy.column(self.TEXT_SEARCH_COLUMN_NAME), schema=schema # type: ignore ) tsvector_expr = sqlalchemy.text( 'to_tsvector(:language, :data)').bindparams( sqlalchemy.bindparam('language', type_=sqlalchemy.String), sqlalchemy.bindparam('data', type_=sqlalchemy.JSON) ) stmt = ( sqlalchemy.update(table) .where(id_col == sqlalchemy.bindparam('_id')) .values({self.TEXT_SEARCH_COLUMN_NAME: tsvector_expr}) ) if session is None: connection = self.engine.connect() with connection.begin(): connection.execute(stmt, content) else: # use a savepoint instead with session.begin_nested(): session.execute(stmt, content) except Exception as ex: index_log.error(f"Error '{ex}' indexing schema " f'{tasks[0]["schema"]} table ' f'{tasks[0]["tablename"]}') return False return True
# FIXME: bulk_process should probably be the only function we use for # the Postgres indexer, we don't have to worry about individual # transactions failing as much
[docs] def bulk_process(self, session: 'Session | None' = None) -> None: """ Processes the queue in bulk. This offers better performance but it is less safe at the moment and should only be used as part of reindexing. Gather all index tasks, group them by model and index batch-wise """ def task_generator() -> 'Iterator[IndexTask]': while not self.queue.empty(): task = self.queue.get(block=False, timeout=None) self.queue.task_done() yield task grouped_tasks = groupby(task_generator(), key=itemgetter('action', 'tablename')) for (action, tablename), tasks in grouped_tasks: task_list = list(tasks) if action == 'index': self.index(task_list, session) else: raise NotImplementedError("Action '{action}' not " 'implemented')
[docs] class TypeMapping:
[docs] __slots__ = ('name', 'mapping', 'version', 'model')
def __init__( self, name: str, mapping: dict[str, Any], model: type[Searchable] | None = None ) -> None:
[docs] = name
[docs] self.mapping = self.add_defaults(mapping)
[docs] self.version = utils.hash_mapping(mapping)
[docs] self.model = model
[docs] def add_defaults(self, mapping: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: mapping['es_public'] = { 'type': 'boolean' } mapping['es_last_change'] = { 'type': 'date' } mapping['es_suggestion'] = { 'analyzer': 'autocomplete', 'type': 'completion', 'contexts': [ { 'name': 'es_suggestion_context', 'type': 'category' } ] } mapping['es_tags'] = { 'analyzer': 'tags', 'type': 'text', } return mapping
[docs] def for_language(self, language: str) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the mapping for the given language. Mappings can be slightly different for each language. That is, the analyzer changes. Because the :class:`IndexManager` puts each language into its own index we do not have to worry about creating different versions of the same mapping here. """ return self.supplement_analyzer(deepcopy(self.mapping), language)
[docs] def supplement_analyzer( self, dictionary: dict[str, Any], language: str ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Iterate through the dictionary found in the type mapping and replace the 'localized' type with a 'text' type that includes a language specific analyzer. """ supplement = None for key, value in dictionary.items(): if hasattr(value, 'items'): dictionary[key] = self.supplement_analyzer(value, language) elif key == 'type' and value.startswith('localized'): supplement = value.replace('localized', language) break if supplement: assert 'analyzer' not in dictionary dictionary[key] = 'text' dictionary['analyzer'] = ES_ANALYZER_MAP[supplement] return dictionary
[docs] class TypeMappingRegistry:
[docs] mappings: dict[str, TypeMapping]
def __init__(self) -> None: self.mappings = {}
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> TypeMapping: return self.mappings[key]
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> 'Iterator[TypeMapping]': yield from self.mappings.values()
[docs] def register_orm_base(self, base: type[object]) -> None: """ Takes the given SQLAlchemy base and registers all :class:`` objects. """ for model in utils.searchable_sqlalchemy_models(base): self.register_type(model.es_type_name, model.es_properties, model)
[docs] def register_type( self, type_name: str, mapping: dict[str, Any], model: type[Searchable] | None = None ) -> None: """ Registers the given type with the given mapping. The mapping is as dictionary representing the part below the ``mappings/type_name``. See: `<\ indices-create-index.html#mappings>`_ When the mapping changes, a new index is created internally and the alias to this index (the external name of the index) is pointed to this new index. As a consequence, a change in the mapping requires a reindex. """ assert type_name not in self.mappings self.mappings[type_name] = TypeMapping(type_name, mapping, model)
[docs] def registered_fields(self) -> set[str]: """ Goes through all the registered types and returns the a set with all fields used by the mappings. """ return {key for mapping in self for key in mapping.mapping.keys()}
[docs] class IndexManager: """ Manages the creation/destruction of indices. The indices it creates have an internal name and an external alias. To facilitate that, versions are used. """
[docs] created_indices: set[str]
def __init__(self, hostname: str, es_client: 'Elasticsearch') -> None: assert hostname and es_client
[docs] self.hostname = hostname
[docs] self.es_client = es_client
self.created_indices = set() @property
[docs] def normalized_hostname(self) -> str: return utils.normalize_index_segment( self.hostname, allow_wildcards=False)
[docs] def query_indices(self) -> set[str]: """ Queryies the elasticsearch cluster for indices belonging to this hostname. """ return set( # type:ignore[union-attr] index=f'{self.normalized_hostname}-*', h='index' ).splitlines() )
[docs] def query_aliases(self) -> set[str]: """ Queryies the elasticsearch cluster for aliases belonging to this hostname. """ result = set() infos = self.es_client.indices.get_alias( index='{}-*'.format(self.normalized_hostname) ) for info in infos.values(): for alias in info['aliases']: result.add(alias) return result
[docs] def ensure_index( self, schema: str, language: str, mapping: TypeMapping, return_index: Literal['external', 'internal'] = 'external' ) -> str: """ Takes the given database schema, language and type name and creates an internal index with a version number and an external alias without the version number. :schema: The database schema this index is based on. :language: The language in ISO 639-1 format. :mapping: The :class:`TypeMapping` mapping used in this index. :return_index: The index name to return. Either 'external' or 'internal'. :return: The (external/aliased) name of the created index. """ assert schema and language and mapping assert len(language) == 2 assert return_index == 'external' or return_index == 'internal' external = self.get_external_index_name(schema, language, internal = self.get_internal_index_name( schema, language,, mapping.version) return_value = return_index == 'external' and external or internal if internal in self.created_indices: return return_value if self.es_client.indices.exists(index=internal): self.created_indices.add(internal) return return_value # create the index self.es_client.indices.create( index=internal, mappings={ 'properties': mapping.for_language(language) }, settings={ 'analysis': ANALYSIS_CONFIG, 'index': { 'number_of_shards': 1, 'number_of_replicas': 0, 'refresh_interval': '5s' } } ) # point the alias to the new index self.es_client.indices.put_alias(name=external, index=internal) # cache the result self.created_indices.add(internal) return return_value
[docs] def remove_expired_indices( self, current_mappings: 'Iterable[TypeMapping]' ) -> int: """ Removes all expired indices. An index is expired if it's version number is no longer known in the current mappings. :return: The number of indices that were deleted. """ active_versions = {m.version for m in current_mappings} count = 0 for index in self.query_indices(): info = parse_index_name(index) if info.version and info.version not in active_versions: self.es_client.indices.delete(index=index) self.created_indices.remove(index) count += 1 return count
[docs] def get_managed_indices_wildcard(self, schema: str) -> str: """ Returns a wildcard index name for all indices managed. """ return '-'.join(( utils.normalize_index_segment( self.hostname, allow_wildcards=False), utils.normalize_index_segment( schema, allow_wildcards=False), '*' ))
[docs] def get_external_index_names( self, schema: str, languages: 'Iterable[str]' = '*', types: 'Iterable[str]' = '*' ) -> str: """ Returns a comma separated string of external index names that match the given arguments. Useful to pass on to elasticsearch when targeting multiple indices. """ return ','.join( self.get_external_index_name(schema, language, type_name) for language in languages for type_name in types )
[docs] def get_external_index_name( self, schema: str, language: str, type_name: str ) -> str: """ Generates the external index name from the given parameters. """ return '-'.join( utils.normalize_index_segment(segment, allow_wildcards=True) for segment in (self.hostname, schema, language, type_name) )
[docs] def get_internal_index_name( self, schema: str, language: str, type_name: str, version: str ) -> str: """ Generates the internal index name from the given parameters. """ return '-'.join(( self.get_external_index_name(schema, language, type_name), utils.normalize_index_segment(version, allow_wildcards=False) ))
[docs] class ORMLanguageDetector(utils.LanguageDetector):
[docs] html_strip_expression = re.compile(r'<[^<]+?>')
[docs] def localized_properties(self, obj: Searchable) -> 'Iterator[str]': for key, definition in obj.es_properties.items(): if definition.get('type', '').startswith('localized'): yield key
[docs] def localized_texts( self, obj: Searchable, max_chars: int | None = None ) -> 'Iterator[str]': chars = 0 for p in self.localized_properties(obj): text = getattr(obj, p, '') if not isinstance(text, str): continue yield text.strip() chars += len(text) if max_chars is not None and max_chars <= chars: break
[docs] def detect_object_language(self, obj: Searchable) -> str: properties = self.localized_properties(obj) if not properties: # here, the mapping will be the same for all languages return self.supported_languages[0] text = ' '.join(self.localized_texts(obj, max_chars=1024)) text = self.html_strip_expression.sub('', text).strip() if not text: return self.supported_languages[0] try: return self.detect(text) except LangDetectException: return self.supported_languages[0]
[docs] class ORMEventTranslator: """ Handles the onegov.core orm events, translates them into indexing actions and puts the result into a queue for the indexer to consume. The queue may be limited. Once the limit is reached, new events are no longer processed and an error is logged. """
[docs] converters = { 'date': lambda dt: dt and dt.isoformat(), }
[docs] es_queue: 'Queue[Task]'
[docs] psql_queue: 'Queue[IndexTask]'
def __init__( self, mappings: TypeMappingRegistry, max_queue_size: int = 0, languages: 'Sequence[str]' = ('de', 'fr', 'en') ) -> None:
[docs] self.mappings = mappings
self.es_queue = Queue(maxsize=max_queue_size) self.psql_queue = Queue(maxsize=max_queue_size)
[docs] self.detector = ORMLanguageDetector(languages)
[docs] self.stopped = False
[docs] def on_insert(self, schema: str, obj: object) -> None: if not self.stopped: if isinstance(obj, Searchable): self.index(schema, obj)
[docs] def on_update(self, schema: str, obj: object) -> None: if not self.stopped: if isinstance(obj, Searchable): self.delete(schema, obj) self.index(schema, obj)
[docs] def on_delete(self, schema: str, obj: object) -> None: if not self.stopped: if isinstance(obj, Searchable): self.delete(schema, obj)
[docs] def put(self, translation: 'Task') -> None: try: self.es_queue.put_nowait(translation) if translation['action'] == 'index': # we only need to provide index tasks for fts self.psql_queue.put_nowait(translation) except Full: log.error('The orm event translator queue is full!')
[docs] def index(self, schema: str, obj: Searchable) -> None: if obj.es_skip: return if obj.es_language == 'auto': language = self.detector.detect_object_language(obj) else: language = obj.es_language translation: IndexTask = { 'action': 'index', 'id': getattr(obj, obj.es_id), 'id_key': obj.es_id, 'schema': schema, 'type_name': obj.es_type_name, # FIXME: not needed for fts 'tablename': obj.__tablename__, # type:ignore[attr-defined] 'language': language, 'properties': {} } mapping_ = self.mappings[obj.es_type_name].for_language(language) for prop, mapping in mapping_.items(): if prop == 'es_suggestion': continue convert = self.converters.get(mapping['type'], lambda v: v) raw = getattr(obj, prop) if is_non_string_iterable(raw): translation['properties'][prop] = [convert(v) for v in raw] else: translation['properties'][prop] = convert(raw) if obj.es_public: contexts = {'es_suggestion_context': ['public']} else: contexts = {'es_suggestion_context': ['private']} suggestion = obj.es_suggestion if is_non_string_iterable(suggestion): translation['properties']['es_suggestion'] = { 'input': suggestion, 'contexts': contexts } else: translation['properties']['es_suggestion'] = { 'input': [suggestion], 'contexts': contexts } self.put(translation)
[docs] def delete(self, schema: str, obj: Searchable) -> None: translation: DeleteTask = { 'action': 'delete', 'schema': schema, 'type_name': obj.es_type_name, 'tablename': obj.__tablename__, # type:ignore[attr-defined] 'id': getattr(obj, obj.es_id) } self.put(translation)